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  1. 4
    Thumbnail 4:34

    ACF Look Before You Lock

    by usgovACF 2,457 views

  2. 19
    Thumbnail 3:01

    Children's Bureau Express

    by usgovACF 51 views

  3. 23
    Thumbnail 5:16
  4. 36
    Thumbnail 15:07

    Look Beneath The Surface - Spanish

    by usgovACF 1,140 views

  5. 37
    Thumbnail 13:20

    Look Beneath The Surface - English

    by usgovACF 5,114 views

  6. 40
    Thumbnail 24:12


    by usgovACF 1,810 views

  7. 44
    Thumbnail 1:00:16
  8. 50
    Thumbnail 0:32

    Fatherhood - Manicure Spanish

    by usgovACF 463 views

  9. 51
    Thumbnail 0:32

    Fatherhood - Manicure

    by usgovACF 10,404 views

  10. 52
    Thumbnail 0:31

    Fatherhood - Double Dutch

    by usgovACF 4,920 views

  11. 53
    Thumbnail 0:31

    Fatherhood - Pizza Smoothie

    by usgovACF 2,528 views

  12. 56
    Thumbnail 0:31

    OCSE PSA - Hispanic Toolkit

    by usgovACF 828 views

  13. 58
    Thumbnail 7:09

    Head Start Educating Kids

    by usgovACF 240 views

About Administration for Children & Families

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities.


320 subscribers

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