Tweeting Live: Stress and Its Impacts

We all have dealt with stress at one time or another – whether it’s the demands of work, family responsibilities, day-to-day hassles of life or all of the above. Frankly, for many people, being “stressed out” is just part of their regular routine.

According to Dr. George Chrousos, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the Athens University Medical School in Greece and a professor at Georgetown University Medical School, stress plays a sizeable role in a person’s health and in society, often triggering such psychosocial factors as addiction, obesity and poverty.

The Library’s John W. Kluge Center is presenting a two-day conference, “The Profound Impact of Stress: Human Biology and Social Implications for the Individual and Society,” next week on March 26-27. At the conference, experts will discuss the information emerging from the most recent biomedical research. They will also present research on the interrelationship of social conditions and human health and what might be done to mitigate the effects of stress.

We will be live-tweeting both days, starting at 8:30 a.m. Follow us on Twitter, @LibraryCongress and use the hashtags #stressimpact #klugectr to see the latest in stress research and join the conversation.

If you’re in town and able to attend the conference, it will be held in Room 119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building. Don’t forget to add the hashtags to your tweets so you can also be part of the event.

The complete speakers list and agenda may be found here.



  1. Matthew Pennington
    March 23, 2012 at 11:34 am

    Stress is more of a life factor than people account for and I believe high stress is not natural. It can lead to many health problems. Picture a ten pound ball held by five pound test line, although the line will not snap it will certainly stretch and grow weaker till the day it does.

  2. Maggie Jefferson
    April 16, 2012 at 4:14 am

    Tweeting Live: Stress and Its Impacts, was helpful. Although I misunderstood I was still able to glean some helpful knowledge regarding my mental health condition. I am glad to have participated….

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