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Coats Calls on Administration to Investigate Classified Intel Leaks

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, today sent a letter to President Barack Obama expressing concern about the continued leaks of classified information by the administration.

Senators Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and James Risch (R-Idaho), also members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, joined Coats in sending the letter to President Obama.

In their letter, the senators wrote, “We are resigned to the fact that in these waning days of the campaign season, and in the shadow of the Benghazi terrorist attacks – for which there are still too many unanswered questions – members of your administration are not only discussing highly classified matters with reporters, but are perceived to be engaging in such activity for the purpose of bolstering your national security credentials.

“Given the unprecedented number of leaks that have occurred during your administration, going back to information provided to David Sanger, news reports identifying sources and methods related to the second underwear bomber, and the original ‘Kill List Story,’ we again ask you to reconsider your decision not to appoint an independent investigator.”

The complete text of the letter is below. Click here for a copy of the signed letter.

November 2, 2012

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20502

Dear Mr. President:

On November 1, 2012, the Washington Post ran a column by Greg Miller titled “CIA Rushed to Save Diplomats as Libya Attack Was Underway.”  The article is littered with off the record quotes from “senior intelligence officials” within your administration. We are resigned to the fact that in these waning days of the campaign season, and in the shadow of the Benghazi terrorist attacks – for which there are still too many unanswered questions, members of your administration are not only discussing highly classified matters with reporters, but seem to be engaging in such activity for the purpose of bolstering your national security credentials.  We find it reprehensible that information in the article was provided to the press before Congress, and in some cases stands in direct contradiction to the information briefed to congressional oversight committees. 

We write today to ask if these disclosures were authorized, and if so, who authorized them and for what purpose?  If they were in fact leaks, and not authorized disclosures, what steps is your administration taking to find and prosecute those responsible? 

Finally, given the unprecedented number of leaks that have occurred during your administration, going back to information provided to David Sanger, news reports identifying sources and methods related to the second underwear bomber, and the original “Kill List Story,” we again ask you to reconsider your decision not to appoint an independent investigator.  These disclosures appear to have come from some of the highest individuals in your administration and appointing a Special Prosecutor would remove even the appearance of political influence.  

We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Dan Coats
United States Senator

Roy Blunt
United States Senator

James Risch
United States Senator

Marco Rubio
United States Senator
