{ site_name: 'National Digital Newspaper Program', subscribe_url:'/share/sites/Bapu4ruC/ndnp.php' }

During the course of an award, NDNP awardee institutions deliver valid* digital newspaper content to the Library of Congress in regular batches. All digital files and associated metadata of these batches (except archival TIFFs) can be viewed/downloaded at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/data/batches/. Batch directories on this page are grouped by the contributing NDNP awardee institutions MARC Organization Code (i.e. dlc = data submitted by the Library of Congress) in the format of  "batch" _ "awardee marc organization code" _ "unique batch name".

File Examples:

Below are the digital assets for page 1 of the National Tribune published on November 10, 1898 and available in Chronicling America at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016187/1898-11-10/ed-1/seq-1/

Information on how to view these files is available on Chronicling America at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/help/#how_to_view

* "Valid" in the NDNP context means the digital files have been processed through the NDNP Digital Viewer and Validator tool, confirming their conformance to technical specifications and creating a digital signature for each file ensuring its integrity over time. Digital signatures are then written into associated XML files as appropriate to the digital object model.

Last Updated: 10/22/2012