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Social Network Sites

What are online social network sites?

Social network sites are online communities that allow you to connect with, or provide resources to, clients, colleagues, family, and friends. Many social network sites allow you to upload videos, photos, create a blog, post events, join groups, and send messages.

There are many different types of social network sites, many of which are free, and they range from general to those tailored for a specific demographic or interest area. Some health-specific social network sites include PatientsLikeMe Exit Disclaimer and Daily Strength Exit Disclaimer. MiGente Exit Disclaimer and BlackPlanet Exit Disclaimer are examples of population-specific sites. Examples of general social network sites include MySpace Exit Disclaimer and Facebook Exit Disclaimer.

Social networks in response to HIV

  • Reach people with HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and research information.
  • Form support groups for those living with, or affected by, HIV and AIDS.
  • Recruit people for HIV-related focus groups.
  • Inform people about HIV-related events or activities.

Examples from the Field

One Pagers

Social Networking Sites (PDF - 542 KB)

Social Networking Sites - One Page PDF

A one page reference regarding social networking sites, what they are, and how they are being used in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Last revised: 06/05/2012