Pic of the Week: Black Friday

Christmas shoppers on Sixth Avenue, New York, New York (between 1900 and 1905). http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/det1994019005/PP/

This black and white photograph of Christmas shoppers from the early 20th century made me think of the modern Black Friday shopping frenzy.  But since Black Friday has already been a blog topic, I thought I would use this as an opportunity to re-feature posts from Inside Adams and the other Library blogs, posted in celebration of Thanksgiving.  It seems that there may be a pattern here at Inside Adams with a number of food related posts:

Please pass the slow twitch fiber…
Macy’s and the parade
A Sweet Potato History
Candied yams or Candied Sweet Potatoes?
Planes, Trains but not Automobiles
Pie•ology: A Full Filling Story
A 1904 Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner

Other Library of Congress blogs have used Thanksgiving as a theme in their own way.  In the Muse and In Custodia Legis had the same title for their 2010 posts but each was quite different.  In the Muse featured an 1878 piece of sheet music while In Custodia Legis looked at the legislative history of the holiday.

I also wanted to feature a few Thanksgiving related things that I found when I was looking around the Library web site.  There are classroom materials which include a Thanksgiving timeline and a Primary Source Set with various guides on different aspects of the holiday.

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Joy
    November 28, 2011 at 1:29 am

    Shame on the previous Black Friday post, it would have been interesting to read a comparison of frenzied holiday shopping then and now. Does the LOC provide reproductions of these images anywhere?

  2. Ellen Terrell
    November 28, 2011 at 8:16 am

    Maybe another Black Friday post – more of a then and now could come in the future. As to your question about reproductions, I do know that Duplication Services does provide copies for a fee and here is the link.

    Also, Prints & Photographs (P&P) does have information on rights/permissions that may be applicable for items in their collection but depending on use rights/permissions may differ.

    Part of the fun of blog posts is looking to see what P&P has in its collection and

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