Library of Congress

Library of Congress


We are the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in our collections.

Washington, DC ·

Many (if not all) of our public websites are back up & running, a little earlier than we had expected. Go team!

in 1871 Henry Stanley found David Livingstone in present-day Tanzania causing a worldwide sensation.

First International Summit of the Book: The Library of Congress on December 6 and 7 will host the first Internat...

Special Programming Complements Civil War Exhibit: The Library of Congress commemorates the 150th anniversary of...

Bioethics & Human Rights Celebrated Dec. 6: A group of distinguished speakers will discuss issues surrounding bi...

VHP Launches "Share Your Thanks" Initiative: During the month of November, the Veterans History Project (VHP) of...

Waste Not, Want Not: While the Civil War imposed hardships on both sides, the South found it particularly diffic...

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