


Updates from, the U.S. legislative information system, by . Also, information on the new system,

Washington, DC ·

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Good morning! The House convened at 10am and the Senate will meet at 2:30pm

Under clause 5(d) of Rule XX, the Chair announced to the House that... the whole number of the House is 433.

Starting at 5pm: House Rules Committee Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012

Scheduled maintenance- THOMAS and won't be available from 5pm 11/9 until 9am 11/12. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Reminder! Library maintenance this weekend - all LOC websites will be down & some buildings will be closed. Info at

Good Morning! Congress will not be meeting today & no hearings are scheduled.

1916 Jeannette Rankin (Montana) is the first woman elected to the United States Congress Map of Montana 1881

REMINDER: all Library websites down & some buildings to close this coming holiday weekend for maintenance.

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