The Library of Congress > Teachers > TPS Program > TPS Regional Grant Program > Granting Guidelines
Granting Guidelines | TPS Regional Websites | Participating Organizations | FAQ

Requesting a Grant

The TPS Regional program accepts proposals on a rolling basis for projects lasting up to 18 months. Before applying for a grant, please review the website for your region and submit a Notice of Intent. The regional coordinator will help you determine if your grant idea falls within the funding guidelines of the program.

When a grant isn’t needed or awarded, TPS regional coordinators will offer advice and assistance to organizations who would like to incorporate TPS methods and materials into their programs, but do not receive funding.

Evaluating Grant Applications

A successful grant application will include a thorough description of the intended project, its audience and content, supported by a timeline of activities and a budget and narrative. Evaluators also look for management supports and a sustainability plan.

TPS Regional Coordinators make granting decisions within six weeks of submission.

Granting Criteria

When making granting decisions, regional coordinators consider the:

Access that the proposed project will offer to geographic areas and populations not currently served by TPS Consortium members;

Scope of the proposed workshop or course and its likely success in helping teachers achieve TPS Level I learning objectives;

Professional development activities and partnerships of the proposing organization:

Sustainability of a grantee’s use of TPS content within their professional development programs for teachers;

Project plan describes sound planning, recruitment, implementation, evaluation and resource allocation.

Award Requirements

Grantees must submit brief financial and program reports. Grant funds will be disbursed upon submission of appropriate documentation of expenditures.

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