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On March 26, 2012, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) joins Dagen McDowell and Connell McShane of Fox Business to discuss the start of the Supreme Court hearings on the health care law.

On March 26, 2012, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) discusses the importance of moving forward with the entire Keystone XL pipeline project with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business. Hoeven also welcomes Senate debate on energy policies that will help to lower gas prices and improve the nation's energy security.

On March 8, 2012, Senator Hoeven joins Fox Business' Connell McShane to discuss an amendment he introduced that would move forward the Keystone XL pipeline, while providing necessary safeguards. It allows construction to go forward on the pipeline to help lower rising gas prices, which are hurting American consumers and our economy, and to reduce our nation's dependence on oil from the Middle East

On March 8, 2012, Sens. John Hoeven (R-ND) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) talk with Larry Kudlow of CNBC's Kudlow Report about the importance of moving forward construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

On Feb. 24, 2012, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) discusses energy and security issues with Connell McShane on Fox Business. Hoeven, who recently returned from a national security mission in the Middle East, discusses the importance of moving forward with energy projects like the Keystone XL pipeline in light of instability in the region.

On Feb. 8, 2012, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) joins CNN's Soledad O'Brien to discuss the recent HHS recent ruling that requires religious organizations to provide contraceptives, in opposition to their moral beliefs, as part of health insurance plans.

On Feb. 8, 2012, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) joins MSNBC's Chris Matthews to discuss the Administration's ruling mandating some faith-based institutions to provide coverage for contraception, abortifacients and sterilization. Hoeven urges the Administration to reverse the policy, which is a violation of religious freedoms.

On Jan. 30, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) joins Lou Dobbs on Fox Business to discuss legislation to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline and move the job-creating project forward. Click for more information on the bill, which is supported by 45 Senators.

On Jan. 30, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) speaks with Fox Business' Dagen McDowell about legislation he is introducing, along with 43 other senators, to move forward the Keystone XL pipeline. For more information on the legislation, click

On January 20, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) speaks with Fox Business' Connell McShane about the importance of moving forward with the Keystone XL Pipeline, a project that would create thousands of jobs, improve our energy independence and national security.

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Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-2551
Fax: 202-224-7999
Bismarck, ND
US Federal Building
220 East Rosser Avenue
Room 312
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-250-4618
Fax: 701-250-4484
Fargo, ND
1802 32nd Avenue South
Room B
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: 701-239-5389
Fax: 701-239-5112
Grand Forks, ND
Federal Building
102 North Fourth Street
Room 108
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Phone: 701-746-8972
Minot, ND
315 Main Street, South
Room 204
Minot, ND 58701
Phone: (701) 838-1361