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Rangel Honors Three Kings Day

Congressman Charles Rangel on Thursday released the following Congressional Record statement in celebration of the feast of the Epiphany or more commonly known as Three Kings Day. The celebration, marked locally with a children's parade in El Barrio, commemorates the Biblical visit of the Magi to visit the newborn baby Jesus twelve days after Christmas. 

Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask my colleagues to spend  some time today to remember the Christian feast of the Epiphany,  or as many in my community know it, Three Kings Day. 

For millions around the world, especially Latinos, the final curtain on the holiday season doesn't begin to fall until today, January 6. From El Barrio through Mexico, and the Caribbean all the way down to the tip of South America, communities find their own unique ways  to celebrate the Biblical journey of Balthasar, Melchior, and Caspar. 

Like Christmas, Three Kings Day is a day for kids and family, a time to not just exchange gifts, but also appreciate what we have. In the East Harlem section of my Congressional District, the day has been marked for 34 years by a children's parade organized by El Museo del Barrio. Mr. Speaker, seeing these children in costumes and coats walking the streets of Fifth Avenue, you would be instantly reminded about how special they each are and the special responsibility we have in making sure that they have  just as many opportunities to succeed -- if not more -- than any of us standing in these great walls. 

Balthasar, Melchior, and Caspar traveled on the wings of hope, believing that a better future lay in the hands of a humble child in the manger. They did not  dismiss him because he was a carpenter's son or because he was poor. They did not ask about his immigration status or whether his parents had proper paperwork. They crossed deserts and overcame hurdles because they believed that his future was as bright and limitless as the stars that adorned the sky.

Unfortunately, not enough of today's children have been given such investment of time and energy. Despite the tireless work of many parents and educators, far too many are falling through the cracks in schools that are ill-equipped to teach them the skills necessary for work and life.

So on this last weekend of the holiday season, let all of us remember the greatness that lies in each of our children. Let us renew our commitment to our next generation by developing partnerships that will equip them with the tools they will need to realize their goals and dreams.

Let us remember that acts of kindness and generosity should extend well into the year and that the future of this great land depends on the opportunities we create for our children to shine and reach their full potential.



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