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Rael Collection Bibliography

Ahlborn, Richard E. The Penitente Moradas of Abiquiú. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986.

Arellano, Anselmo F., and Julián Josué Vigil. Las Vegas Grandes on the Gallinas. Las Vegas, New Mexico: Editorial Telaraña, 1985.

Beck, Warren A., and Unez D. Haase. Historical Atlas of New Mexico. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969.

Bonoratt, Raúl. Corridos mexicanos. México: Editores Mexicanos Unidos, 1987.

Brewer, Fred Meza. "La Pastoría." New Mexico Folklore Record 2 (1947-48): 46-57.

Briggs, Charles L. Competence in Performance: the Creativity of Tradition in Mexicano Verbal Art. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988.

Brown, Lorin W., with Charles L. Briggs and Marta Weigle. Hispano Folklife of New Mexico: The Lorin W. Brown Federal Writers' Project Manuscripts. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1978.

Cabeza de Baca Gilbert, Fabiola. The Good Life: New Mexico Traditions and Food. 1949. Reprint, Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1982.

----------. We Fed Them Cactus. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1954.

Campa, Arthur B. "A Bibliography of Spanish Folk-Lore in New Mexico." University of New Mexico Bulletin 2, no. 1, Language Series Whole No. 176 (September 1930).

----------. "Religious Spanish Folk Drama in New Mexico." New Mexico Quarterly 2 (1932): 3-13.

----------. "Spanish Folksongs in the Southwest." University of New Mexico Bulletin, Modern Language Series 4, no. 1 (1933).

----------. Spanish Religious Folktheatre in the Southwest (Second Cycle). University of New Mexico Bulletin, Modern Language Series 5, nos. 1 & 2 (June 15, 1934).

----------. Spanish Folk Poetry in New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1946.

----------. Treasure of the Sangre de Cristos. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.

----------. "Protest Folk Poetry in the Spanish Southwest." Colorado Quarterly 20 (1971-72): 355-63.

----------. Hispanic Culture in the Southwest. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979.

Campos, Rubén M. El folklore y la música mexicana. México: Publicaciones de la Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1928.

Champe, Flavia Waters. The Matachines Dance of the Upper Río Grande: History, Music, and Choreography. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.

Chase, Gilbert. The Music of Spain. New York: Dover Publications, 1941.

Chávez, Fray Angélico. "The Penitentes of New Mexico." New Mexico Historical Review 29 (1954):97-123.

----------. My Penitente Land: Reflections on Spanish New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974.

Cobos, Rubén. "The New Mexican Game of Valse Chiquiao." Western Folklore 15, 2 (April 1956): 95-101.

----------. A Dictionary of New Mexico and Southern Colorado Spanish. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1983.

Colahan, Clark, and Alfredo Rodríguez. "A New Mexico Alabado about María de Jesús de Agreda: Reflections on its Popular Retention and Transmission." Liberal and Fine Arts Review 5, no. 1 (January 1985):4-14.

Cutter, Charles R. "The WPA Federal Music Project in New Mexico." New Mexico Historical Review 61 (1986): 203-16.

Darley, Alexander M. The Passionists of the Southwest, or the Holy Brotherhood: A Revelation of the "Penitentes". 1893. Reprint, Glorieta, New Mexico: Río Grande Press, 1968.

De Córdova, Lorenzo (Lorin W. Brown). Echoes of the Flute. Santa Fe: Ancient City, 1972.

Deutsch, Sarah. No Separate Refuge: Culture, Class, and Gender on an Anglo-Hispanic Frontier in the American Southwest, 1880-1940. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Englekirk, John E. "The Source and Dating of New Mexican Spanish Folk Plays." Western Folklore 16, no. 4, (October 1957): 232-55.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. "Penitentes, Los Hermanos." In The Catholic Encyclopedia 11:635-36. New York: The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., 1913.

----------. "Romancero Nuevomejicano." Revue Hispanique 33 (1915): 446-560.

----------. "Spanish Folklore in New Mexico." New Mexico Historical Review 1, no. 2 (1926): 135-55.

----------. "Traditional Spanish Ballads in New Mexico." Hispania 15, no. 2 (March 1932): 89-102.

----------. The Folklore of Spain in the American Southwest: Traditional Spanish Folk Literature in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.

Estrada, Julio. La música de méxico. Vols. 3, 4. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984.

Fergusson, Erna. New Mexico, A Pageant of Three Peoples. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1973.

Flores, Jesús Romero. Corrido de la revolución mexicana. México: Costa-Amic Editores, 1979.

Forrest, Suzanne. The Preservation of the Village: New Mexico's Hispanics and the New Deal. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989.

Free Tract Society. Cantos de alabanza, pureza y poder. Los Angeles: 1930.

Geijerstam, Claes. Popular Music in Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1976.

Gonzales, Dolores, ed. Canciones y juegos de Nuevo México / Songs and Games of New Mexico. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1974.

González, William H. "El Álabado de Nuevo México." Romance Quarterly 29, no. 1 (1982): 85-91.

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians . Stanley Sadie, ed. London : Macmillan Publishers; Washington, D.C. : Grove's Dictionaries of Music, 1980.

Handcock, Nancy Tout. "A Comparative Study of the Janos, Chihuahua Nativity Play and a Las Vegas, New Mexico Version." Master's thesis, Stanford University, June 1959.

Henderson, Alice Corbin. Brothers of Light: The Penitentes of the Southwest. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937.

Hernández, Juan. "Cactus Whips and Wooden Crosses." Journal of American Folklore 76: 301 (July/Sept. 1963): 216-224.

Herrera-Sobek, María. "La Delgadina: Incest and Patriarchal Structure in a Spanish/Chicano Romance-Corrido." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 5 (Spring 1986): 90-107.

Historic Santa Fe Foundation. Old Santa Fe Today. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982.

Horgan, Paul. The Great River. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977.

Jaramillo, Cleofas M. Shadows of the Past (Sombras del Pasado). 1941. Reprint, Santa Fe: Ancient City Press, 1980.

----------. Romance of a Little Village Girl. San Antonio: Naylor, 1955.

Jenkins, Myra Ellen, and Albert H. Schroeder. A Brief History of New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974.

Kittle, J.L. "An Authentic Form of Folk Music in Colorado." Colorado Magazine 22, no. 2 (1945): 59-63.

----------. "Folk Music of the Upper Río Grande." Southwest Review 30, no. 2 (1945): 192-95.

Kurath, Gertrude Prokosch, and Antonio García. Music and Dance of the Tewa Pueblos. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1970.

Kutsche, Paul, and Dennis Gallegos. "Community Functions of the Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno." In The Survival of Spanish American Villages, edited by Paul Kutsche, 91-97. Colorado Springs: Colorado College, 1979.

Kutsche, Paul, and John R. Van Ness. Cañones: Values, Crisis, and Survival in a Northern New Mexico Village. Albuquerque: Univeristy of New Mexico Press, 1982.

Lamadrid, Enrique R. "Cipriano Vigil y la Nueva Canción nuevomexicana." Latin American Music Review 7, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1986): 119-222.

----------. "Los Corridos de Río Arriba: Two Ballads of the Land Grant Movement, 1965-70." Aztlán, 17, no. 2 (Fall 1986): 31-62.

----------. "Music Straight from the Heart," New Mexico Magazine 66, no. 7 (July 1988): 58-63.

---------. "Las entriegas: Ceremonial Music and Cultural Resistance on the Upper Río Grande: Research Notes and Catalog of the Cipriano Vigil Collection 1985-87." New Mexico Historical Review 65, no. 1 (January 1990): 1-19.

----------. "La Indita de San Luis Gonzaga: History, Faith, and Intercultural Relations in a New Mexican Sacred Ballad." In Ballads and Boundaries: Narrative Singing in an Intercultural Context, edited by James Porter, 76-83. (Los Angeles: University of California, 1995).

----------. "El Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida: Notes on Regional Style in Nuevo Mexicano Ballads" Aztlán 22, no. 1 (spring 1997): 1-21.

Lamadrid, Enrique R., and Jack Loeffler. Tesoros del espíritu: A Portrait in Sound of Hispanic New Mexico. Albuquerque: Academia / El Norte Publications, 1994.

Lamadrid, Enrique R., Jerome J. Martínez y Alire, and Jack Loeffler. Del cielo y la tierra/ Of Heaven and Earth: Alabados, oraciones y reflexiones sobre la Hermandad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, Sound Track Exhibit in Images of Penance, Images of Mercy Exhibit on the Penitente Brotherhood. Colorado Springs: Taylor Museum, 1991.

Lucero-White, Aurora. "Coloquios de los Pastores de Las Vegas." Master's thesis, New Mexico Normal University, 1932.

----------. Coloquios de los Pastores. Santa Fe, 1940.

Lucero-White Lea, Aurora. Folk-dances of the Spanish-Colonials of New Mexico. Santa Fe, Examiner Publishing Co., 1940.

----------. Literary Folklore of the Hispanic Southwest. San Antonio, Texas: Naylor Co., 1953.

Loeffler, Jack. "La Música de los Viejitos." New Mexico Magazine (June 1983): 42-48.

Lummis, Charles. The Land of Poco Tiempo. 1893. Reprint, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1966.

Marie, Sister Joseph. The Role of the Church and the Folk in the Development of the Early Drama in New Mexico. Philadelphia: Dolphin Press, 1948.

McDowell, John, H. "The Mexican Corrido: Formula and Theme in a Ballad Tradition." Journal of American Folklore 85, no. 337 (1972): 205-20.

Mendoza, Vicente T. El romance español y el corrido mexicano. México: Ediciones de la Universidad Nacional, 1939.

----------. Origen de las canciones. México: Anuario de la Sociedad Folklórica de México, 1941.

----------. Canciones mexicanas. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1948.

----------. Lírica infantil de México. México: Colegio de México, 1951.

----------. El corrido mexicano. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1954.

----------. Panorama de la música tradicional de México. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1956.

----------. La canción mexicana. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1961.

Mendoza, Vicente T., and Virginia R. R. de Mendoza. Estudio y clasificación de la música tradicional hispánica de Nuevo México. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1986.

Nostrand, Richard L. The Hispano Homeland. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.

Onís, Federico de. Canciones españolas: selección. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1946.

Onís, Federico de, and Emilio de Torre. Canciones españolas: selecciones 3, 4. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1954.

Ottaway, Harold N. "The Penitente Moradas of the Taos, New Mexico Area." Master's thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1975.

Otero Warren, Nina. Old Spain in Our Southwest. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936.

Paredes, Américo. With His Pistol in his Hand. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1958.

----------. Folktales of Mexico. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.

----------. A Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975.

Pearce, T. M. "The Mexican Shepherds' Play." Western Folklore 15, no. 2 (April 1956): 77-88.

----------. New Mexico Place Names. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1965.

Peña, Manuel. The Texas-Mexican Conjunto: History of a Working Class Music. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985.

Place, Edwin B. "A Group of Mystery Plays Found in a Spanish-Speaking Region of Southern Colorado." University of Colorado Studies 18, no. 1 (August 1930): 1-8.

Rael, Juan B. "The 'Proof of Identity' Element in Two New Mexican Cinderella Versions." Modern Language Forum 18 (April 1933): 125-26.

----------. "'Cosa nada' en el español nuevomejicano." Modern Language Notes 69, no. 1 (1934): 31-32.

----------. A Study of the Phonology and Morphology of New Mexico Spanish Based on a Collection of 400 Folktales. Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 1937.

----------. "The Theme of Theft of Food by Playing God-father in New Mexican Folklore." Hispania 20, no. 3 (October 1937): 231-34.

----------. "Alternate Forms in Speech of the Individual." Studies in Philology 36, no. 4 (1939): 664-70.

----------. "Associative Interference in New Mexican Spanish." Hispanic Review 7, no. 4 (October 1939): 324-326.

----------. "Cuentos españoles de Colorado y de Nuevo Méjico. (Primera Serie)." Journal of American Folk-Lore 52, nos. 205-206 (July-December, 1939): 227-323.

----------. "Associative Interference in New Mexican Spanish." Hispanic Review 8, no. 4 (October 1940): 346-349.

----------. "Gathering of Linguistic Material, Folk Music and Other Forms of Folklore in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico." Year Book of American Philosophical Society (1940): 232-33.

----------. "New Mexico Wedding Songs." Southern Folklore Quarterly 1, no. 1 (June 1940): 55-72.

----------. "Cuentos españoles de Colorado y de Nuevo Méjico (Segunda Serie)." Journal of American Folklore 55, nos. 215-216 (January-June, 1942): 1-193.

----------. "New Mexican Spanish Feasts." California Folklore Quarterly 1, no. 1 (January 1942): 83-90.

----------. "Un cantar hallado en Tucumán." Revista Iberoamericana 9, no. 17 (February 1945): 73-77.

----------. "New Mexico Folklore Bibliography." New Mexico Folklore Record 3 (1948-49): 38-39.

----------. The New Mexican 'Alabado' with Transcription of Music by Eleanor Hague. Stanford: Stanford University Publications, University Series, Language and Literature, vol. 9, no. 3, 1951.

----------. The Sources and Diffusion of the Mexican Shepherds' Plays. Guadalajara: Librería La Joyita, 1965.

----------. Cuentos Españoles de Colorado y Nuevo Mexico: Spanish Folk Tales of Colorado and New Mexico. 2nd ed. rev.. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1977.

Ralliere, Juan B. Cánticos Espirituales. Las Vegas, New Mexico: Revista Católica, 1908, 1928, 1933, and 1944.

Rivera, Rowena. "A Fifteenth-Century Spanish Romance in New Mexico." New Mexico Folklore Record 15 (1972-73): 80-81.

Reindorp, Reginald. The New Mexican Décima. Master's thesis, University of New Mexico, 1933.

Robb, John D. "The Sources of a New Mexico Folksong." New Mexico Folklore Record 5 (1950-51): 9-16.

----------. "Review of The New Mexican Alabado by Juan B. Rael," New Mexico Historical Review 26 (1951): 250-55.

----------. Hispanic Folk Songs of New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1954.

----------. "The Music of Los Pastores." Western Folklore 16, no. 4 (October 1957): 263-80.

----------. "The Matachines Dance." Western Folklore 20, no. 2 (April, 1961): 87-101.

----------. "The Relación in the United States." New Mexico Folklore Record 11 (1963-64): 1-6.

----------. "Folk Poets of New Mexico." New Mexico Magazine (December 25, 1966).

----------. "Songs of the Western Sheep Camps." New Mexico Folklore Record 12 (1969-70): 17-28.

----------. "H.V. Gonzales: Folk Poet of New Mexico." New Mexico Folklore Record 13 (1973-74): 1-6.

----------. Hispanic Folk Music of New Mexico and the Southwest: A Self Portrait of a People. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980.

Robe, Stanley L. Hispanic Legends from New Mexico: Narratives from the R. D. Jameson Collection. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1979.

Sedillo, Mela. Mexican and New Mexican Folkdances. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1938.

Spiess, Lincoln Bunce. A Mercedarian Antiphony. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1965.

Stark, Richard B. Music of the Spanish Folk Plays in New Mexico. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1969.

----------. Juegos infantiles cantados en Nuevo México. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1973.

----------. Music of the 'Bailes' in New Mexico. Santa Fe: International Folk Art Foundation, 1978.

----------. "Notes on a Search for Antecedents of New Mexican Alabado Music." In Hispanic Arts and Ethnohistory in the Southwest, edited by Marta Weigle, 117-28. Santa Fe: Ancient City Press, 1983.

Steele, Thomas J., S.J. Santos and Saints: Essays and Handbook. Albuquerque: Calvin Horn, 1974.

----------. "The Spanish Passion Play in New Mexico and Colorado." New Mexico Historical Review 53 (1978):239-59.

Steele, Thomas J., and Rowena Rivera. Penitente Self Government: Brotherhoods and Councils, 1797-1947. Santa Fe: Ancient City Press, 1985.

Swadesh, Frances. Los Primeros Pobladores: Hispanic Americans of the Ute Frontier. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1974.

Treviño, Adrián. Hispanic Violin Playing in the Southwest. Albuquerque: Trellis Publishing Company, 1987.

Tully, Marjorie F., and Juan B. Rael. An Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Folklore in New Mexico and Southern Colorado, UNM Publications in Language and Literature, Number 3. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1950.

Van Stone, Mary R. Spanish Folk Songs of New Mexico. Chicago: R.F. Seymour, 1926.

Varjabedian, Craig, with Michael Wallis, Felipe Ortega, and Charles Carrillo. En Divina Luz: The Penitente Moradas of New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994.

Wallrich, William. "Auxiliadoras de la Morada." Southwestern Lore 16 (1950):4-10.

Weigle, Marta. Brothers of Light, Brothers of Blood: The Penitentes of the Southwest. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1976.

----------. A Penitente Bibliography. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1976.

Weigle, Marta, and Thomas R. Lyons. "Brothers and Neighbors: The Celebration of Community in Penitente Villages." In Celebration: Studies in Festivity and Ritual, edited by Victor Turner, 231-51. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1982.

Weigle, Marta, and Peter White. The Lore of New Mexico. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989.

Woodward, Dorothy. The Penitentes of New Mexico. 1935. Reprint, New York: Arno, 1974.

Works Progress Administration. Spanish American Folk Songs of New Mexico. 1936-1937.

Works Progress Administration. Spanish-American Singing Games of New Mexico. WPA Music Project, Unit No. 3, revised 1940.

Works Progress Administration. Spanish-American Dance Tunes of New Mexico. 1942.

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