International Horizons -- Library of Congress

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Selections of Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Calligraphy


Praises to Husayn
Prayer (du'a) for a king
Prayer (Du'a) for forgiveness
Prayer for God's mercy
Prayers for safety and success
Prayers for the New Year (Noruz)
Protocol of address
Quatrain by Rumi
Quatrain eulogizing a king
Quatrain for a king
Quatrain for the loved one
Quatrain of Kamal al-Din Isma'il
Quatrain on divine mercy
Quatrain on freedom
Quatrain on reaching divine unity
Quatrain on separation
Quatrain on the virtue of patience
Quatrain on true knowledge
Quatrain on unity of lovers
Quatrain praising vision
Qur'an carpet page
Qur'an carpet page; al-Fatihah
Qur'anic Chapters 1 and 114
Qur'anic verse (14:7) on blue and white marble paper
Qur'anic verses
Qur'anic verses (107-9, 110-112)
Qur'anic verses (44:56-59, 45:1-4)
Qur'anic verses (4: 94-100, 100-105)
Qur'anic verses (56:77-9) on carpet page
Qur'anic verses (9:33-36)
Ruba'i of Hafiz
Ruba'is by Hafiz
Sa'di's "Gulistan" (The Rose Garden)
Sa'di,"The Chinese Girl and the Slave"
Sa'di,"Two Lovers Lost at Sea"
Safavid Qur'an (2:11-27)
Safinah fragment
Sample calligraphies
Sample of a hopeful letter
Saying about Imam Husayn
Section of Mirkhwand's "Rawzat al-Safa'"
The seductivness of the world
Shi'i invocation to a ruler
Shi'i stamped amulet
Shi'i talismanic piece
Siyah Mashq
The sound of insanity
Spousal advice
Standing woman and a ghazal of Hafiz
Surat al-Nas and Du'a
Three bayts (verses) on worldly desires
Three bayts (verses) to a loved one
Three Ghazals by Tabib Isfahani
Tughra of Sultan Ahmed III
Two bayts (verses) of poetry
Two bayts (verses) on lovesickness
Two Bayts (verses) on modesty
Two textual excerpts
Two verses of poetry
Various verses of poetry
Verses by Amir Khusraw Dihlavi
Verses by Baba Tahir
Verses by Hafiz
Verses by Hilali
Verses by Jami
Verses by Shaykh Baha'i
Verses from Nizami's "Divan"
Verses in Persian and Chaghatay
Verses on hidden love
Verses on perceived value
Verses on the beloved
Verses on the permanence of good deeds
Verses on tragic love
Wall hanging
Wise saying (hikmah)

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