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The U.S. Naval Academy Collection of Soviet & Russian TV

Compiled by Karen R. Ploucquet


The United States Naval Academy Collection of Soviet and Russian television at the Library of Congress (USNA Collection) features an eclectic amalgam of Soviet programming since 1986 which, at its best, its worst, and even its most mundane, will provide not only a fascinating record of the glasnost era's dynamic effects on Soviet society and television, but also an opportunity for the continued understanding of this era's legacies to future generations.

Although the USNA Collection is primarily a Russian-language collection, the language barrier does not necessarily limit use of the Collection to those researchers with Russian language skills. Several tapes feature English voice-overs, while other tapes have been partially translated, or at least abstracted, in the supplementary materials to the Collection. Although most of this kind of documentation has been provided for the regularly- scheduled news programs, researchers with other interests and minimal Russian skills will discover that the audio-visual aspects of the videotape medium itself can provide interesting information on topics such as production/interpretation details for music or ballet performances, significant current events as seen through Soviet news camera footage, or Soviet television production values.

This guide, the express purpose of which is to unlock the doors to this valuable but often unwieldy collection, represents the product of a 4-month effort during the summer and autumn of 1992 to transform the USNA Collection into a reader-accessible resource. The information in this guide is derived from supplementary research in some of the books and articles included in the bibliography of materials for suggested further research and from a careful analysis not only of most of those videotapes recorded between December 1988 and February 1991, but also of all the available documentation to the Collection. Thus, the researcher is strongly encouraged to study this guide both before and while using the Collection to conduct research since it is an ever-growing collection comprised not only of several thousand videotapes, but also of various and sundry supplementary materials, including both printed and computer-based abstracts and translations. To help the researcher navigate through this sea of tapes and booklets, this guide provides a detailed description of the Collection, a transliterated list and description of the most regularly featured programs, a guide which explains how to find a program of interest in the Collection's supplementary materials, a guide which explains how to find the Library of Congress shelf number for a given program, a bibliography of materials for suggested further research, and a chronological list of selected documentaries with some subject access.

The videotapes in the Collection are available neither for loan nor for use as stock footage in television or film productions, but they may be viewed at the Library by researchers by advance appointment. For further information, see Appendix IV: Guidelines for Viewing Films and Videotapes on page 59 of this guide, or write to: Reference Librarian; Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division; Library of Congress; Washington, DC 20540; Telephone: (202) 707-1000.

Top of Page

Description of the Collection

The History of the Collection

In the early 1980's, when the international climate was still frozen in Cold-War stalemate and the acquisition of Soviet military intelligence and political information ranked high on the Defense Department's list of priorities, the United States Navy contracted the company International Video Broadcasts, Inc. (IVB), to videotape Soviet television programs from satellite transmissions. Sometime in early 1986, the company proposed sending these tapes to the Library of Congress for archival purposes; the proposal was accepted, and thus the Library's United States Naval Academy Collection of Soviet television came into being. Although acquisitions for the latter half of 1986 were sporadic at best, the Library has been receiving the tapes of Soviet television broadcasts quite regularly since 1987.

Since then, the volume and diversity of the USNA Collection have presented substantial challenges to efforts at comprehensive cataloging. As a result, periodic increases or decreases in budget and staff have accounted for certain inconsistencies among various parts of the Collection; these inconsistencies, which are described in considerable detail in Part 4 of this guide, include differences not only in which and how many programs were recorded, but also in how well the recorded programs have been documented.

Given the military and political nature of the Navy's impetus for the project, the primary focus of the Collection was initially on the staple domestic and international news programs, respectively entitled Vremia (Time) and Mezhdunarodnaia panorama (International Panorama). The Cold-War sensibility was also one of the primary reasons for discrepancies in the documentation of the various programs; that is, in addition to a heavy emphasis on the taping of programs with a military and political focus in the earlier stages of the project, there has also been a disproportionately strong effort by IVB, in both earlier and later years, to document and translate primarily those programs containing military or political subject matter, even as the Collection has gradually become more diversified. Thus, the non-Russian-speaking researcher who has an interest in military or political topics will have at least some access to, for example, Soviet newscasts, by means of the abstracts and translations in the supplementary materials.

The appearance of any other kinds of programs on the early tapes was entirely coincidental; fragments of programs such as arts performances or feature films, which were not considered "important," were recorded only because they immediately preceded or followed the main news program. Nevertheless, between 1988 and 1990, the number of regularly-recorded programs increased steadily; the tapes began to feature a wider array of program genres, including panel discussion programs, interviews with members of government, feature and documentary films, television magazines, educational and entertainment programs for children, concerts, nature shows, broadcasts of entire speeches by Gorbachev, and more. Researchers who possess the requisite Russian language skills and an interest in the above- mentioned programming should not allow the dearth of IVB documentation for these kinds of programs to deter them from seeking out both the regular broadcasts and special features which comprise this part of the Collection.

Early in 1991, the taping was again limited to three programs -- 120 Minut (later renamed Utro), Vremia, and Televizionnaia sluzhba novostei. After the coup in August 1991, the three programs continued to be taped, but the name Vremia was changed to TV Inform, which was ultimately changed again in 1992 to Novosti. Please note that the new CIS Novosti is a different one from the brief Soviet Novosti program described in number 26 of Part 2 of this guide. Since January 1992, the only programs of central CIS television which the Library has been receiving are Novosti and its Sunday magazine- format Itogi (Summaries).

The Library currently accessions over 70 new videotapes per month. In addition to the videotapes of the central television broadcasts, the Library has also been receiving videotapes of broadcasts by the local television stations of the Russian Republic since October 1991; these tapes feature a larger variety of programs (see page 15) than current CIS television acquisitions.

Tips on Viewing the Tapes

With the exception of the relatively recent Russian Republic broadcasts recorded onto 1/2" videotapes in SECAM mode, the video system used in the USSR, most of the USNA Collection is recorded onto 3/4" videotapes in SECAM. Only a few tapes in the collection are recorded in NTSC mode, the video system used in the United States; in these cases, the tape will usually be labeled as such and it will be necessary to adjust the video player to the proper setting.

One should not assume that a program will always start at the beginning of the tape. The Soviet television schedule is highly irregular compared to that of the United States. Programs range in length anywhere from 5 minutes to 185 or more and therefore seldom start neatly on the half-hour; the daily program is flexible and often veers from the schedule announced in the printed television guide; regularly-scheduled programs such as Vremia, a hallowed and immovable staple of the programming day, are often sandwiched intrusively in between parts of long special-feature programs (unlike U.S. television, in which special programs, such as lengthy football games, tend more often to interrupt regularly-scheduled programs).

Another reason for confusion regarding the beginnings and ends of programs on some of the videotapes is that, given the seeming jumble of the Soviet programming day, sometimes IVB technicians did not record the tapes at the proper time. As a result, some programs are incomplete, missing either their first or last part. Thus, if a program anywhere in the supplementary materials is labelled "Part 2," it is not safe to assume that there exists also a "Part 1." One should also note that many programs have duplicates and even triplicates, which indicates two possibilities: either the program is one which was recorded by two tapers at separate facilities, or one of the tapes features an English voice-over. It is recommended in this situation that the researcher call up all versions of the program.

The researcher should be aware that most dates mentioned in the Collection which are indicated by a purely numerical system are based on the European model (see p. 20 for a full explanation). Furthermore, the time of day for programs is noted according to the 24-hour clock (military time) and is based on the Moscow time zone; the only exceptions to this are any times accompanied by the notation "GMT," which indicates Greenwich Mean Time.

The final technical obstacle which a researcher might encounter while working with the tapes in this Collection is the possibility of some form of audio-visual disturbance as a result of poor conditions during satellite transmission. The effects of this type of disturbance can range from mildly annoying interruptions to large blocks of lost transmissions which render the tape unviewable. Though efforts have been made either to weed out or to label those tapes with high levels of disturbance, researchers should be aware that they may indeed encounter tapes with poor transmission quality. Top of Page

Soviet/Central Television: Program Series Titles and Descriptions

The following is a list of the most regularly-scheduled programs in the Collection; although they lack some of the conventional diacritical markings, the titles have been transliterated according to the system officially used by the Library of Congress.

1. 120 minut 
      (120 Minutes)
      An early-morning news and entertainment program, featuring brief
headline news, musical performances by pop artists, news features on current
topics, sports news, and the weather report; broadcast daily at 6:30 except
Sundays. (see also Utro)

2.  Aktual'nyi interv'iu 
      (Topical Interview)
      A ten-minute investigative reporting/interview program in which
reporters target government officials in charge of important public projects
and/or responsible for inefficiency or corruption within their jurisdiction;
a good example of glasnost in television. 
3.  Avtoportret: My i ekonomika 
      (Self-Portrait: We and the Economy)
      Documentary program on the agriculture, industry, and economy of the

4.  Chelovek i zakon 
      (Man and Law)
      Documentary program dealing with crime and punishment in the USSR.

5.  Chelovek, zemlia, vselennaia 
      (Man, Earth, Universe)
      Documentary program dealing with the USSR Space program; on usually at 9:00.

6.  Deistvuiushchie litsa 
      (Cast of Characters)
      A weekly public affairs program.

7.  Detskii chas 
      (Children's Hour)
      Education and entertainment programming for young children.

8.  Dialog s komp'iuterom 
      (Dialogue with a Computer)
      Educational program on modern computer technology.
9.  Do i posle polunochi 
      (Before and After Midnight)
      Politically critical late-night discussion and documentary program on
Soviet life, history, and current events; an excellent example of glasnost in

10. Do shestnadtsati i starshe 
      (Before 16 and Older)
      Documentary program on and for children and adolescents, sponsored by
the Komsomol.   

11. Dvenadtsatyi etazh 
      (Twelfth Floor)
      Innovative and politically critical discussion program geared toward
young adults, with an emphasis on topics like education, free time, and work;
features the use of telephone and satellite link-ups to foster widespread
grass-roots, "person-in-the-street" participation in the program; an
excellent example of glasnost in television.

12. Dvizhenie bez opasnosti 
      (Traffic Without Danger)
      Educational public service program on various aspects of transportation,
including forms of both private and state transport, accident reports, and
measures for accident prevention.

13. Eto bylo, bylo... 
      (And So it Was...)
      Entertainment program featuring the "golden oldies" of popular Soviet

14. Eto vy mozhete 
      (You Can Do It)
      Educational program geared toward young adults; features innovative
energy and transportation alternatives.

15. Filosofskie besedy 
      (Philosophical Conversations)
      Panel discussion by academicians, writers, politicians, etc. on a given
topic of philosophy.                

16. Impul's 
      Discussion/interview program featuring commentary on domestic current

17. Intersignal 
      Programs from the television broadcasting operations of the Soviet
republics and the Soviet satellite countries of Eastern Europe.

18. Kamera smotrit v mir 
      (Camera Looks at the World)
      Photojournalistic, video-oriented feature show on current events.

19. Kto est' kto 
      (Who's Who)
      Interview/discussion program designed to familiarize viewers with
members of government; government officials and political leaders answer
viewers' phoned-in questions.

20. Mezhdunarodnaia panorama 
      (International Panorama)
      Documentary program on current topics from around the world, with filmed
footage and commentary by well-known newspaper columnists; usually aired on
Sundays at 18:00.

21. Mezhnatsional'nye otnosheniia 
      (Interethnic Relations)
      Program dealing with the economic, political, and ethnic problems in the
relations among Soviet republics.

22. Molodezhnyi vestnik 
      (Youth Bulletin)
      Documentary program on the political activities of Soviet youth,
sponsored by the Komsomol.

23. Na sessii Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR 
      (At a Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR)
      Live recording of and commentary on a session of the Supreme Soviet.

24. Na sluzhbe otechestvu 
      (Serving the Fatherland)
      New name for program Sluzhu Sovetskomu Soiuzu, as of January 1990.

25. Na vtorom s"ezde narodnykh deputatov SSSR
      (At the Second Congress of the USSR People's Deputies)
      Live recording of and commentary on the second congress of People's
Deputies of the USSR.

26. Novosti 
      Brief news show covering the top stories of the day.

27. Ochevidno no neveroiatno 
      (Incredible but True)
      Entertainment/TV-magazine program dealing with the wonders of science.

28. Parlamentskii vestnik Rossii 
      (Russian Parliament Bulletin)
      Brief report on the latest goings-on in the Russian Parliament.

29. Perestroika: Problemy i resheniia 
      (Perestroika: Problems and Solutions)
      Round-table discussion program in which a panel of experts answers
viewers'   phoned- or written-in questions on the topic of perestroika.

30. Po operativnym svodkam MVD SSSR 
      (Reports from the USSR Ministry of the Interior)
      Documentary program on criminal activity in the USSR.

31. Politicheskie dialogi 
      (Political Dialogues)
      Interview with a Soviet political figure.

32. Pozitsiia 
      National program of artistic commentary on spiritual life.
33. Progress, informatsiia, reklama 
      (Progress, Information, Advertising)
      Business program which features new technologies in industry or office
equipment, western business and management strategies, and advertising for
cooperative or joint venture businesses.

34. Prozhektor perestroiki 
      (Spotlight of Perestroika)
      A ten-minute investigative reporting program which usually airs
immediately after the 21:00 Vremia; targets interviewees engaged in illegal,
corrupt, or politically regressive behavior.

35. Reportazh na aktual'nuiu temu 
      (Report on a Current Topic)
      Brief public affairs program usually highlighting an aspect of the
domestic economy.

36. Rezonans 
      Discussion program in which a panel of experts answers viewers' phoned-
or written-in questions on international topics.

37. Segodnia v mire 
      (In the World Today)
      News program on current events from around the world.

38. Sel'skii chas 
      (Village Hour)
      Public affairs program on the state of agriculture in the USSR with a
strong emphasis on the effects of agricultural policies at the local level.

39. Sem' dnei 
      (7 Days)
      The Sunday-night, week-in-review version of the news program Vremia;
broadcast in a longer, news magazine-type format. 

40. Slovo 
      Literature program with performances by or interviews with artists and

41. Sluzhu Sovetskomu Soiuzu 
      (I Serve the Soviet Union)
      Documentary program on most aspects of the USSR military, including
military personnel, equipment, organization, and history; broadcast usually
at 10:00. 

42. Studio 9 
      (Studio 9)
      Panel discussion which features foreign correspondents discussing
international news; hour-long program broadcast usually one Saturday per

43. Stupeni 
      Creatively edited television magazine which features oral histories
derived from interviews on political and historical topics with average
Soviet citizens.

44. Telezhurnal Agro 
      (Telejournal Agro)
      Public affairs program on agriculture in the Soviet Union and its
prospects for improvement.

45. Telezhurnal Eko 
      (Telejournal Eco)
      Public affairs program on the prospects for economic and social
transformation in the Soviet Union.

46. Televizionnaia sluzhba novostei 
      (Television News Service)
      New and longer version of the headline news program Novosti as of 1989,
broadcast usually once in the afternoon and once around midnight.

47. Utro 
      The new name for 120 minut as of January 1991; running time is 30
minutes longer, also called 120 minut + 30.

48. Vestnik: Nauchno-publitsisticheskii zhurnal 
      (Bulletin: Journal of Scientific Commentary)
      Documentary program on new technologies in various branches of science
and engineering.

49. Vid 
      Multi-program broadcast comprised of programs like Vzgliad, 500 dnei
(500 Days, a brief public affairs program on the change-over to a market
economy), European MTV, etc.; an excellent example of glasnost in television.

50. Vlast' -- Sovetam 
      (Power to the Soviets)
      News program on the candidates and elections of the People's Deputies of
the Soviet Union.

51. Vokrug sveta 
      (Around the World)
      Entertainment/TV-magazine program on cultural topics from around the

52. Vremia 
      Regularly scheduled and aired news program with a strong emphasis on
domestic politics and the economy; runs usually about 40 minutes to an hour;
begins daily at 21:00 and (since September 1990) also at 18:30. The 18:30 and
21:00 slots do not air the same programs.

53. Vzgliad 
      A live, call-in, late-night music and public affairs program geared
toward young adults; addresses both light and serious topics; an excellent
example of glasnost in television.

Top of Page

Local Russian Television: Program Series Titles and Descriptions

1.  600 sekund 
      (600 Seconds) 
      Fast-paced news summary program from St. Petersburg.

2.  Desiatka
      St. Petersburg documentary program on the fight against organized crime 
in Russia.

3.  Dobryi vecher, Moskva!
      (Good Evening, Moscow!)
      Moscow news and entertainment program with musical performances and news
features on various topics.

4.  Goriachaia liniia
      (Hot Line)
      St. Petersburg documentary program on various topics. 

5.  Kanal al'ternativa
      (Alternative Channel)
      St. Petersburg news and public affairs program reputed for its
journalistic reliability.

6.  Moskva teletaip 
      (Moscow Teletype)
      Local Moscow news program.

7.  Panorama podmoskoviia 
      (Panorama Podmoskoviia) 
      Moscow news and public affairs program on various topics. 

8.  Telekur'er 
      Local St. Petersburg public affairs program on Russian politics and

9. Telestantsiia fakt
      (Telestantsiia Fact)
      Local St. Petersburg news program.

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Guide to the Documentation of the Collection


To use the USNA Collection, three key routes of access are available:

*Date -- The researcher is studying a specific event or a particular period of time in recent Soviet history, makes an educated guess as to which broadcast days might provide the most information about the topic of interest, and initiates his or her search based on date.

*Program -- The researcher is interested in the format of or the kind of information provided by a particular program and initiates his or her search based on program title.

*Subject -- The researcher is interested in a particular subject area and browses both the Boxed Materials as well as the miscellaneous sections in the Card Catalog (both described below) for any programs of interest.

In all cases, a search will at some point require the researcher to browse the supplementary materials to the Collection. This part of the Guide is designed expressly to help the researcher use the materials to find a program which relates to his or her topic of interest; Part 5 of this Guide is designed to help the researcher locate the shelf number of a given program so that it can be called up for viewing in the MBRS Division of the Library.

The Documentation of the Collection

As the Collection has changed over time, so also have the supplementary materials changed in format and in content. They fall into the following five categories:

*The Boxed Supplementary Materials
*The Card Catalog
*The Program Lists
*The Computer Guides
*The MUMS Online Catalog

Most of the supplementary materials to the Collection are housed in numbered boxes whose contents are described in considerable detail in Appendix I: Guide to the Boxed Supplementary Materials on pages 29-35. The Soviet Television Card Catalog documents approximately two years of videotapes and is explained in further detail on page 22. The Program Lists on pages 37-45 (Appendix II) cover the period approximately between May 1990 and February 1991 and are described on page 23. The Computer Guides are twenty-seven floppy disks with WordPerfect documents roughly covering 1987 to 1991 and are explained on page 23. Please note that, unfortunately, the Library currently does not have the facilities to make the Computer Guides available to the public. The boxed supplementary materials and the card catalog, however, are available upon request from the reference librarians in the Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division in Room 336 of the Madison Building of the Library of Congress.

The researcher should be forewarned that the nature of the supplementary materials to the Collection is highly confusing and inconsistent, which can be ascribed to the history of the Collection's development. When the Library first began receiving the videotapes, the only program being recorded was Vremia. Although Mezhdunarodnaia panorama was added shortly thereafter, the Collection was still manageable enough to be entered, tape by tape, into the MUMS Online Catalog by staff with little or no Russian skills. The MUMS Catalog (Multiple Use MARC System) comprises a major part of the official reader-accessible online computer database used at the Library of Congress; for more information on the Library's MUMS Catalog, please consult either a reference librarian or the booklet entitled Library of Congress Information System: User and Reference Manual, which is available at most online terminals in the Library. About 1000 of the earliest Soviet television acquisitions are available on MUMS and can be accessed either by title or as a group with the command "find c naval academy collection; f=av." The researcher should note that MUMS entries for the Collection provide very little information beyond standard data on program title, date, and shelf number.

In the autumn of 1988, a larger variety of programs was added to the Collection. Both the diversity of the programs and the number of videotapes which the Library received increased significantly, and though IVB supplied the Library with documentation to some programs, many other programs not only remained undocumented but also were housed in cases that were labeled poorly with regard both to program title and date. Although some programs were added to MUMS even after the number of videotapes sent to the Library increased, this effort was discontinued soon thereafter; as a result, most of the tapes from the next two years fell victim to the Library's infamous and ever-present "arrearage problem"; although the tapes were in the Library's possession, there would be no record of either their shelf number or their contents until they were identified and accessioned.

In 1991, an effort to bring out of arrearage many of the tapes recorded between December 1988 and February 1991 led to the development of the Program Lists and the addition of shelf number information to many of the booklets in the boxed supplementary materials. A staff member assigned shelf numbers to many of the unaccessioned tapes, which had been arranged in chronological order. For those tapes which were recorded during a time period for which International Video Broadcasts had provided descriptive booklets of the programs, the shelf numbers were noted in ink next to the program titles listed in the booklets. For those tapes which at that time lacked any kind of documentation (May 1990 to February 1991), the staff member noted the program title, date, time, and shelf number of a tape on sheets of paper in chronological order -- these sheets of paper are the Program Lists. It should be noted that in most cases, the tapes were not viewed, and the Program Lists only reflect the information written on the outside of the videocassette by the staff at IVB.

In the summer of 1992, an effort to continue to bring tapes out of arrearage led directly to the development of the Card Catalog and also of this guide. Although this guide is currently the primary source of information about the Collection, efforts are being made to enter the entire Collection into a single computer database to facilitate the more efficient retrieval of information. This will eventually eliminate the confusing inconsistencies inherent in the many sources which currently document the Collection.

*Description of the Boxes

The most confusing aspect of the boxed supplementary materials, most of which are in booklet form, is that their format has been remarkably inconsistent throughout the first years of the Collection. Not only have the titles of the guides changed over the years, but also what information they supply, how the information is presented, what time-frame is covered by a single item, and which programs are featured. These differences will be explained below.

Although subject descriptions and even some translations of Vremia broadcasts represent the bulk of the boxed supplementary materials, several other programs are also included for other parts of the Collection; they are Mezhdunarodnaia panorama, Utro, Sluzhu Sovetskomu Soiuzu, and Televizionnaia sluzhba novostei. Please note that in September of 1991 (following the August Coup), Vremia is briefly replaced by Televizionnaia sluzhba novostei, later renamed TV Inform, and finally, as of 1 Jan 92, renamed Novosti. The printed materials reflect these changes as well as the official advent of local television programming; the Library possesses tapes and documentation since October 1991 for both FSU TV (Former Soviet Union TV) and for St. Petersburg and Moscow local television stations (see Box 11). The most regularly-recorded and regulary-documented programs of the Russian television stations are those listed on page 15. There is a strong possibility that, in the future, the Library will begin to receive more television broadcasts recorded from the stations of recently independent, formerly Soviet nations such as Ukraine.

Please note that any dates in the boxed supplementary materials indicated by a purely numerical system are based on the European model; that is, "5-1-90" means "5 Jan 90," not "1 May 90." The only exceptions to this are those booklets which document the time-spans of Mar-Sep 1988 and Apr 90- Feb 91; in these cases the system is based on the American model.

The following is an alphabetical list of the titles of the various formats in which the boxed supplementary materials appear; it should be used as a glossary in conjunction with the Guide to the Boxed Supplementary Materials on pages 29-35 (Appendix I). Please note that, for whatever dates Program Lists are available, these have been included in the boxes.

*FSU Television -- Former Soviet Union Television; brief subject descriptions of news stories on TV Inform (Novosti) and other selected programs.

*Gists -- Television guides representing entire broadcast days, including the times and titles of programs.

*Gists and Indexes [sic] -- Television guide for the channel "Program 1"; brief subject descriptions of features from Utro, Televizionnaia sluzhba novostei, and Vremia.

*Indexes -- Brief subject descriptions of news features from Vremia.

*Leadership Citations -- Detailed guide to television visuals of "who's who" in post-Coup politics and economics.

*Research Report -- Translations of selected segments of the programs Vremia and Mezhdunarodnaia panorama; "Indexes" for Vremia.

*Saint Petersburg and Moscow Local Television -- Brief subject descriptions of features from selected programs.

*Video Notes -- Translations and analyses of selected segments of the programs Vremia and Mezhdunarodnaia Panorama.

*Video Selection Lists -- Brief descriptions of broadcast days; subject matter of sample programs from local television stations of the Russian Republic (Saint Petersburg and Moscow Television) or of Ukraine.

Description of the Card Catalog

The card catalog to the USNA Collection contains records of most of the videotapes recorded roughly between December 1988 and February 1991 with one significant gap between April and December of 1989. (This gap is filled by the boxed supplementary materials.) Each card usually provides most of the following information: the romanized Russian title of the program or programs, the English translation of the title, the date of the program, the time of the program, and the Library of Congress shelf number in the top right-hand corner. Any of the above data, except for date and shelf number, may be missing from a card if the information was unavailable.

The cards in the catalog are arranged alphabetically according to program and are in chronological order within each program section. For a list and description of the programs in the catalog, please refer back to pages 9-14 of this guide. Several miscellaneous sections have been added to the end of the card catalog where the alphabetic progression of regularly- scheduled programs ends; they are designed to encompass those broadcasts which do not qualify as regular programs. These sections, which the researcher is encouraged to browse since the programs they contain may not appear anywhere else in the supplementary materials, are the following:

*Miscellaneous -- Programs of unclear subject matter but identified by title.

*Arts and Humanities -- Performances of classical music, rock music, folk music, ballet, opera, theater, folk dancing; interviews and features on writers, directors, dancers, etc.

*Business -- Documentary & discussion programs dealing with entrepreneurship and foreign business.

*Children's Programming -- Cartoons, films, special features, etc.

*Documentary Films -- Topics of religion, politics, history, arts, etc.

*Feature Films -- Films from Russia, Italy, Australia, etc.; usually fragmentary.

*Gorbachev, etc. -- Speeches by Gorbachev, Reagan, Bush; national and international press conferences; interviews with important figures from the Soviet Union and other nations.

*Politics -- Reports and interviews dealing with domestic Soviet politics - the progress of elections, the processes of government, etc.

*Special Features and Panel Discussions -- Miscellaneous topics.

*Sports -- Hockey, soccer, exercise shows, international competitions, etc.

*Description of the Program Lists

As a resource for locating programs, the Program Lists, which cover May 1990 to February 1991, should be used in much the same way as the Card Catalog; they should be browsed. Although the lists are not organized conveniently according to subject or program title, they are arranged chronologically and are short enough so that they can be searched easily according to date or program. Program Lists are located in Appendix II on pages 37-45 and in Boxes 7 and 8 of the boxed supplementary materials.

*Description of the Computer Guides

Although the Computer Guides are currently unavailable for public use, it should be noted that they are a collection of twenty-seven high-density floppy disks which contain WordPerfect documents describing certain portions of the Collection. Housed in two boxes, the disks are organized in the following way:

BOX 1      *"I Serve" -- 24 Jul 88 - 29 Jan 90 -- 3 disks
           Extensive translations of selected segments of the program Sluzhu
                Sovetskomu Soiuzu/Na sluzhbe otechestvu.
           *Indexes -- Apr 87 - Sep 91 -- 7 disks 
           Brief subject descriptions of news features from Vremia and
           Mezhdunarodnaia panorama.

BOX 2      *Stories -- 15 May 87 - 27 Sep 91 -- 17 disks
           Extensive translations of selected segments of the program Vremia.

Top of Page

Guide to Finding Shelf Numbers

To view a videotape in the USNA Collection, a researcher must first ascertain its shelf number from the following possible sources:

*The MUMS Online Catalog

*The Soviet Television Card Catalog

*The Boxed Supplementary Materials

*The Program Lists

Please note:

*All date-spans merely indicate ranges of dates and do not necessarily indicate inclusive or complete holdings; as a result, all possible sources should be employed in the search for shelf numbers.


*The MUMS Online Catalog (Jun 86 - Jul 90)

Almost 1000 videotapes in the USNA Collection are available on the MUMS Catalog (see page 18) and can be accessed with the command "find c naval academy collection; f=av." The individual programs included (sporadically) in the catalog are Vremia (search "Vremya"), Na sessii verkhovnogo soveta SSSR, Mezhdunarodnaia panorama, Sluzhu Sovetskomu Soiuzu, Na vtorom sezde narodnykh deputatov, and 120 minut; they can be accessed individually with the command "find t [title of program]; f=av." MUMS entries list shelf numbers under the heading "LC CALL NUMBER." Please note that all dates in MUMS which are represented by a purely numerical system are based on the American model, i.e."5-1-90" means "1 May 90," not "5 Jan 90."

*The Boxed Supplementary Materials (May-Dec 89, Feb 91 -- )

Virtually all tapes recorded since the middle of February 1991 have their shelf numbers marked directly on those pages of the supplementary materials on which their contents are described. In the case of the recent 1/2" tapes (whose shelf numbers begin with VA_, as opposed to VB_ for the 3/4" tapes), those programs which are described on pages without shelf numbers should be assumed to be located on the same tape as the program whose shelf number directly precedes the desired program. For shelf number information for any programs recorded before the middle of February 1991, the boxed materials are helpful for finding only those tapes recorded between May and December 1989. For information on tapes recorded during Jun 86 - Apr 89 or during Jan 90 - mid-Feb 91, it is recommended that the researcher consult the other shelf number sources. Program Lists have been included in Boxes 7 and 8 (see below).

*The Soviet TV Card Catalog (Dec 88 - Feb 91, exc. Apr-Dec 89)

Each card in the catalog represents one tape; for every tape in the catalog, the shelf number has been noted in the top right-hand corner of the card. This will facilitate shelf number access for those researchers who are looking for a program within the time-span covered by the catalog or who are using the catalog as their primary source for information about the existence of a tape.

*The Program Lists (May 90 - Feb 91)

The Program Lists on pages 37-45 (Appendix II) and in Boxes 7 and 8 of the boxed supplementary materials supply the program title, date, time, and shelf number for a given tape and should be included in searches for programs which fall within the time-span noted above.

Top of Page

Bibliography of Suggested Sources on Soviet Television

Books and Articles

Andreev, Felix and Kittell, Natasha (translator).  "Red Star Final."  Film
      Vol. 27 (March/April '91) pp 79-80.
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN1993.F438

Androunas, Elena.  "The Struggle for Control Over Soviet Television." 
Journal of      Communication, Vol. 41 (Spring '91) pp 185-200.
      LC CALL NUMBER: P87.J6

Doyle, Terry.  "Truth at Ten?"  Sight and Sound, Vol. 53 (Spring '84) pp 106-
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN1993.S56

Fisher, William. "Soviet TV Tonight."  Sight and Sound, Vol. 57 (Spring '88)
pp 92-94.
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN1993.S56

Gambrell, Jamey.  "Moscow: The Front Page." The New York Review of Books,
Vol. 39    (October 8, 1992) pp 56-62.
      LC CALL NUMBER: AP2.N6552  (see also M/B/RS Subject File "Russia")

Leonidze, N.S.  Shkola dlia Telezritelei.  Tbilisi, Georgian S.S.R.:
Izdatel'stvo Tbilisskogo        Universiteta, 1983.
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN1992.3.S58L46 1983 

Kent, George.  Motion Picture and Television Dictionary, English-Russian,
Russian-   English.  Hollywood, CA:  ASC Holding Corp., 1980.
      LC CALL NUMBER: TR847.K46

Mickiewicz, Ellen and Dawn Plumb Jamison.  "Ethnicity and Soviet Television
      Journal of Communication, Vol. 41 (Spring '91) pp 150-161.
      LC CALL NUMBER: P87.J6

Mickiewicz, Ellen. Split Signals: Television and Politics in the Soviet
Union.  New York:     Oxford University Press, 1988.
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN5277.T4 M53 1988

Muratov, Sergei Aleksandrovich.  "Soviet Television and the Structure of
Broadcasting    Authority."  Journal of Communication, Vol. 41 (Spring '91) pp
      LC CALL NUMBER: P87.J6

Redmont, Bernard S.  "Soviet Television's New Look: A Veteran Correspondent
Takes an   Inside Look at Broadcast News, Soviet Style, and Finds Sweeping
Changes Under   Glasnost."  Television Quarterly, Vol. 24 No. 1 (1989) pp 31-
      LC CALL NUMBER: PN1992.T45

Vartanov, Anri.  "Television as Spectacle and Myth."  Journal of
      Vol. 41 (Spring '91) pp 162-171.
      LC CALL NUMBER: P87.J6

Audiovisual Materials

London ITV Television Network, Channel 4
I.  Soviet Spring -- Documentary series on Soviet television
      EPISODE TITLE             DATE            LC CALL NUMBER
      Solovki Power             15 Jan 90       VBG 6185-6186
      Soviet Citizens           20 Jan 90       VBG 6187
      Good Evening, Comrades!   25 Jan 90       VBG 6030-6031
      Good Evening, Comrades!   27 Jan 90       VBG 6032-6033

II. Hello, Do You Hear Us? -- Part of Soviet Spring series, featuring Latvian
filmmaker Juris       Podnieks' films on the contemporary U.S.S.R.

      Red Hot                   16 Jan 90       VBG 6521
      Awakening                 22 Jan 90       VBG 6522
      Them and Us               29 Jan 90       VBG 6523
      The Wall                  5  Feb 90       VBG 6524
      Face to Face              12 Feb 90       VBG 6525

Please note:
*More bibliographic entries are available in the Library's MUMS Online
Catalog under the commands "find s soviet television" and "find s soviet

*Back issues of the television guide Govorit i pokazyvaet Moskva are
currently available upon request in the European Reading Room in the
Jefferson Building, Room 100, Alcove 7.

Top of Page

Appendix I: Guide to the Boxed Supplementary Materials

Please note: 
*All date-spans merely indicate ranges of dates and do not necessarily
indicate inclusive or complete holdings.  
*All documentation formats listed below are described on pages 20-21.

*The Quick Reference Index

BOX 1 -- Jul 86 - Jan 87
BOX 2 -- Jan 87 - Aug 87
BOX 3 -- Aug 87 - Dec 87
BOX 4 -- Jan 88 - Dec 88
BOX 5 -- Jan 89 - Jun 89
BOX 6 -- Jul 89 - Dec 89
BOX 7 -- Jan 90 - Mar 90
BOX 8 -- 25 Feb 91 - 28 Apr 91
BOX 9 -- 29 Apr 91 - 30 Jun 91
BOX 10 --  1 Jul 91 -  1 Sep 91 -- see also Box 11/#4,5
BOX 11 --  2 Sep 91 - 31 Dec 91
BOX 12 --  Oct 91 - Jul 92
BOX 13 --  Jan 92 - Jun 92

*The Guide

Jul 86 - Jan 87
Item #
1.  Video Notes and Indexes -- 18 Jul 86 - 31 Jul 86
2.  Video Notes and Indexes --  1 Aug 86 - 31 Aug 86
3.  Video Notes and Indexes --  1 Sep 86 - 28 Sep 86
4.  Research Report -- 26 Oct 86 -  7 Nov 86
5.  Research Report --  1 Nov 86 - 17 Nov 86
6.  Research Report -- 18 Nov 86 - 26 Nov 86
7.  Research Report --  9 Dec 86 - 16 Dec 86
8.  Research Report -- 21 Nov 86 - 22 Dec 86 
9.  Research Report --  3 Dec 86 -  6 Jan 87

Jan 87 - Aug 87
Item #
1.  Research Report -- 12 Jan 87 - 21 Jan 87
2.  Research Report --  9 Feb 87 - 13 Feb 87
3.  Research Report -- 18 Feb 87 - 24 Feb 87
4.  Research Report -- 13 Feb 87 -  2 Mar 87
5.  Research Report --  2 Mar 87 -  6 Mar 87
6.  Research Report -- 10 Mar 87 - 15 Mar 87
7.  Research Report -- 17 Mar 87 - 24 Mar 87
8.  Research Report -- 25 Mar 87 - 31 Mar 87
9.  Research Report --  2 Apr 87 -  6 Apr 87
10. Research Report --  6 Apr 87 - 15 Apr 87
11. Research Report -- 17 Apr 87 - 20 Apr 87
12. Research Report -- 23 Apr 87 - 28 Apr 87
13. Research Report -- 26 Apr 87 -  6 May 87
14. Research Report --  7 May 87 - 11 May 87
15. Research Report -- 15 May 87 - 26 May 87
16. Research Report -- 27 May 87 - 31 May 87
17. Research Report --  1 Jun 87 -  6 Jun 87
18. Research Report --  8 Jun 87 - 16 Jun 87
19. Research Report -- 15 Jun 87 - 21 Jun 87
20. Research Report -- 21 Jun 87 - 28 Jun 87
21. Research Report -- 30 Jun 87 -  5 Jul 87
22. Research Report --  4 Jul 87 - 12 Jul 87
23. Research Report -- 11 Jul 87 - 15 Jul 87
24. Research Report -- 21 Jul 87 - 26 Jul 87
25. Research Report -- 26 Jul 87 -  2 Aug 87
26. Research Report -- 29 Jul 87 -  7 Aug 87
27. Research Report --  5 Aug 87 - 14 Aug 87
28. Research Report -- 16 Aug 87 - 21 Aug 87
29. Research Report -- 23 Aug 87 - 26 Aug 87
Aug 87 - Dec 87
Item #
1.  Research Report -- 27 Aug 87 -  5 Sep 87
2.  Research Report --  6 Sep 87 - 13 Sep 87
3.  Research Report -- 14 Sep 87 - 19 Sep 87
4.  Research Report -- 20 Sep 87 - 25 Sep 87
5.  Research Report -- 22 Sep 87 -  2 Oct 87
6.  Research Report -- 30 Sep 87 -  5 Oct 87
7.  Research Report --  6 Oct 87 - 15 Oct 87
8.  Research Report -- 15 Oct 87 - 18 Oct 87
9.  Research Report -- 25 Oct 87 -  6 Nov 87
10. Research Report --  9 Nov 87 - 15 Nov 87
11. Research Report -- 15 Nov 87 - 22 Nov 87
12. Research Report -- 22 Nov 87 - 29 Nov 87
13. Research Report -- 28 Nov 87 -  5 Dec 87

Jan 88 - Dec 88
Item #
1.  Research Report --  1 Jan 88 - 12 Jan 88
2.  Research Report -- 14 Jan 88 -  6 Feb 88
3.  Research Report --  6 Feb 88 -  9 Feb 88
4.  Research Report -- 11 Feb 88 - 19 Feb 88
5.  Research Report -- 20 Feb 88 - 28 Feb 88
6.  Indexes -- Mar 88
7.  Indexes -- Apr 88
8.  Indexes -- May 88
9.  Indexes -- Jun 88
10. Indexes -- Jul 88
11. Indexes -- Aug 88
12. Indexes -- Sep 88
13. Gists -- Oct/Nov 88    
14. Gists -- Dec 88
15. Indexes -- Oct 88
16. Indexes -- Nov 88
17. Indexes -- Dec 88

Jan 89 - Jun 89
Item #
1.  Gists  -- Jan 89
2.  Indexes     -- Jan 89
3.  Gists  -- Feb 89
4.  Indexes     -- Feb 89
5.  Gists  -- Mar 89
6.  Indexes     -- Mar 89  
7.  Gists  -- Apr 89
8.  Indexes     -- Apr 89
9.  Gists  -- May 89
10. Indexes     -- May 89
11. Gists  -- Jun 89
12. Indexes     -- Jun 89

Jul 89 - Dec 89
Item #
1.  Gists       -- Jul 89
2.  Indexes     -- Jul 89
3.  Gists       -- Aug 89
4.  Indexes     -- Aug 89
5.  Gists       -- Sep 89
6.  Indexes     -- Sep 89
7.  Gists       -- Oct 89
8.  Indexes     -- Oct 89
9.  Gists       -- Nov 89
10. Indexes     -- Nov 89
11. Gists       -- Dec 89
12. Indexes     -- Dec 89

Jan 90 - Dec 90  
Item #
1. Gists   -- Jan 90
2. Indexes      -- Jan 90
3. Gists   -- Feb 90
4. Indexes      -- Feb 90
5. Gists   -- Mar 90
6. Indexes      -- Mar 90
7. Indexes      -- Apr 90
8. Indexes      -- May 90
9. Indexes      -- Jun 90
10.Indexes      -- Jul 90
11.Indexes      -- Aug 90
12.Indexes      -- Sep 90
13.Indexes      -- Oct 90
14.Indexes      -- Nov 90
15.Indexes      -- Dec 90

Jan 91 - 28 Apr 91
Gists and Indexes
Item #
1.    Jan 91 (just Indexes)
2.     1 Feb 91       - 10 Feb 91
3.    11 Feb 91       - 17 Feb 91
4.    18 Feb 91       - 24 Feb 91
5.    25 Feb 91       -  3 Mar 91
6.     4 Mar 91       - 10 Mar 91
7.    11 Mar 91       - 17 Mar 91
8.    18 Mar 91       - 24 Mar 91
9.    25 Mar 91       - 31 Mar 91
10.    1 Apr 91       -  7 Apr 91
11.    8 Apr 91       - 14 Apr 91
12.   15 Apr 91       - 21 Apr 91
13.   22 Apr 91       - 28 Apr 91

29 Apr 91 - 30 Jun 91
Gists and Indexes
Item #
1.    29 Apr 91       -  5 May 91
2.     6 May 91       - 12 May 91
3.    13 May 91       - 19 May 91
4.    20 May 91       - 26 May 91
5.    27 May 91       -  2 Jun 91
6.     3 Jun 91       - 10 Jun 91
7.    10 Jun 91       - 16 Jun 91
8.    17 Jun 91       - 23 Jun 91
9.    24 Jun 91       - 30 Jun 91

BOX 10
1 Jul 91 - 1 Sep 91 -- see also Box 11/#4,5
Gists and Indexes
Item #
1.     1 Jul 91       -  7 Jul 91
2.     8 Jul 91       - 14 Jul 91
3.    15 Jul 91       - 21 Jul 91
4.    22 Jul 91       - 28 Jul 91
5.    29 Jul 91       -  4 Aug 91
6.     5 Aug 91       - 11 Aug 91
7.    12 Aug 91       - 18 Aug 91
8.    19 Aug 91       - 25 Aug 91
9.    26 Aug 91       -  1 Sep 91

BOX 11
2 Sep 91 - 31 Dec 91
Item #
1.    Gists and Indexes --  2 Sep 91-  8 Sep 91
2.    Gists and Indexes -- 16 Sep 91- 22 Sep 91
3.    Gists and Indexes -- 23 Sep 91- 29 Sep 91
4.    Gists -- 30 Sep 91 -  6 Oct 91 
      Video Selection Lists -- 11 Aug 91 - 16 Aug 91
5.    Gists --  7 Oct 91 - 13 Oct 91
      Video Selection Lists -- 17 Aug 91 - 25 Aug 91
6.    Gists -- 14 Oct 91 - 20 Oct 91
7.    Gists -- 21 Oct 91 - 27 Oct 91
      Video Selection Lists --  1 Oct 91 - 23 Oct 91
8.    Gists -- 28 Oct 91 -  3 Nov 91
9.    Gists -- 18 Nov 91 -  1 Dec 91
10.   FSU Television --  1 Nov 91 - 30 Nov 91
11.   FSU Television --  1 Dec 91 - 31 Dec 91
12.   FSU Television Leadership Citations -- Oct, Nov, Dec 91
      (Visuals of "who's who" in post-Coup politics and economics)BOX 12
Oct 91 - Jul 92
St. Petersburg/Moscow Local TV 
Item #
1.    Oct 91
2.    Nov 91
3.    Dec 91
4.    Jan 92
5.    Feb 92
6.    Mar 92
7.    Apr 92
8.    May 92
9.    Jun 92
10.   Jul 92

BOX 13
Jan 92 - Aug 92
FSU Television
Item #
1.    Jan 92
2.    Feb 92
3.    Mar 92
4.    Apr 92
5.    May 92
6.    Jun 92
7.    Jul 92
8.    Aug 92

BOX 14
May 92 -
Ukrainian Television
Item #
1.    Video Selection Lists -- 12 May 92 - 10 Jun 92

BOX 15
Aug 92-
St. Petersburg/Moscow Local TV
Item #
1.    Aug 92

Top of Page

Appendix II: The Program Lists

(May 90 - Feb 91)          

PROGRAM                                  DATE         TIME  SHELF NUMBER

Vzgliad pt 2                           3 Feb 90       00:02 VBH 9244
"Mig and Time"                         7 Feb 90       22:48 VBH 9323
Vremia                                 9 Feb 90       18:30 VBH 9240
Studio 9/Gorbachev pt 1               27 Feb 90       19:10 VBH 9324
Gorbachev pt 2                        27 Feb 90       20:10 VBH 9325
Vremia                                11 Mar 90       18:30 VBH 9326
120 Minutes pt 3                      10 Apr 90       08:07 VBH 8851
Tele-Eco                               3 May 90       17:37 VBH 8852
Before 16 and Older                    3 May 90       19:00 VBH 8853
120 Minutes pt 2                       4 May 90       07:10 VBH 8854
Philosophical Conversations            4 May 90       17:32 VBH 8855
Progress, Info., Adv.                  4 May 90       19:00 VBH 8856
Omelichev on Conscription              4 May 90       21:44 VBH 8857
Vzgliad pt 1                           4 May 90       22:35 VBH 8858
Vzgliad pt 2                           4 May 90       23:43 VBH 8859
International Panorama                 5 May 90       18:00 VBH 8860
Vremia                                 5 May 90       21:00 VBH 8861
Serving the Fatherland                 6 May 90       01:59 VBH 8862
120 Minutes pt 1                       8 May 90       06:30 VBH 8863
Gorbachev pt 1                         8 May 90       16:46 VBH 8864
Gorbachev pt 2                         8 May 90       17:40 VBH 8865
Telebridge Mosc/Wash.DC pt1            8 May 90       21:47 VBH 8866
Telebridge pt 2                        8 May 90       22:50 VBH 8867
"Officer's Romance"                    8 May 90       23:39 VBH 8868
Yazov speech/Vict. Day pt 1            9 May 90       09:50 VBH 8869
Victory Day Parade pt 2                9 May 90       02:46 VBH 8870
Vestnik                               10 May 90       15:40 VBH 8871
Before 16 and Older                   10 May 90       18:59 VBH 8872
Man and Law                           10 May 90       19:59 VBH 8873
120 Minutes pt 2                      11 May 90       07:11 VBH 8874
Discussion of the economy             11 May 90       17:49 VBH 8875
Cartoon/Kim Philby doc. pt 1           1 May 90       19:00 VBH 8876
Kim Philby documentary pt 2           11 May 90       19:59 VBH 8877
Vzgliad pt 1                          11 May 90       22:30 VBH 8878
Vzgliad pt 2                          11 May 90       23:32 VBH 8879
Gorbachev                             12 May 90       18:00 VBH 8880
Vremia                                12 May 90       21:00 VBH 8881
Ryzhkov interview                      2 May 90       21:45 VBH 8882 
unidentified                          13 May 90       10:00 VBH 8883
Vremia                                13 May 90       21:00 VBH 8884
Music                                 14 May 90       15:40 VBH 8885
Documentary                           14 May 90       17:40 VBH 8886
Vremia                                14 May 90       18:30 VBH 8887
Vremia                                14 May 90       18:30 VBH 8888
Vremia                                14 May 90       21:00 VBH 8889
News                                  15 May 90       15:28 VBH 8890
Pulse 90                              15 May 90       17:32 VBH 8891
Vremia                                15 May 90       18:30 VBH 8892
Vremia                                15 May 90       18:30 VBH 8893
Vremia                                15 May 90       21:00 VBH 8894
Interview                             15 May 90       21:48 VBH 8895
News                                  15 May 90       00:18 VBH 8896
Egypt Cine-program                    16 May 90       16:35 VBH 8897
Vremia                                16 May 90       18:30 VBH 8898
Vremia                                16 May 90       21:00 VBH 8899
Vremia                                16 May 90       21:00 VBH 8900
Vremia                                16 May 90       21:00 VBH 8901
Soccer pt 1                           16 May 90       21:38 VBH 8902
Soccer pt 2                           16 May 90       22:42 VBH 8903
Soccer pt 3/Music                     16 May 90       23:40 VBH 8904
120 Minutes pt 1                      17 May 90       06:29 VBH 8905
120 Minutes pt 2                      17 May 90       07:20 VBH 8906
120 Minutes pt 3                      17 May 90       08:05 VBH 8907
News                                  17 May 90       15:30 VBH 8908
MTV/Before 16 and Older               17 May 90       19:05 VBH 8909
US Marine Band in Moscow              17 May 90       20:00 VBH 8910
Vremia                                17 May 90       21:00 VBH 8911
Vremia                                17 May 90       21:00 VBH 8912
Vremia                                18 May 90       18:30 VBH 8913
Political Dialogues pt 1              18 May 90       19:00 VBH 8914
Political Dialogues pt 2              18 May 90       20:00 VBH 8915
Vremia                                18 May 90       21:00 VBH 8916
News/College Quiz                     18 May 90       21:50 VBH 8917
Russian Music/Vzgliad                  8 May 90       22:30 VBH 8918
News                                  18 May 90       00:30 VBH 8919
Sec. Baker in Moscow                  19 May 90       21:00 VBH 8920
Man, Earth, Universe                  19 May 90       09:00 VBH 8921
International Panorama                20 May 90       18:00 VBH 8922
Vremia                                21 May 90       18:30 VBH 8923
We and the Economy                    21 May 90       19:00 VBH 8924
Vremia                                21 May 90       21:00 VBH 8925
120 Minutes pt 2                      22 May 90       07:12 VBH 8961
World Mass Media Conference           22 May 90       17:31 VBH 8962
World Mass Media Conference           22 May 90       17:31 VBH 8963
Vremia/Gorb. Interview pt 1           22 May 90       18:30 VBH 8964
Gorbachev interview pt 2              22 May 90       19:32 VBH 8965
Vremia                                22 May 90       21:00 VBH 8966
What is the Way Out of the Economic Crisis?
                                      22 May 90       23:53 VBH 8967
Dialogue with a Computer              23 May 90       15:43 VBH 8968
Telebridge Hirosh.-Alma Ata           23 May 90       17:29 VBH 8969
Vremia                                23 May 90       18:30 VBH 8970
Ted Kennedy                           23 May 90       19:00 VBH 8971
Vremia                                23 May 90       21:00 VBH 8972
Alexander Dubchek interview           23 May 90       21:35 VBH 8973
120 Minutes pt 1                      24 May 90       06:29 VBH 8974
120 Minutes pt 3                      24 May 90       08:08 VBH 8975
News                                  24 May 90       15:27 VBH 8976
Vremia                                24 May 90       18:30 VBH 8977
Before 16 and Older                   24 May 90       19:00 VBH 8978
Vremia                                24 May 90       21:00 VBH 8979
News                                  24 May 90       00:08 VBH 8980
Gorbachev/Mitterand pt 1               5 May 90       19:15 VBH 8981
Gorbachev/Mitterand pt 2               5 May 90       20:15 VBH 8982
Vremia                                25 May 90       21:00 VBH 8983
Hungary - Spring '90 pt 1             25 May 90       21:54 VBH 8984
Hungary - Spring '90 pt 2             25 May 90       22:56 VBH 8985
Commercial Bulletin                   26 May 90       12:48 VBH 8986
Vremia                                26 May 90       21:00 VBH 8987
Vzgliad pt 1                          26 May 90       00:48 VBH 8988
Vzgliad pt 2                          26 May 90       01:50 VBH 8989
120 Minutes pt 1                      27 May 90       06:29 VBH 8990
I Serve the Soviet Union              27 May 90       10:00 VBH 8991
I Serve the Soviet Union              27 May 90       10:00 VBH 8992
Vremia                                27 May 90       21:00 VBH 8993
120 Minutes pt 1                      28 May 90       06:29 VBH 8994
120 Minutes pt 2                      28 May 90       07:54 VBH 8995
Vremia                                28 May 90       18:30 VBH 8996
Vremia                                28 May 90       21:00 VBH 8997
USSR - USA pt 1                       28 May 90       21:52 VBH 8998
Vzgliad                               28 May 90       01:27 VBH 8999
120 Minutes pt 2                      29 May 90       07:12 VBH 9000
120 Minutes pt 3                      29 May 90       07:48 VBH 9001
Modern Social Development             29 May 90       15:52 VBH 9002
Tele-eco                              29 May 90       16:46 VBH 9003
Vremia                                29 May 90       18:30 VBH 9004
Vremia                                29 May 90       21:00 VBH 9005
Vremia                                29 May 90       21:00 VBH 9006
Press Club pt 1                       29 May 90       22:02 VBH 9007
Press Club pt 2                       29 May 90       23:02 VBH 9008
Vremia                                30 May 90       18:30 VBH 9009
Vremia                                30 May 90       21:00 VBH 9010
News                                  30 May 90       00:03 VBH 9011
Vremia                                31 May 90       12:30 VBH 9012
News                                  31 May 90       15:28 VBH 9013
Telebridge Gorb.-Wash.DC              31 May 90       17:45 VBH 9014
Before 16 and Older/Steps  31 May 90  19:00           VBH 9015 
Vremia                                31 May 90       21:00 VBH 9016
American Diary pt 2                   31 May 90       21:52 VBH 9017
News                                   1 Jun 90       15:28 VBH 9327
Steps to Meet                          1 Jun 90       15:45 VBH 9328
Gorbachev in America                   1 Jun 90       18:28 VBH 9329
Vremia                                 1 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9330
American Diary                         1 Jun 90       22:01 VBH 9331
Vzgliad                                1 Jun 90       23:31 VBH 9332
Vremia                                 2 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9333
Gorbachev/Congressmen pt 1             2 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9334
Gorbachev/Congressmen pt 2             2 Jun 90       19:00 VBH 9335
Business Bulletin                      2 Jun 90       22:54 VBH 9336
Vzgliad                                2 Jun 90       00:32 VBH 9337
I Serve the Soviet Union               3 Jun 90       10:00 VBH 9338
Vremia                                 3 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9339
Vremia                                 4 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9340
Vremia                                 4 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9341
Vremia                                 4 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9342
American Report                        4 Jun 90       21:53 VBH 9343
Professionals                          5 Jun 90       23:53 VBH 9344
Vremia pt 2/"Yes, Minister"            5 Jun 90       22:01 VBH 9345
Vremia                                 6 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9346
Vremia                                 6 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9347
Vremia                                 6 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9348
Vremia                                 6 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9349
Prague - Spring '90 pt 1               6 Jun 90       22:35 VBH 9350
Prague pt 2                            6 Jun 90       23:35 VBH 9351
News                                   6 Jun 90       01:69 VBH 9352
News                                   6 Jun 90       00:54 VBH 9353
Before 16 and Older                    7 Jun 90       17:40 VBH 9354
Vremia                                 7 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9355
Vremia                                 7 Jun 90       18:30 VBH 9356
Vremia                                 7 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9357
Korea                                  7 Jun 90       22:37 VBH 9358
Vremia                                 8 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9359
Lizichev interview                     8 Jun 90       21:56 VBH 9360
Vzgliad                                8 Jun 90       23:08 VBH 9361
Gorb.-Thatcher press conf.             9 Jun 90       17:55 VBH 9362
Vremia                                 9 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9363
Vremia                                 9 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9364
El'tsin interview                      9 Jun 90       22:01 VBH 9365
Vzgliad                                9 Jun 90       00:08 VBH 9366
I Serve the Soviet Union              10 Jun 90       10:00 VBH 9367
I Serve the Soviet Union              10 Jun 90       10:00 VBH 9368
Vremia                                10 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9369
Vremia                                10 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9370
Vremia                                11 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9371
120 Minutes pt 3                      12 Jun 90       08:00 VBH 9372
News                                  12 Jun 90       15:58 VBH 9373
International Panorama                12 Jun 90       17:16 VBH 9374
Vremia                                12 Jun 90       17:58 VBH 9375
Vremia                                12 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9376
Gorbachev pt 1                        12 Jun 90       21:40 VBH 9377
Gorbachev pt 2                        12 Jun 90       22:40 VBH 9378
Vremia                                13 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9379
Vremia                                13 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9380
Vremia                                14 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9381
Vremia                                14 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9382
Vremia                                15 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9383
Vremia                                15 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9384
Vremia                                15 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9385
Man, Earth, and Universe               1 Jun 90       09:05 VBH 9386
Vremia                                16 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9387
Vremia                                17 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9388
Vremia                                18 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9389
Vremia                                18 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9390
Political Dialogues                   18 Jun 90       18:28 VBH 9391
We and the Economy                    18 Jun 90       19:27 VBH 9392
Vremia                                18 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9393
120 Minutes pt 2                      19 Jun 90       07:14 VBH 9394
120 Minutes pt 3                      19 Jun 90       07:53 VBH 9395
Gorbachev conference                  19 Jun 90       18:31 VBH 9396
Vremia                                19 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9397
Telebridge                            19 Jun 90       21:48 VBH 9398
Vremia                                20 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9399
Man and Law                           20 Jun 90       19:21 VBH 9400
Late Night News                       20 Jun 90       00:46 VBH 9401
120 Minutes pt 3                      21 Jun 90       08:00 VBH 9402
Scientific Bulletin                   21 Jun 90       16:42 VBH 9403
Vremia                                21 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9404
Vremia                                22 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9405
Vremia                                23 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9406
I Serve the Soviet Union              24 Jun 90       10:00 VBH 9407
Vremia                                24 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9408
Vremia                                25 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9086
El'tsin conference                    26 Jun 90       19:31 VBH 9409
Vremia                                26 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9410
Vremia                                27 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9089
Vremia                                27 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9411
Interview/Music                       27 Jun 90       21:47 VBH 9412
Political Dialogues pt 1              28 Jun 90       17:59 VBH 9413
Political Dialogues pt 2              28 Jun 90       19:00 VBH 9414
Vremia                                28 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9415
Political Dialogues                   29 Jun 90       16:58 VBH 9416
Vremia                                29 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9417
Interview                             29 Jun 90       21:44 VBH 9418
Vzgliad                               29 Jun 90       23:22 VBH 9419
International Panorama                30 Jun 90       18:00 VBH 9420
Vremia                                30 Jun 90       21:00 VBH 9421
Vzgliad pt 1                          30 Jun 90       00:16 VBH 9422
Vzgliad pt 2/News                     30 Jun 90       01:14 VBH 9423
Vremia                                 1 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9018
Vremia                                 2 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9019
Vremia                                 2 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9020
Vremia                                 3 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9021
Vremia                                 3 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9022
Vremia                                 3 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9023
Political Dialogues/News               3 Jul 90       00:05 VBH 9024
Tele-eco                               4 Jul 90       17:00 VBH 9025
Vremia                                 4 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9026
Before 16 and Older                    5 Jul 90       17:34 VBH 9029
Vremia                                 5 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9030
Vremia                                 5 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9031
120 Minutes pt 3                       6 Jul 90       07:56 VBH 9027
News                                   6 Jul 90       15:30 VBH 9028
Vremia                                 6 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9032
International Panorama                 7 Jul 90       17:45 VBH 9036
Vremia                                 7 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9037
I Serve the Soviet Union               8 Jul 90       10:00 VBH 9033
Gorbachev interview                    8 Jul 90       20:25 VBH 9034
Vremia                                 8 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9035
Vremia                                 9 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9038
Vremia                                 9 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9039
120 Minutes pt 2                      10 Jul 90       07:15 VBH 9040
Vremia                                10 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9041
Vremia                                10 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9042
Vremia                                11 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9043
Vremia                                11 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9044
News                                  11 Jul 90       00:56 VBH 9045
News                                  12 Jul 90       15:28 VBH 9046
Before 16 and Older                   12 Jul 90       17:30 VBH 9047
Vremia                                12 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9048
Vremia                                12 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9049
Vremia                                12 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9050
Vremia                                13 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9053
Vremia                                13 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9054
Vremia                                14 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9051
Vremia                                14 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9052
Vremia                                15 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9055
Vremia pt 1                           15 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9056
Vremia pt 2                           15 Jul 90       22:02 VBH 9057
Vremia                                16 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9058
120 Minutes pt 1                      17 Jul 90       06:29 VBH 9059
Vremia                                17 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9060
Vremia                                17 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9061
Vremia                                17 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9062
Vremia                                17 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9063
Vremia                                18 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9064
Vremia                                18 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9065
Vremia                                18 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9066
Vremia                                19 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9067
Vremia                                19 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9068
120 Minutes pt 1                      20 Jul 90       06:30 VBH 9069
120 Minutes pt 3                      20 Jul 90       07:52 VBH 9070
unidentified program                  20 Jul 90       19:02 VBH 9071
Ostankino                             20 Jul 90       20:02 VBH 9072
Vremia                                20 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9073
Vremia                                20 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9074
Ryzhkov                               20 Jul 90       21:32 VBH 9075
News                                  20 Jul 90       00:25 VBH 9076
Vremia                                21 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9077
Vremia                                21 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9078
I Serve the Soviet Union              22 Jul 90       09:59 VBH 9079
Vremia                                22 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9080
120 Minutes pt 3                      23 Jul 90       08:00 VBH 9081
Vremia                                23 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9082
Vremia                                23 Jul 90       21:00 VBH 9083
120 Minutes pt 3                      24 Jul 90       08:00 VBH 9084
Vremia                                24 Jul 90       18:30 VBH 9085
120 Minutes pt 1                      26 Jul 90       06:29 VBH 9087
120 Minutes pt 2                      26 Jul 90       07:10 VBH 9088
120 Minutes pt 2                      31 Jul 90       07:11 VBH 9090
Vremia                                13 Aug 90       21:00 VBH 9092
Vremia                                29 Aug 90       21:00 VBH 9091
Political Dialogues pt 1               2 Oct 90       18:00 VBH 8752
Political Dialogues pt 2               2 Nov 90       18:34 VBH 8753
Vzgliad/News                           2 Nov 90       23:40 VBH 8754
I Serve the Soviet Union              18 Nov 90       10:00 VBH 8755
Vid                                   23 Nov 90       19:55 VBH 8756
120 Minutes pt 1                      17 Dec 90       06:30 VBH 8757
120 Minutes pt 2                      17 Dec 90       07:15 VBH 8758
120 Minutes pt 3                      17 Dec 90       08:00 VBH 8759
120 Minutes pt 1                      20 Dec 90       06:30 VBH 8760
120 Minutes pt 2                      20 Dec 90       07:12 VBH 8761
120 Minutes pt 3                      20 Dec 90       07:56 VBH 8762
120 Minutes pt 1                      21 Dec 90       06:30 VBH 8763
120 Minutes pt 2                      21 Dec 90       07:15 VBH 8764
120 Minutes pt 3                      21 Dec 90       08:00 VBH 8765
Vid pt 1                              21 Dec 90       20:00 VBH 8766
Vid pt 2                              21 Dec 90       22:24 VBH 8767
Vid pt 3                              21 Dec 90       23:15 VBH 8768
Vid pt 4                              21 Dec 90       00:12 VBH 8769
120 Minutes pt 1                      22 Dec 90       06:30 VBH 8770
120 Minutes pt 2                      22 Dec 90       07:13 VBH 8771
120 Minutes pt 3                      22 Dec 90       07:55 VBH 8772
I Serve the Soviet Union              23 Dec 90       10:02 VBH 8773
120 Minutes pt 1                      24 Dec 90       06:30 VBH 8774
120 Minutes pt 2                      24 Dec 90       07:15 VBH 8775
120 Minutes pt 3                      24 Dec 90       08:00 VBH 8776
120 Minutes pt 1                      26 Dec 90       06:29 VBH 8777
120 Minutes pt 2                      26 Dec 90       07:10 VBH 8778
120 Minutes pt 3                      26 Dec 90       07:52 VBH 8779
Vremia                                27 Dec 90       20:56 VBH 8780
Vremia                                16 Jan 91       21:00 VBH 7821
120 Minutes pt 3                      23 Jan 91       08:15 VBH 7822
120 Minutes pt 1                      24 Jan 91       06:30 VBH 7823
120 Minutes pt 2                      24 Jan 91       07:20 VBH 7824
Utro pt 2                              1 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7825
International Panorama                 2 Feb 91       17:58 VBH 7826
Vremia                                 2 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7827
Vremia                                 3 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7828
Vremia                                 5 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7829
Vremia                                 7 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7830
Vremia                                 8 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7831
Utro pt 2                              8 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7832
Utro pt 3                              8 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7833
Vremia                                 9 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7834
Vremia                                11 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7835
Utro pt 3                             11 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7836
Utro pt 1                             11 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7837
Utro pt 2                             11 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7838
Utro pt 1                             12 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7839
Utro pt 2                             12 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7840
Utro pt 3                             12 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7841
News                                  12 Feb 91       00:40 VBH 7842
Vremia                                12 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7843
Utro pt 1                             13 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7844
Utro pt 2                             13 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7845
Utro pt 3                             13 Feb 91       08:15 VBH 7846
Vremia                                13 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7847
News                                  13 Feb 91       00:08 VBH 7849
Vremia                                14 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7851
Utro pt 1                             15 Feb 91       06:29 VBH 7852
Utro pt 2                              5 Feb 91       07:28 VBH 7853
Utro pt 3                             15 Feb 91       08:06 VBH 7854
Vremia                                15 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7855
Vremia                                16 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7856
Vremia                                16 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7866
Vremia                                17 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7857
Utro pt 1                             18 Feb 91       06:29 VBH 7858
Utro pt 2                             18 Feb 91       07:20 VBH 7850
Utro pt 3                             18 Feb 91       08:10 VBH 7859
Vremia                                18 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7860
El'tsin interview pt 1                19 Feb 91       18:12 VBH 7861
El'tsin interview pt 2                19 Feb 91       19:10 VBH 7862
Utro pt 1                             19 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7863
Utro pt 2                             19 Feb 91       07:25 VBH 7864
Utro pt 3                             19 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7865
Vremia                                20 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7867
Vremia                                20 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7868
Utro pt 1                             20 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7869
Utro pt 2                             20 Feb 91       07:30 VBH 7870
Utro pt 1                             21 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7871
Utro pt 3                             21 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7872
Vremia                                21 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7873
Vremia                                21 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7874
Utro pt 1                             22 Feb 91       06:30 VBH 7875
Utro pt 3                             22 Feb 91       08:20 VBH 7876
Vremia                                22 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7877
Vremia                                23 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7878
Vremia                                23 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7879
Vremia                                24 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7880
Vremia                                24 Feb 91       21:00 VBH 7881

Top of Page

Appendix III: Soviet Television Documentaries

(Chronological listing from Dec 88 - Feb 91, based on "Documentary Film" section of Soviet Television Card Catalog)
Nazvannye Sestry
(Nurses with Names)
Subject: Nurses in Afghanistan
1 Dec 88
VBJ 1014

Parol', Nadezhda
(Password: Hope)
Subject: A Siberian cooperative
5 Dec 88
VBJ 1026

Vsego tri stroki
(Three Lines in All)
7 Dec 88
VBJ 1032

Bar'ery na starte
(Hurdles on the Starting Line)
Subject: Perestroika and the economy
14 Dec 88
VBJ 1057

Ia vspominaiu
(I Remember)
Subject: The author Likhachev
14 Dec 88
Part 1: VBJ 1058
Part 2: VBJ 1059

Novatory i konservatory
(Innovators and Conservatives)
Subject: Resources and the Ukrainian domestic economy
19 Dec 88
VBJ 1124Urok na zavtra
(Lesson for Tomorrow)
Subject: Economics in Kirghiz
20 Dec 88
VBJ 1127

Subject: Re-evaluation of Soviet history
20 Dec 88
VBJ 1127

Shkola - Vremia peremen
(School - A Time of Changes)
Subject: The Soviet school system
20 Dec 88
VBJ 1128

Latinskaia Amerika segodnia: Puti demokratsii Chili
(Latin America Today: Chile's Paths to Democracy
20 Dec 88
VBJ 1129

Dokazat' delom
(To Prove by Doing)
21 Dec 88
VBJ 1137

Strategiia energetiki: shakhterskie gorizonty
(Energy Strategy: Miners' Horizons)
Subject: The Soviet coal industry
22 Dec 88
VBJ 1143

Rostovskaia finift'
(The Enamel of Rostov)
Subject: Enamel art
1 Jan 89
VBJ 1183

Vmesto predsloviia
(Instead of a Preface)
Subject: The famous filmmaker Andrei Tarkovskii
6 Jan 89
VBJ 1791

Daniil Granin: Mysli vslukh
(Daniel Granin: Thinking Aloud)
Subject: The writer Granin
8 Jan 89
VBJ 1810

Otritsanie otritsaniia: Shel tretii god perestroiki
(The Denial of Denial:  The Third Year of Perestroika has Passed)
17 Jan 89
VBJ 2168

Osobenno s Amerikoi
(Especially with America)
Subject: Soviet - U.S. relations
21 Jan 89
VBJ 1862

Po Kabardino-Balkarii
(Along the Kabardino-Balkaria)
Subject: The Autonomous Soviet Republic in the Causasus
24 Jan 89
VBJ 2169

Radzhiv Gandi
(Rajiv Gandhi)
26 Jan 89
VBJ 2017

Fakel Iuriia Dombrovskogo
(The Torch of Iurii Dombrovskii)
30 Jan 89
VBJ 2053Fazu Alieva
(Fazu Alieva)
Subject: The female writer
30 Jan 89
VBJ 2053

Russkii iazyk
(The Russian Language)
30 Jan 89
VBJ 2054

KNR: Desiat' let reform
(The People's Republic of China: Ten Years of Reform)
30 Jan 89
Part 1: VBJ 2055
Part 2: VBJ 2056

Budu sporit'
(I Will Compete)
Subject: Soviet hockey coach Tarasov
2 Feb 89
VBJ 2076

Piatyi variant
(The Fifth Variant)
6 Feb 89
VBJ 2098

I liudi verili
(And People Believed)
14 Feb 89
VBJ 2147

Klub 100
(Club 100)
Subject: Successful Soviet farmers
14 Feb 89
VBJ 2147

(Russian title unrecorded, film incomplete)
(Make a Choice)
14 Feb 89
VBJ 2150

Sonata dlia trekh kooperativov
(Sonata for Three Cooperatives)
16 Feb 89
VBJ 2193

Marshal Roskovskii
(Marshal Roskovskii"
Subject: The World War II military leader
20 Feb 89
Part 1: VBJ 2215
Part 2: VBJ 2216

Ia khochu govorit'
(I Want to Talk)
Subject: Deaf children
27 Feb 89
VBJ 2267

(Russian title unrecorded, film incomplete)
(Zinaida Kirienko, Actress -- A Retrospective)
8 Mar 89
VBJ 0280

(title unrecorded)
Subject: Alicia Alonso and the Cuban Ballet
3 Apr 89
VBJ 0562

Osnova vsekh zabot
(The Origin of All Worries)
Subject: Kazakhstan
4 Apr 89
VBJ 0568

Direktor Ilona Debroski
(Director Ilona Debroski)
Subject: Hungarian clothing industry
4 Apr 89
VBJ 0569

Ispoved tsivilizovannogo kooperatora
(Confession of a Civilized Cooperator)
Subject: Soviet labor camps
4 Apr 89
VBJ 0573

(title unrecorded, film incomplete)
Subject: Soviet-Vietnamese relations
5 Apr 89
VBJ 0575

(title unrecorded, film incomplete)
Subject: Soviet military awards
6 Apr 89
Part 1: VBJ 0584
Part 2: VBJ 0585

Prostite nas
(Forgive Us)
Subject: Soviets in WWII Nazi Camps
10 Apr 89
VBJ 0604

Krylia otchizny
(The Wings of the Fatherland)
Subject: Soviet aviation
12 Apr 89
Copy 1: VBJ 0616
Copy 2: VBJ 2280

Operatsiia Grom -- Khronika odnogo prestupleniia
(Operation Thunder -- Chronicle of a Crime)
18 Apr 89
VBJ 0651
Subject: S.I. Naboko, Soviet vulcanologist
26 Apr 89
VBJ 0697

Vpervye v dome kinematografistov
(In the Cinematographers' Club for the First Time)
27 Apr 89
VBJ 0991

Neterpimost' -- Istoki i sledstviia
(Intolerance -- Origins and Consequences)
Subject: Political fanaticism
3 Jan 90
VBI 9195

Dostoiny l my svoikh nasledii? Prazdnik slavianskoi pismennosti i kultury v
(Are We Worthy? Holiday of Slavonic Literature and Culture in Novgorod)
6 Jan 90
VBI 9210

Subject: Christianity in Siberia
6 Jan 90
VBI 9213

Delo khoziaiskoe
(It's Up to You)
8 Jan 90
VBI 9220

Mir Ulanovoi
(The World of Ulanova) 
Subject: The life of the great ballerina
8 Jan 90
Part 1: VBI 9226
Part 2: VBI 9227
Nikto ne khotel uezzhat'
(Nobody Wanted to Leave)
Subject: German migration
10 Jan 90
VBI 9273

Dvadtsat'shest' vek
(26 Centuries)
15 Jan 90
Subject: Story of Jews in Georgia and Israel
Dubbed English
VBI 1731

(title unrecorded, film incomplete)
Subject: Soviets in Afghanistan
15 Feb 90
VBI 9594

K miru na sviatoi zemle
(Toward Peace in the Holy Land)
Subject: Conflict in Israel
21 Feb 90
VBI 9629

Skol'ko stoit ideia?
(How Much Does an Idea Cost?)
Subject: Soviet economy
2 Mar 90
VBI 9695

Paradoksy sotrudnichestva
(The Paradoxes of Cooperation)
Subject: Joint ventures
10 March 90
VBI 9732

(title unrecorded, film incomplete)
Subject: Estonia
21 Mar 90
VBI 9992
Togda v sorokovom
(Back Then, in '40)
Subject: Baltic states and the Hitler-Stalin Pact
22 Mar 90
Part 1: VBI 9998
Part 2: VBI 9999

Doroga druzhba
(The Way of Friendship)
Subject: Central Asian railroads
23 Mar 90
VBJ 0004

Okno v voskresnoi polose
(A Gap in the Sunday Belt)
Subject: Judaism in Birobidzhan
26 Mar 90
VBJ 0026

Bol'shie problemy malen'kogo goroda
(The Big Problems of a Small Town)
9 Apr 90
VBJ 0097

Na rumbakh morskoi slavy
(On the Compass Points of Maritime Glory)
Subject: History of the Russian Fleet
11 Apr 90
VBJ 0131

Li Pen -- Politicheskii portret
(Li Peng -- A Political Portrait)
Subject: The Chinese leader from a Soviet point of view
21 Apr 90
VBJ 0191

Eksperiment ostrova Khainan
(The Hainan Island Experiment)
Subject: Chinese economy
25 Apr 90
VBJ 0216

Religiia Islama i mezhnatsional'nye otnosheniia
(The Islamic Religion and Interethnic Relationships)
25 Apr 90
VBJ 0220

Polkovodtsy: Vospominaniia o proshloi voine
(Military Leaders: Recollections of the Last War)
Subject: World War II
27 Apr 90
VBJ 0235

Speshat li rel'si na sever?
(Are the Rails Rushing Northward?)
Subject: Siberian railroads
10 Oct 90
VBJ 2724

Amerikantsy v Rossii
(Americans in Russia)
Subject: A U.S. Navy ship visits Russia
31 Oct 90
VBJ 2932

Osen' Moldovy
(Autumn in Moldova)
20 Nov 90
VBJ 3204

(Russian title unrecorded, film incomplete)
Subject: Australian wool industry
23 Jan 91
VBJ 3527
Razmyshleniia na Baltiiskuiu temu
(Thoughts on the Baltic Issue)
5 Feb 91
VBJ 3620

Moskva Tushino
(Moscow Tushino)
Subject: Aviation
27 Feb 91
VBJ 3662
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