The October 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available

The October 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available.

In this issue:

*Find out how you can help define levels of digital preservationOctober 2012 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter

*Reflections on CurateCamp processing

*Read about three individuals who are working on the preservation of video games

*Learn about the difference between domains and subdomains in web archiving

*Recent interviews: Dan Perkel, Researcher at IDEO; Anthony Cocciolo, Asst. Professor at Pratt Institute; and Bradley Daigle, Dir. Digital Curation Services and Digital Strategist at UVA

*New International Internet Preservation Consortium website launched

*The Digital Preservation Outreach and Education initiative expands trainer network

*Call for proposals: Best Practices Exchange due Oct. 12; Personal Digital Archiving conference due Nov. 2

*Coming Soon: open application period for the National Digital Stewardship Residency Program


  1. Chris Rusbridge
    October 7, 2012 at 5:09 am

    Oh dear, years on and the LoC Newsletter is STILL published online in the most inappropriate format for on-line reading: two column PDF! At least this edition does ot require much scrolling up and down to read the stories. But can we PLEASE have the newsletter published in formats that recognise the realities of reading today?

    (Perhaps the LoC staff all have huge screens and can easily get a readable page onscreen, but many of us have to use laptops or netbooks for the purpose!)

  2. Erin Engle
    October 9, 2012 at 6:23 pm


    Our newsletter was conceived as a digest of our latest news. Anyone can subscribe to it and receive it in their email inbox once a month.

    Our 2-page, 2-column format allows us to share as much of our daily content produced on The Signal as possible and it’s reflective of a tradtional printed newsletter, with short, concise paragraphs. As the newsletter links to the original blog posts, we hope this strikes a balance for our subscribers who read news online and for those who prefer to read in print, with the option of going online and visiting our blog for the full posts.

    We’ve produced our monthly newsletter since March 2008. We have over 19,000 subscribers to date. We’re pretty excited about that and that we’re broadly sharing digital preservation news within and outside of our community.

    I hope this addresses your concern. Feel free to email me with any other comments or suggestions you may have at eengle at loc dot gov.


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