Library of Congress

Cataloging Distribution Service

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Cataloging Resources, Manuals and Training Tools
These resources, guides and manuals will help expedite your cataloging and make sure it is up to date, consistent, and accurate. Cataloger's Desktop includes all of the Library of Congress's cataloging manuals, standards and resources, as well as cooperative cataloging and international cataloging resources.

The complete Library of Congress Classification system is available in 41 individually printed classification schedules as well as by subscribing to the web-based service, Classification Web. This category also includes classification manuals and other tools.

MARC Distribution Services (databases)
Library of Congress cataloging records are available via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) delivery. Records are for materials in hundreds of languages, including non-roman alphabets in original scripts. MDS provides national level cataloging for almost all English-language imprints.

MARC Documentation
Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) is the standard in library automation, forming the backbone of today's automated library systems, networks, and bibliographical utilities. The Library of Congress MARC products set the standard for MARC cataloging documentation. Available in Cataloger's Desktop and free online on the Library's MARC web site.

Products with Free Downloads
As a service to the library community, free downloads of selected Library of Congress cataloging publications are available directly from the CDS website.

Subject Heading Authority Control
Available in various formats, these tools help you with subject access. The major subject authority publications include the six-volume Library of Congress Subject Headings, Classification Web, and Subject Headings Manual. Many of the publications are available in Cataloger's Desktop.