Presidential Inaugurations

[soft corner] Ronald Reagan
Second Inauguration, January 21, 1985
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[Fish-eye view of the Rotunda in the U.S. Capitol, just prior to the swearing-in ceremony of Ronald Reagan, January 21, 1985]. Architect of the Capitol. Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-8197 (color film copy transparency).

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[Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administering the oath of office to Ronald Reagan in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, January 21, 1985]. U.S. Senate. Office of the Sergeant at Arms. Reproduction of this photograph is restricted. Permission to reproduce this image must be obtained from the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, U.S. Senate, Suite S-321, The Capitol, Washington, D.C., 20510-7200.

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[President Reagan speaking at his inaugural luncheon in the U.S. Capitol, January 21, 1985]. Architect of the Capitol. Reproduction number: LC-USZC4-7729 (color film copy transparency).

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The Inaugural Ceremonies of the President and Vice President of the United States of America, January 21,1985. Library of Congress. Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Call number: E877.2.S68 1985, Invitation package 1054.

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Inaugural Luncheon Program, January 21, 1985. Library of Congress. Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Call number: E877.2.S68 1985.

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Presidential Inaugurations