
“I am proud to be a voice in the United States Senate for Washington’s tribal governments and tribal people. I believe we have a responsibility to live up to the promises the U.S. government made and that means working to meet our tribes’ health care, education, and other treaty-protected rights.”

My Priorities

  • Safeguarding the sovereignty of tribal governments and the government-to-government relationship with the United States.
  • Upholding the federal government’s trust responsibility and treaty obligations.
  • Promoting economic development in tribal communities.
  • Ensuring tribes have equal access to federal grant programs and other services.
  • Increasing funding for treaty-guaranteed services, such as education and health care.
  • Ensuring the Federal Government does its part to restore healthy salmon populations, which are critical to many Northwest tribes’ culture, diet, and identity.

My Accomplishments

  • Cosponsored and helped pass the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.
  • Increased funding for tribal communities, especially in critical areas such as health care, education, transportation, and infrastructure.
  • Helped draft and pass into law improvements to the tribal components of the Head Start reauthorization.
  • Sponsored and helped pass into law the Hoh Indian Tribe Safe Homelands Act to allow the Hoh Tribe to move out of a tsunami zone and flood plain.
  • Cosponsored and helped pass into law legislation to ensure the Quileute Tribe can move out of a tsunami zone.