Hanford Clean Up

Senator Murray has worked to ensure that the federal government meets its moral and legal obligation to clean up the Hanford Site. The Hanford Site, located in the Tri-Cities, is a legacy of the Manhattan Project and the Cold War. The development, production, and storage of nuclear material at the Hanford Site during WWII and the Cold War is an important part of America’s history.  

Cleanup of the nuclear material and contaminated waste at the site is an ongoing challenge, even fifty years after plutonium production ceased. The 1989 Tri-Party Agreement signed between the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and the State of Washington set forth a cleanup timetable and specific milestones that were to be achieved by specific dates. Throughout Senator Murray’s tenure in the Senate, she has made it a priority to help ensure that cleanup at the site has the proper oversight and adequate funding to stay on track and be conducted in a safe manner.

More on Hanford Nuclear Cleanup