Press Releases

WASHINGTON- House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) today congratulated the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on the final report of their investigation into Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE. The report recommendations include that the United States should pay close attention to penetration of the U.S. telecommunications market by companies linked to foreign militaries, that U.S. private sector firms pay close attention to the risks associated with doing business with those same companies, and congressional committees should investigate the unfair trade practices of the Chinese telecommunications sector and should consider legislation to ensure the security of critical infrastructure (which the HASC has already done in part, specifically, section 806 of the FY11 National Defense Authorization Act). The Intelligence Committee's action follows an as yet unfulfilled White House pledge from 2011 to report on challenges and solutions to the cyber supply chain with specific reference to Huawei and ZTE. 

"I commend Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Ruppersberger for their report."

"The Armed Services Committee has been concerned about the threat from companies linked to the Chinese military and intelligence services for years. Two years ago we provided DOD the authority to protect its direct supply chain and this year we acted to protect the nuclear weapons complex as well.”

"The Committee believes that the White House should urgently address the recommendations of the Rogers / Ruppersberger report and issue guidance for both government and industry immediately.”

"In the meantime, I urge all cleared defense contractors to search their own supply chains for equipment manufactured or serviced by Huawei or ZTE. The HPSCI report makes clear that defense contractors may be at risk of theft, diversion or tampering with U.S. intellectual property and U.S. military technology should they purchase equipment from Huawei or ZTE.”