Pic of the Week: Show and Tell

Laura Beth and Brian

Today’s Pic of the Week shows the Division’s two Junior Fellows, Laura Beth Jackson and Brian Horowitz, at the annual event the Library holds where the Junior Fellows showcase their projects.

Laura Beth’s project was about the Library’s materials from the National Recovery Administration, and her exhibit included two of the Codes of Fair Competition (one on band instruments and another on investment banking) and a report from the head of the National Review Board to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Brian was working with Army Field/Training Manual publications, and he featured a World War II cookbook, a manual for a garrison mess, and two recipes, including one for angel food cake.

You can learn more about past Junior Fellow  events on the Library’s web pages.  The Information Bulletin had articles on the 2008 and 2009 programs, and there is a webcast and a Gazette article on the 2010 program.

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