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Rangel Calls For Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel joined President Obama today, calling for new immigration reform following the President's remarks in El Paso, Texas:

"Immigrants want to contribute to the greatness of our nation as their predecessors who arrived in Ellis Island did. Our current system is broken and it's not just the immigrants but also middle class Americans who are paying the price," said Congressman Rangel.

According to the Center for American Progress, the Department of Homeland Security would have to spend $285 billion, or $23,148 per person, to arrest, detain and deport all undocumented or unauthorized immigrants. That, as opposed to the $1.5 trillion in cumulative GDP growth that could be gained over 10 years through legalization or the estimated $4.5 billion to $5.4 billion in additional net tax revenue that could be generated the earnings of newly legalized workers in the first three years under comprehensive immigration reform.

Rangel is a proud co-sponsor of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009, which brings millions who are already making valuable contributions in our communities out of the shadows by reforming employment verification, visa processing, the legalization procedure, and many other important reforms.

"I have seen the positive impact that immigrants have had in Northern Manhattan, especially Washington Heights," Rangel said.  "They have started new businesses, invigorated local economies and brought new energy to community institutions. It's important that we provide tools for immigrants to succeed in America so they can strengthen our economy and increase our global competitiveness."

Rangel is a also a vocal supporter of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which offer a pathway of citizenship for the thousands of undocumented children who were brought over by their parents when they were very young and know of America as their only home.



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