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What's New | August 01, 2012

Sepsis Management Sepsis Management
Sepsis is a common complication of infection that often leads to lengthy hospitalizations and a high risk of death. Early diagnosis of sepsis and prompt treatment with antibiotics can reduce mortality and support improved outcomes.

The featured Innovations describe two programs in California and Delaware that achieved significant reductions in sepsis mortality by supporting timely identification and treatment of patients with the condition.

The featured QualityTools describe two toolkits designed to improve clinical management and reduce mortality in patients with sepsis.
Featured Innovations:
Featured QualityTools:

 Severe Sepsis Practice Alert and Tools
Developed by American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

Featured Articles:
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Also in This Issue:
Innovations >
QualityTools >

 2011 State Snapshots
Developed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

 Natural Disaster Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and Podcasts
Developed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Food and Drug Administration (U.S.); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (U.S.)

Developed by American Diabetes Association; Voxiva, Inc