September 11, 2001, Documentary Project


John Barton, American Folklife Center (AFC), developed the project plan and coordinated the production of the September 11, 2001, Documentary Project.

Ann Hoog, AFC, managed the data collection and selected much of the material used in the presentation.

Myron Briggs, AFC, created audio clips, wrote interview summaries, and participated in creating database records and obtaining permissions. He also performed quality review.

Domenico Sergi and Theresa Wilson coordinated the digital image production at the Information Technology Services (ITS) Scan Center. The audio and video files were digitized by VidiPax; New York, New York.

Barak Stussman, ITS, was responsible for programming the indexing and display of documents. Christa Maher, Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI), provided database support. Laura Graham, OSI, helped create the SGML. Colleen Byrne Wallace, OSI Web Services, was responsible for designing and creating the Web pages.

Andrea Matles Savada, Collections and Services, and Barry Wolverton, OSI, copy-edited the framing materials.

Michael Hughes and Laura Nelson, Office of the General Counsel, provided legal guidance.

Catherine Kerst, AFC, and Tim Morris, Cataloging Division, assisted with selecting subject headings. AFC interns Sylvia Drake and Tori Kellough performed quality review. Thanks go to the AFC’s Peggy Bulger, Ann Hoog, and Michael Taft for their availability and assistance throughout the project.
