Puerto Rico at the Dawn of the Modern Age


Puerto Rico at the Dawn of the Modern Age: Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century Perspectives owes its existence to many people. Georgette Dorn, chief of the Hispanic Division at the Library of Congress, offered essential support. Edmundo Flores, then of the Hispanic Division, selected the material to be included in the digital collection and wrote many of the item annotations. Tracy North and Barbara Tenenbaum of the Hispanic Division also provided valuable assistance, and Claudia Cuevas, a Visiting Fellow in the division, proofread thousands of pages of rekeyed Spanish text and drafted annotations for the Spanish-language materials. John Hébert, chief of the Library's Geography and Map Division, assisted generously in arranging the online presentation of a historic body of Puerto Rican maps.

Dr. Marisabel Brás wrote the Special Presentation essay on Puerto Rican history in both its English and its Spanish versions.

Present and former National Digital Library Program staff who participated in the development of this collection include Steven C. McCollum, who guided the collection to completion as its production manager; Shirley Liang, who performed much of the early database development as well as text- and image-quality review; and Jurretta Jordan Heckscher, who served as production manager during the early phases of collection development and later as an advisor and, with Emily Lind Baker, as editor. Kate Foster helped with SGML text cleanup; Elizabeth Gettins assisted with database and copyright issues; Juan Carlos Vega scanned the maps, collaborated on the site design, wrote annotations and, as a native of Puerto Rico, offered valuable insights that improved the site. Melissa Smith-Levine, Michael Hughes, and Emily Howie performed the copyright review. Mary Ambrosio provided the computer-programming expertise that brought the collection online; Tracey Salley, was responsible for web site design and construction including all graphic design and HTML coding. Tamara Swora-Gober and Beth Davis-Brown managed the contracts for digitizing microfilm and paper, respectively. Other NDLP staff who made important contributions were Martha Anderson, Jeff Finlay, Carl Fleischhauer, Elizabeth Madden, Christopher Pohlhaus, Deborah Thomas, and Barak Stussman.
