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  2. Even if you haven't bought a plane ticket in years, you're paying for the airline industry's decision to charge baggage fees. Here's why: http://wapo.st/PGq3du
    Photo: Even if you haven't bought a plane ticket in years, you're paying for the airline industry's decision to charge baggage fees. Here's why: http://wapo.st/PGq3du
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    • Ricard Charamand
      Y dale con La Constitución: José María Aznar, desde el otro lado del Atlántico “ahí donde la mayoría ni saben donde está España, o si está en América latina o el Caribe” machaca una y otra vez con el mismo pretexto, La Constitución y La Constitución una y otra vez. La gente del (PP), o si prefieren los herederos de la dictadura de Franco deben de pensar, caray¡¡¡ que se han creído esta gente de Catalunya. Alianza popular la madre que parió al (PP) nunca hubiéramos desmontado La Dictadura de Franco si antes no hubiéramos asegurado el mantenimiento del poder real e inamovible con LA DICTADURA DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN. (No me mal interpretéis, yo no estoy contra LA CONSTITUCIÓN ni mucho menos), yo estoy en contra del mal uso de LA CONSTITUCIÓN y el abuso en su interpretación y, o su sacralización dogmática y fundamentalista. Aznar afirma desde Miami “mi país es una nación plural, compleja e incluyente”. También afirma, “pero a diferencia de los nacionalismos, lo que reivindica LA NACIÓN ESPAÑOLA no es la imposición identitaria sino LA LIBERTAD e IGUALDAD de los ciudadanos”. En la primera afirmación, a mi juicio, sobra la palabra (NACIÓN), “un país con tres lenguas y culturas claramente inidentificables, diferenciadas y diversas que interactúan y conviven en PAZ, armonía y NATURALIDAD en el conjunto del ESTADO y en cada una de sus NACIONES es mas bien un país PLURINACIONAL. “La palabra (COMPLEJA) es una admisión propia de la traición de su subconsciente”. En cuanto a su segunda afirmación, insinuar, aunque implícitamente, que CATALUNYA impone su identidad a parte significativa de sus ciudadanos, es faltar a LA VERDAD. Las imposiciones y, o prohibiciones fueron propias de LA DICTADURA de FRANCO que ahora sus admiradores pretenden perpetuar contra natura por medio de un sistema judicial gobernado por un órgano que la mayoría de sus miembros no convencen precisamente por sus convicciones democráticas, y por un Constitucional que dista mucho de ser sensible, realista con la realidad del país y muy fundamentalista en la interpretación de LA CONSTITUCIÓN. Este ultimo hecho incuestionable, ha convencido a la gran mayoría de los ciudadanos de Catalunya que el MARCO CONSTITUCIONAL ACTUAL no ampara sus derechos y anhelos legítimos, mas bien se hace un uso ilegitimo de la constitución para esposar y sofocar la voluntad política soberana de los ciudadanos de CATALUNYA. Llevo más que dos años proclamando que ESPAÑA no sobrevivirá si no reconoce su realidad PLURINACIONAL y negocia con buena fe una nueva arquitectura del ESTADO que se ajusta sin imposiciones a su realidad histórica y más importante aun, a la voluntad de los ciudadanos de sus naciones. Por otro lado, La vice presidenta del gobierno, reitera los mismos argumentos como un disco rayado. AH¡¡ perdonen, ayer ha regalado a nuestros oídos con “VAN A LA CONTRA DEL MUNDO” refiriéndose al President Mas y al líder del PNV vasco. Espero que La Sra. Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría entienda de una vez, que el President de La GENERALITAT de CATALUNYA ha sido elegido por PUEBLO CATALAN para servir a los ciudadanos de Catalunya en primer lugar, no al ESTADO. Y contrariamente a lo que afirma no VA A LA CONTRA DEL MUNDO, simplemente ejecuta una demanda masiva de los ciudadanos de Catalunya expresada libre y voluntariamente el día de LA DIADA el pasado 11s12. Las próximas elecciones, efectivamente plebiscitarias, ratificaran o no la VOLUNTAD de los CATALANES que llenaron el centro de Barcelona con sus esteladas. Ahora bien, Sra. Vice Presidenta, si los ciudadanos confirman las predicciones y las encuestas, el gobierno central no le queda otro camino “DEMOCRATICO” QUE serenarse y sentar a la mesa de negociación para encontrar una solución democrática como corresponde a un país Europeo y Democrático. Ricardo Charamand 19/10/2012. Catalunya, EUROPA
    • Ammar Khw
    • ابو نوح القعيطي
    • عمار السوائي
      تأثيرات هذه الصحيفة على السياسة العالمية لا يمكن إخفاؤها أو الاستهانة بها ..
  4. Today President Obama invented a new term, "Romnesia." http://wapo.st/Pftkke
    Photo: Today President Obama invented a new term, "Romnesia." http://wapo.st/Pftkke
  5. Conservative Christian scholar-activist Dinesh D'Souza has resigned as president of The King's College in New York. Last month, D'Souza, who is married, told people that he was also engaged. http://wapo.st/RYn2Sk
  6. Eugene Robinson: "Not a word has been said in the presidential debates about what may be the most urgent and consequential issue in the world: climate change." http://wapo.st/Qvw0qB
  7. Tight contests in swing states could hinge on the question of whether the campaign can turn sometimes disengaged young supporters into voters. http://wapo.st/QvlEqM
  8. Researchers have discovered an Earth-size "lava planet" orbiting a nearby star: http://wapo.st/V5oSkt
    Photo: Researchers have discovered an Earth-size "lava planet" orbiting a nearby star: http://wapo.st/V5oSkt
  9. Whether you know it or not, this man influenced the course of U.S. history.

    He was part of the team that uncovered Soviet missiles in Cuba, 50 years ago. His analysis helped inform President Kennedy's response to what could have become a nuclear war.

    This is his story, but it's also yours: http://wapo.st/PEvucR
    Photo: Whether you know it or not, this man influenced the course of U.S. history.

He was part of the team that uncovered Soviet missiles in Cuba, 50 years ago. His analysis helped inform President Kennedy's response to what could have become a nuclear war. 

This is his story, but it's also yours: http://wapo.st/PEvucR
  10. Who's fighting who in Syria? This adds so much context to the conflict in Syria -- and it illustrates what both Assad and Syria's rebels are up against: http://wapo.st/RHv9Sn

    Read it and share.
    Photo: Who's fighting who in Syria? This adds so much context to the conflict in Syria -- and it illustrates what both Assad and Syria's rebels are up against: http://wapo.st/RHv9Sn 

Read it and share.
  11. Mitt Romney is performing very, very well among white voters. The most recent polls show him winning this group by more than any GOP presidential candidate since Reagan.

    Why do you think Romney has such a lead among whites? http://wapo.st/PE6y5b
    Photo: Mitt Romney is performing very, very well among white voters. The most recent polls show him winning this group by more than any GOP presidential candidate since Reagan.

Why do you think Romney has such a lead among whites? http://wapo.st/PE6y5b
  12. Eddie Yost, the Washington Senators’ third baseman of the 1950s whose extraordinary ability to coax walks made him a pest to opposing pitchers and an anomaly in baseball history, died Oct. 16 at an assisted-living facility in Weston, Mass. He was 86. http://wapo.st/PDpalS
  13. For the first time, Gallup shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama by a figure that exceeds the margin of error: http://wapo.st/RUBRVV
  14. He lived life as a billionaire, but during his final days, Moammar Gaddafi was reduced to scrounging for food in the cupboards of empty homes. http://wapo.st/RUB0Vo
  15. These graphs help add context to some of the most important moments in last night's debate: http://wapo.st/RH01G5
  16. How do you think Candy Crowley did in last night's debate? http://wapo.st/RDV94w
    Photo: How do you think Candy Crowley did in last night's debate? http://wapo.st/RDV94w
  17. While both sides seek to play the expectations game, Ohio’s white, blue-collar swing voters — that will likely determine the presidential election — have already started casting votes. http://wapo.st/SZZJu5
  18. A star nearly next door to our sun — in galactic terms — is home to a hot little planet about the same size as Earth, scientists announced Tuesday. http://wapo.st/OHaMaP
  19. Under a portrait of Sir Isaac Newton, they put on a brave but ultimately false front after an attack that reinforces the security threat pervading the nation. http://wapo.st/TaIeJx
  20. We'll be fact checking the debate between Obama and Romney as it happens. Watch live video and follow along here: http://wapo.st/TnPTyz
    Photo: We'll be fact checking the debate between Obama and Romney as it happens. Watch live video and follow along here: http://wapo.st/TnPTyz
  21. Google’s efforts to track users across services such as YouTube and Gmail do not meet standards of privacy, officials will announce, in the latest of a number of regulatory challenges for the tech giant. http://wapo.st/SYSwWR
  22. The secretary of state pushes back at mounting criticism from Republicans about what President Obama knew about security concerns before the Sept. 11 attack in Libya. http://wapo.st/WrpBjz
  23. The latest weapon against Iran? J-Lo: http://wapo.st/Ryxum8
    Photo: The latest weapon against Iran? J-Lo: http://wapo.st/Ryxum8
  24. Don't like Romney or Obama? You've got choices.
    The presidential debate you haven't seen: Third-party candidates Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Virgil Goode face off exclusively on The Fold: http://wapo.st/SQQEUo
    Photo: The presidential debate you haven't seen: Third-party candidates Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Virgil Goode face off exclusively on The Fold: http://wapo.st/SQQEUo
  25. How do you pick yourself up when you feel like you've let your entire team down?

    This piece offers a revealing look at pitcher Drew Storen's night after the Nationals lost to the Cardinals: http://wapo.st/SRYJYM
    Photo: How do you pick yourself up when you feel like you've let your entire team down?

This piece offers a revealing look at pitcher Drew Storen's night after the Nationals lost to the Cardinals: http://wapo.st/SRYJYM
  26. Between 2000 and 2011, D.C. police closed at least 189 homicide cases without an arrest. Is this what justice looks like to you? http://wapo.st/RLMla2
    Photo: Between 2000 and 2011, D.C. police closed at least 189 homicide cases without an arrest. Is this what justice looks like to you? http://wapo.st/RLMla2
  27. LIVE BLOG: Redskins vs. Vikings.

    Robert Griffin III is back in the pocket after suffering a concussion last week as Washington hosts 4-1 Minnesota. http://wapo.st/W9Cct5
    Photo: LIVE BLOG: Redskins vs. Vikings. 

Robert Griffin III is back in the pocket after suffering a concussion last week as Washington hosts 4-1 Minnesota. http://wapo.st/W9Cct5