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Rangel: We Will Never Forget 9/11

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement as he joined President Barack Obama and the families of 9/11 victims and first responders at Ground Zero.

"Today, we stand together united, as a nation, to pay tribute to the families of all the victims who perished on and because of 9/11.

While even the death of Osama bin Laden could never heal their wounds or even bring complete closure for their loss, I hope the families would take solace in knowing that our nation will never forget their loved ones or the sacrifices that were made.

Although our world is safer today, fear and violent acts of terrorism have not been eradicated. We must and will continue to protect Americans at home and fight injustice in the world. We must continue to remain vigilant against not just those who would seek to harm our nation, but also against those forces that encourage humanity to turn towards hate and violence. Poverty, prejudice, lack of economic opportunity -- these are issues that not only threaten our national security, but also sow the seed of extremism around the world.

Today, especially in this city, is a day to honor and remember all those who perished because of 9/11 -- the victims on the planes, the first-responders who rushed to try to save lives, those who have since fallen to health ailments related to being at Ground Zero, and all the men and women of the military who serve abroad to defend our interests.

Every day is a day to remember that the freedom we enjoy is not free. Let us pay solemn tribute to the faceless heroes and show support for their families."



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