June 2012

Swap Your Used DVDs, CDs, and Books Online (181/365) 4comments

For years, I’ve been trading books online using PaperBackSwap. It’s such a wonderful service that’s fueled a lot of my reading over the past five years or so.

When I first signed up for the service, I swapped a ton of books. I went through my shelves, packaged up several dozen books that I knew I wouldn’t read again, and shipped them out (it really didn’t cost much to ship them).

In exchange, a trickle of books started arriving in my mailbox. Books that I actually wanted to read. Books I’d wanted to read for a long time, like A Summons to Memphis and American Pastoral. Books I wanted to read to my children.

In other words, it was a great deal.

Swap Your Used DVDs, CDs, and Books Online (181/365)

Here’s how it works.

You sign up for an account on PaperBackSwap. When you sign up, you’re asked to list ten books that you own that you’d be willing to trade by mail. When you do that, you get two “credits.” You can use a single “credit” to request that any of the five million (or so) books listed on PaperBackSwap by other members of the site be sent to you.

So, how do you get more credits? You list more books. If someone on the site requests one of the books you’ve listed, you just print out a mailing form (provided to you by the site), wrap that form around the book (perhaps with a bit of additional wrapping), tape it up, and mail it. When the other person receives your book, you get another credit.

Shipping the book (via media mail) costs about $2. So, in essence, for $2, you get a book of your choice mailed to you (and also pass on one of your unread books to someone who will enjoy it).

In my eyes, that’s an exceptional deal. Of course, I’m a heavy reader, so having a flow of fresh books is a very good thing.

Let’s say you don’t enjoy reading, though. SwapACD does essentially the same thing for music CDs. SwapADVD (which I’ve used a fair amount) does essentially the same thing for films.

In each case, you mail out your own items using media mail for about $2 apiece and then eventually receive replacements (things you want to read or watch or listen to) in the mail for free.

Trading media by mail is a great convenient way to refresh your book, DVD, or CD collection at a very low price. Give it a try!

This post is part of a yearlong series called “365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),” in which I’m revisiting the entries from my book “365 Ways to Live Cheap,” which is available at Amazon and at bookstores everywhere. Images courtesy of Brittany Lynne Photography, the proprietor of which is my “photography intern” for this project.

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Ten Pieces of Inspiration #80 3comments

Each week, I highlight ten things each week that inspired me to greater financial, personal, and professional success. Hopefully, they will inspire you as well.

This week, I’m going to include some of my favorite photos and locations from my recent trip to South Dakota.

1. Buffalo in Custer State Park
One of the highlights of the trip for me was seeing a herd of buffalo (about 1,000 head in total) wandering across Custer State Park.

Buffalo in Custer State Park

At one point, the herd actually moved across the road in front of us, forcing us to stop for a significant part of an hour and watch them pass. They completely surrounded our car for a few minutes.

2. Joan Rivers on things getting better
This is just wonderfully stated.

“I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn’t get better. You get better.” — Joan Rivers

Challenges are going to remain challenging. They’re not going to get easier. The thing that’s going to change is you.

3. Emerson on happiness
There is never anything bad about putting forth extra effort to be kind and happy towards others.

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Make the effort to smile at others. Greet them. You’ll be amazed at how easily it makes you naturally feel better.

4. Mount Rushmore
We took more than a hundred shots of Mount Rushmore. It just attracts the lens.

Mount Rushmore

In fact, the entire park near Mount Rushmore seems designed to give you lots and lots and lots of different viewing angles on the mountain. It really is a beautiful monument.

5. Haruki Murakami on questions
Murakami is an excellent novelist who has written some of my favorite novels, including The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore.

“Asking questions is embarrassing for a moment, but not asking’s embarrassing for a lifetime.” — Haruki Murakami

Never, ever feel bad about asking a question. There is no such thing as a dumb question if it comes from a genuine desire to understand.

6. Rock layers in the Badlands
I took a bunch of shots on the Badlands scenic loop, which I considered to be the most visually stunning thing I saw on the entire trip. Much like the Grand Canyon, pictures don’t capture it very well or do it justice.

Rock Layers in the Badlands

One of the most interesting things (to me) was the rock layers, which I felt this picture captured pretty well. It’s like seeing millions of years of natural history at once.

7. E. O. Wilson’s advice to young scientists
If you know anyone who is passionate about science and is considering a career in it, please share this with them.

The world needs good scientists, now more than ever.

8. Eisenhower on leadership
I’ve found that every good leader I’ve ever been around manages to do both of these things, and every bad leader usually fails at one or the other.

“Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility of everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

9. Overview of Rapid City
I love hilltop or mountaintop overviews of long distances. Cities, nature, everything.

Overview of Rapid City

As Rapid City, South Dakota is on the eastern edge of the Black Hills, there are several wonderful spots to get overviews of the city with the rolling Black Hills in the background.

10. Mark Amend on wisdom and courage
You need both wisdom and courage to succeed in life.

“Wisdom is learning to let go when you want to hang on. Courage is learning to hang on when you want to let go.” – Mark Amend

Shop for Used CDs, DVDs, and Books (180/365) 1comment

Everyone who has read The Simple Dollar for long knows that I’m an avid reader. I will read multiple books in a typical week. Because of that, I’m going to use books as an example in the description below, but the entire thing holds true for other types of media – CDs, DVDs, etc. – as well.

In the nearest major city to where I live (Des Moines, Iowa), you’ll find a rather wide array of bookstores, both used bookstores and new bookstores. That’s a very good thing, as it gives me a lot of local buying options for books.

My first instinct when I want a new book, though, is to head to the library. However, sometimes I’ll find a book that I know I’ll re-read several times (like a novel that really connects with me) or a book that I want to annotate in the margins (like a cookbook or a particularly insightful nonfiction book).

In those cases, I’m going to want my own copy of the book.

At any given time, I have a list of 25 or so books that I’d love to own. If I were to stumble across one of these works, I’d be very tempted to buy them. I’ll also sometimes go to the bookstore and just browse for enjoyment.

So, ask yourself this: does it make more sense to browse at a bookstore where the books average $10 apiece or a store where they average $2 apiece?

Shop for Used CDs, DVDs, and Books (180/365)

In other words, if you’re just going to browse, start your browsing at a used bookstore, not a new one. You’re quite likely to find something you’re looking for and you’ll save some real money in the process.

Of course, going to a used bookstore isn’t the perfect solution. If you’re looking for a specific title and nothing else will do, for example, a used bookstore might not be the best place to go. Of course, in those situations, you should use online tools to shop around first.

These same ideas apply to DVDs, CDs, video games, and other forms of media as well. Most cities have used media stores that sell used versions of all of these items.

Beyond buying, many of these stores work in trading as well. If you have some used books, DVDs, CDs, or video games that you’re not using any more, trade them in at your local used media store for credit and replace them with something you’ll actually use.

Most of the time, there’s no reason to pay a lot to fill up your media collection. Shop instead for used options.

(In fact, tomorrow I’ll be discussing a great, convenient way to get a great selection of used media very inexpensively.)

This post is part of a yearlong series called “365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),” in which I’m revisiting the entries from my book “365 Ways to Live Cheap,” which is available at Amazon and at bookstores everywhere. Images courtesy of Brittany Lynne Photography, the proprietor of which is my “photography intern” for this project.

Free and Inexpensive Things to Do in South Dakota 1comment

Recently, I took a weeklong vacation to South Dakota with my wife, my children, and my parents. As always on such trips, Sarah and I try to look for the value. What things did we discover on the trip that were really enjoyable that were also free or nearly so? Here are some of the best things we found on that trip.

Storybook Island
If you have children under about nine years old or so, this is an absolute must.

Storybook Island

It’s a large, free park in Rapid City, South Dakota. It’s about 8 1/2 acres in size and is loaded with sculptures, playground equipment, and other items each themed around a classic children’s story such as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Humpty Dumpty. There are slides, train rides, treehouses, tunnels, bridges, ships, and countless other things to explore. We spent about four hours there and could have spent more time, easily.

You can find out more about Storybook Island at storybookisland.org.

Dinosaur Park
The Dinosaur Park in Rapid City features a handful of concrete dinosaur sculptures on a hill overlooking the town.

Dinosaur Park

The sculptures are impressive in size. I was able to stand underneath a couple of them and my children loved climbing up on the smaller ones. In addition, the spot offers a gorgeous view of Rapid City. Expect to spend half an hour to an hour there. There’s no admission fee.

You can read more about the Dinosaur Park at http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/10514.

Black Hills National Forest
You can freely drive through most of the Black Hills National Forest. The scenery is just amazing throughout this area. Take U.S. Highway 385 through the heart of the Black Hills and you’ll be amazed at the scenery.

I particularly recommend taking the time to drive along the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway and taking some time to stop at Roughlock Falls:

You can find out more about Black Hills National Forest at http://www.fs.usda.gov/blackhills/.

Deadwood, South Dakota is a bit of a tourist trap of a town, but there are some free things worth seeing there.


For my family, the most entertaining free thing in Deadwood was the daily gun fights held on the main street through town. A few times a day, they close off Main Street and stage a gun fight (with blanks, of course), which was highly entertaining. They also stage a re-enactment of the assassination of Wild Bill Hicock.

Mount Moriah Cemetery

Overlooking the town is Mount Moriah Cemetery, which is also free. You can view the grave sites of Wild Bill Hicock and Calamity Jane, among other Western figures.

You can find out more about Deadwood at http://www.deadwood.com/.

National Parks and Monuments
The national parks and monuments in the area (Mount Rushmore, Devil’s Tower, Badlands) are all worth seeing. In the case of Mount Rushmore, Devil’s Tower, and Crazy Horse (which is private), they’re large enough to be seen well outside of the actual national park for free (it’s difficult to see much of the Badlands outside of the park). In the case of Mount Rushmore, it’s free to walk to the monument, but the parking ramp near it costs $11.

Mount Rushmore

In the case of the other monuments and parks in the area (Devil’s Tower, Crazy Horse, and Badlands), you have to pay for entrance whether on foot or in a car. However, national parks are something I strongly support and am happy to pay $2 or $3 per head for the opportunity for my family to see our nation’s preserved wonders up close.

Here are some useful resources for these sites:
Mount Rushmore – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Rushmore
Crazy Horse – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crazy_Horse_Memorial
Devil’s Tower – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devils_Tower_National_Monument
Badlands – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badlands

Wall Drug
I have somewhat mixed feelings about recommending Wall Drug, as it’s akin to a shopping mall.

Free Water at Wall Drug

However, it is free to enter and there are several interesting free things going on inside of it. There’s a park for children to play in near the back and a great collection of Americana art. Also well worth noting is the fact that they provide unlimited free ice water and provide cups of coffee for a nickel.

You can find out more about Wall Drug at http://www.walldrug.com/.

A Big Frugal Tip
A vacation to South Dakota can be very inexpensive, as most of the things to see and enjoy are free or are pretty low cost.

However, I highly recommend that you bring your own food when you’re out for the day. The restaurants and other services near most of these attractions are incredibly expensive for what you get. This is more true for South Dakota than almost any trip I’ve taken, as most of the things you’re doing are pretty rural and the options for food can be limited.

Dig Through Your Media Collection (179/365) 1comment

As we were getting ready for our last move, Sarah and I boxed up most of our DVD collection. It fit pretty nicely into a few moving boxes, so we loaded it on the truck and left.

Because we were so busy with the move (and dealing with the arrival of a new baby a little over a month later), we didn’t pop open those boxes for quite a while. In fact, we didn’t even get to those boxes until the middle of the fall.

When we did open them, it was like Christmas.

Dig Through Your Media Collection (179/365)

We found so many great DVDs that we were excited to watch again. Over the course of a couple of months, we re-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Godfather trilogy, and about twenty other movies that we loved and hadn’t watched in a while.

Most of us buy DVDs (or CDs or games or books….) because we want to enjoy them. We keep them because there’s something we liked about them and we believe we’re going to enjoy them again in the future.

(If that’s not the case, why keep them? Sell them and get some money in your pocket!)

Yet, the reality is that we don’t have unlimited time. The DVDs and books and other items we love end up getting stuck on a shelf somewhere and forgotten about. We have other things going on in our lives and we don’t have time to enjoy these things again.

Thus, our shelves end up filled with things that we enjoy, but that we don’t have time for.

If you have any media collection that you haven’t looked at recently, dig through it before you even consider buying something new. If you have the time to enjoy the new thing, then you have just as much time to enjoy the old thing, right?

Go through these older items and just look for ones that tickle your fancy. Pull them out and enjoy them instead of the new item you’re thinking about getting.

What if you can’t find anything you want to enjoy in your current collection? You might want to start by asking yourself why you have a shelf full of movies/games/CDs that you don’t have any interest in exploring – and you might want to consider selling them off.

That’s not to say you should never buy or rent a new thing, but you shouldn’t do it as a reflex whenever you have an evening to spare to enjoy a DVD or a book or a game. Instead, take a look through what you already have. You might just find something deeply enjoyable that is already in your home and thus you’ll save yourself some dollars while still having an enjoyable evening.

This post is part of a yearlong series called “365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),” in which I’m revisiting the entries from my book “365 Ways to Live Cheap,” which is available at Amazon and at bookstores everywhere. Images courtesy of Brittany Lynne Photography, the proprietor of which is my “photography intern” for this project.

Reader Mailbag: Audio and Distractions 4comments

What’s inside? Here are the questions answered in today’s reader mailbag, boiled down to five word summaries. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question.
1. Student loan struggles
2. Highlights of South Dakota
3. Air conditioning debate
4. Is internet stuff “free”?
5. Loan options
6. Starting online businesses
7. Tithing question
8. Multiple credit cards
9. Improving memory
10. Saving options for retirement

Whenever I’m sitting at my desk to write, I usually have a podcast playing. If that’s the case, how can I actually get anything out of the podcasts?

Consciously, I don’t. What I find, though, is that if I listen to a podcast in my “mental background” a few times, I’ve usually picked up most of the useful information in the podcast. Thus, if I listen to informative podcasts, I usually find myself having a deeper understanding of other things that I see and hear in other contexts.

I used to listen to music a lot when writing, with much the same effect. I could find myself singing along to songs that I scarcely remembered listening to at all.

Q1: Student loan struggles
I am currently a sophomore in college and recently filled out my financial aid papers for this coming year and was looking at the amount of money that is borrowed in my name. The amount that I have borrowed (after this next year it is about $13,000), after loan consolidation calculators and looking at repayment plan calculators, does look like an amount that can be paid off in the future. What I am worried about is the fact that, in the profession I have chosen, I will not be making a lot of money, especially not up front. This profession is also one that requires graduate degrees in order to get into. I won’t really have a career until I finish my doctorate and by then there will be interest added from when they were taken out and from deferment periods and more loans taken out to finish my undergrad. So what I’m wondering is how much more money in student loans would it be wise to take out in the 2 years following and what can I do to make sure that when all these loans come due, that I can pay for them?

- Julia

If this is the career path you’re going to stick with, there are a few things you can do.

First, minimize the amount you borrow. This might mean working a part-time job to pay for some of your education and living very lean, but that’s part of college life. These are the years to live very lean.

Second, look for any opportunities for loan repayment. Does your career path offer any programs where your loans will be repaid if you commit to a challenging career path upon graduation? Teachers often have this option, where they’re assigned to challenging districts and have their loans repaid if they stay there for a certain number of years.

Finally, use cost as a major factor in where you go to school. While a prestigious school can help a bit with your career path, it’s not nearly as important as it once was and it’s trumped by a strong academic record and good contacts, something you can achieve at any school.

Q2: Highlights of South Dakota
I’ve always wanted to see some of the national parks of the Great Plains area so I’m jealous of your trip to South Dakota and Wyoming. What did you think were the highlights?

- Andie

My personal highlight was driving through the Badlands on the scenic loop starting at Wall, South Dakota. The overlooks were breathtaking and I dearly wished we had an opportunity to camp there for a night. I just kept looking in every direction.

The others I traveled with had different favorite experiences. My father loved the Crazy Horse monument, owing in some significant part to his American Indian heritage. My wife and children seemed most enamored with Devil’s Tower, which we all hiked around.

My mother’s favorite part was perhaps the simplest. She just enjoyed the scenery everywhere, particularly on the Swordfish Creek loop in the northern Black Hills.

I have a bunch of suggestions for free things to enjoy in the area, which I’ll post about in a few days once I go through all of the trip pictures.

Q3: Air conditioning debate
In the hot summer, we keep our house at 75 degrees when we are home. We both work 8-5 during the week. I think it would be cheaper to keep the A/C off during the day and turn it on when we get home (we don’t have a programmable thermostat to do it on its own). It usually is 81-83 degrees when we get home using this strategy. She thinks it would be cheaper to leave the A/C set on 78 degrees all day so that it doesn’t have to run as hard when we get home to get the temperature down to 75. Who do you think is right?

- Bill

It uses far less energy to turn it off during the day and then turn it on when you get home than to run it at a high temperature during the day.

The reason is pretty straightforward. On a hot day, your house is always gaining heat, but the rate of heat gain slows as your home approaches the temperature of the outdoors. If you leave your air conditioning on during the day, it’s going to kick on several times. Each time, it’s going to push the temperature of your home further away from the outdoor temperature, which means your home is going to take on heat faster than it would if your air conditioning never kicked on in the first place. You’re far better off having your air conditioner lower your home’s temperature from 81 degrees down to 75 once during the day than have it run several times to keep the temperature close to 78, then a final run to get it down to 75.

Note that this is in terms of energy use, not cost. Many areas charge more for energy during peak usage hours (say, between 5 PM and 7 PM). You’ll want to check your last energy bill for rates and, if it’s significantly higher during that time, it may actually be cheaper to follow your wife’s suggestion.

Another idea is to simply close the blinds and window coverings in every room before you leave in the morning. This will keep direct sunlight from getting into your home. Direct sunlight will heat things up quite a lot.

Q4: Is internet stuff “free”?
A lot of times, when you mention stuff on the internet, you talk as though it’s “free.” How do you see it as being “free”? People do pay for internet access you know.

- Jim

Since The Simple Dollar is an internet site, I feel pretty safe assuming that my readers have some access to the internet. According to the Q4 2011 “State of the Internet” report, the average American internet connection is over 5 Mbps, which means it’s reasonable to assume that readers have a reasonably fast connection, too.

If I hold these things as assumptions, it’s reasonable to think that there is no additional cost for users to visit other sites or use other internet services. Thus, in my mind, they’re essentially free.

Yes, users do pay for their internet service, but if they’re willing to pay for the sites they already use, then adding more sites to their list of useful sites is more or less a free bonus, and that’s a good thing.

Q5: Loan options
I have $30k available for a 4% loan from my 401k. Option #2 appears the best to me but would like your thoughts.

1) do nothing and don’t touch the 401k; that amount of compounding can never be re-captured

2) get the 401k loan and apply it to Federal “Parent Plus” loan; current balance is $60k with projected $40k more, all fixed @ 7.9% (side note- $100k for 4 yrs of private college may sound pricey but we’d end up spending much more at a public state college where kids can’t get the classes needed to graduate in 6 years!)

3) get the 401k loan and apply it to “interest only” mortgage; current balance is $425k @ slightly adjustable 2.5% (disclaimer- our old tract house is nothing fancy but the cost of real estate near San Francisco is ridiculous!)

I think we’re ok in the other areas that usually concern you. Here’s some background info:
- Mortgage minimum payment is currently $800. However, we pay $2,500/month and should have it paid off in less than 20 years, which saves a few years and a chunk of money compared to the traditional fixed mortgage.
- Our side-business has a $18k loan for 3 more years; the interest is a tax write-off (we have no debt, other than mortgage, tuition, and business loan)
- Both my husband & I have been working full-time for 25 years, make equal amounts of money, and have life insurance policies that would pay off the house plus have 8 years of that lost income (if it happened today, that would see our youngest child out of highschool).
- We have 3 months emergency fund in short-term CD’s.
- We both have “Long Term Disability” insurance for 60% of our income
- 10% of our income is donated (church, non-profits)
- 10% of our income goes to investments (401k, IRA, 529). Note- until college loans, we had saved 15% of our income.
- We have 2 personal cars (we commute different directions and mass transportation is not feasible) plus 1 business truck which are all paid off, well maintained, and in good working order; they should last a few more years.
- Our lifestyle is not extravagant, simply due to upbringing and personal choice. Many of the “frugal” suggestions in SD seem natural to us, such as central heating set at 65 degrees and only when we’re home, mow our own lawn, clean our own house, rarely eat out, use coupons, etc. There are some of your ideas on my “to do” list, i.e. make my own clothes detergent and shop at thrift stores. I firmly believe that cable is not a utility but cannot get rid of it until I find a way for my husband to watch live professional ball games (football, hockey, basketball, and baseball) at home so he doesn’t have to spend every evening at Applebee’s. ha!

Oh, and we would like to retire in 10-15 years so that we can pursue non-profit jobs, volunteering, some hobbies, and taking care of grandbabies.
- Connie

I would agree with your assessment that the second option is the best one.

There are a couple reasons for this. First, I think it’s going to give you the best overall return on your money. Second, you have enough flexibility to cover that loan if the person from whose 401(k) the money was borrowed were to lose their job (you’d have to repay the 401(k) loan immediately).

If you were in a tighter financial position, I’d probably suggest option one. The thing that always worries me about 401(k) loans is that if you lose your job, you’ve got to repay that loan within ninety days and if you don’t have the resources to do so, you’re going to get hammered by the IRS at a very inopportune time.

Q6: Starting online businesses
I am a teacher of 20+ years and am looking to get into a internet blogging as a business. I need tips and advise. How do you get paid, is my first question, if I may ask? Hope that’s not too personal. What would be helpful for me to get started?

- Rachel

Bloggers typically get paid via the advertisements on their site.

The challenge, of course, is how you get paid. Most advertisements are paid via CPM, which means cost per thousand views. Typical CPM rates are $3 per 1,000 views. So, in order to make $3, you have to have a thousand visitors to a page.

Thus, the trick for most internet sites is simply generating enough traffic. A thousand views a month will only earn you $3. A million views a month will earn you $3,000.

You can, of course, have multiple ads, but if you have too many ads, you’ll drive away readers.

The real key? Have good content that people want to read. The key there is to write from the heart.

Q7: Tithing question
My wife and I moved to a new community recently and joined a new church in this community. At our old church, there was almost no pressure to donate. They passed around a collection plate and that was about it and I felt good about putting money in it. At our new church, though, they talk about tithing all the time and send envelopes to our house seeking donations. Do you think it is necessary to tithe 10% of your income to a church?

- Leon

It depends on the rules and requirements for membership in such a group. If part of the requirement for membership is a 10% tithing, then that’s their call.

Of course, you don’t have to be a member of such an organization. That’s your choice as well.

Should people give away 10% of their money as a religious requirement? Again, I think that’s up to individual belief. Sarah and I give away money to a variety of charities each year, but we don’t force ourselves to match a specific giving amount.

Q8: Multiple credit cards
I’m 22. Trying to build my credit. It’s pretty low right now, but I’ve had a credit card for about 6 months. I’ve paid it off diligently and really just use it for small things to keep it going. I have now started getting tons of offers in the mail for credit cards. My question is will opening more than one credit card at a time build my credit faster? I know if I opened another card I wouldn’t have any problem paying it off or getting out of control with spending.

- Donald

Getting another credit card can provide a small boost to your credit, but it won’t help as much as the first one. Your first card is the one that will really establish the length of your credit history.

This new card would only help your credit in terms of bolstering your debt-to-credit ratio, which basically means the amount of debt you have on all of your cards as compared to the total credit line on all of your cards. It can have a very minor impact in other areas, too.

Your best bet, if you were to get a second card, is to either get one and sit it in your closet untouched or get one that you use for a very specific purpose, like a card associated with your gas station of choice.

Q9: Improving memory
I have a terrible time with short term memory. I always forget things I’m trying to remember, like the three items I need to get when I stop at a grocery store or the four errands I need to run. Any good memory tips?

- Colleen

Over the last year, I’ve come to really rely on the “memory palace” tactic for such things. It’s a simple tactic, but it really works.

All you do is visualize a familiar place in your head, such as your home or the house you grew up in. Imagine yourself walking through that home. As you’re imagining it, imagine giant versions of the items you need or of the errands you need to run throughout the home. Absurdly giant versions, preferably with another absurd attribute related to it. Imagine a giant piece of cheese dominating your kitchen. Imagine a giant carton of milk in your living room that your cat is bathing in.

Walk your mind through this absurd version of your house a few times and you’ll find it much easier to recollect the items you want to remember in an hour or so.

Q10: Saving options for retirement
I will make about $125-$130k this year, so I believe that I dont qualify to contribute to a Roth IRA anymore. My employer of 2 years now offers a 401k but doesnt offer a match (we are still in start-up mode). I’ve been contributing to the 401 anyways, just to make sure I am putting something towards retirement. In the past I did Roth’s as well.

My question is, what other options do I have to save for retirement considering my situation? I am not really well versed in investing so any help would be appreciated.

For what its worth my grandmother has been retired for about 40 years now and swears by CD’s and EE bonds and tells me its better to just save then to worry about the best return.
- James

The big advantage that a 401(k) has for retirement is that it shifts the income tax burden from today until your retirement (when you’re in a lower tax bracket). It also allows you to change your investments without tax implications (within the 401(k)) and you can sometimes get an employer match. However, you’re usually restricted to a pretty small set of investment choices, many of which are going to be relatively substandard. A 401(k) is also inflexible when it comes to making career shifts. If you want to quit and use some of that money for starting a business, you can’t get a loan from it and you can’t withdraw from it without a huge penalty. I think a 401(k) works great for most people who intend to minimize their job hopping in the decades before retirement and don’t really desire to become self-employed or start their own business, but it’s not the only option.

It sounds like your grandmother saved for retirement outside of a 401(k), which certainly works. In fact, her plan for retirement savings would have worked really well at various points in history. There were times when savings bonds and CDs returned well over 10% and it wasn’t too long ago when they were still returning over 5%. Given the flexibility that they offer, that’s a pretty good deal.

The problem is that savings bonds, CDs, and treasuries are now returning below 3% – and most of them are approaching a 1% annual return. That’s just not a great return no matter how you slice it.

Assuming that you’re relatively young, if I were in your shoes, I would probably invest in a very large and very secure dividend-paying company, like Verizon. Buy stocks in that company and reinvest the dividends.

You’ll have to pay taxes on those dividends and you’ll also have to pay taxes on the capital gains you earn when you sell, but you’ll still get a better return over the long haul than you would with CDs and savings bonds right now.

Then, if the rates on CDs and treasury notes climbs in the future (above 5%, at least), I’d lock my investment down with those.

Again, this is what I would do in your shoes. I encourage you to do your own research and reading.

Got any questions? Email them to me or leave them in the comments and I’ll attempt to answer them in a future mailbag (which, by way of full disclosure, may also get re-posted on other websites that pick up my blog). However, I do receive hundreds of questions per week, so I may not necessarily be able to answer yours.

Start a Natural Collection (178/365) 2comments

When we were recently vacationing in South Dakota and Wyoming, Sarah and I spent a lot of time looking at rocks.

We would walk along trails and stop along the roadside just to look for interesting rocks. We found a few with deep red hues and we also picked up a gorgeous piece of rose quartz.

(Don’t worry, we didn’t pick up any rocks in state or national parks or other restricted areas. We found the few we collected on roadsides and other areas where you could freely pick rocks.)

When we got home, these rocks quickly found their way into the gardens in front of our house, joining the geodes and other interesting stones that we’ve picked up over many years of walking on trails and exploring different areas.

It’s a natural collection. It’s something that’s been a lot of fun for us to assemble and, best of all, it’s been completely free to assemble.

Start a Natural Collection (178/365)

A rock collection is just one obvious example of what you can collect. There are countless opportunities for natural collections that you can take on depending on your interests: photos of birds, leaves from trees, shells, flowers, and so on.

The best part? Collecting these things is free and it usually requires you to get outside and exercise, which is also free.

Here are a few tactics for starting a natural collection.

Pick something you find beautiful and/or have an interest in. If you’re not interested in birds, don’t strive to collect bird photographs just because it sounds novel. Look for things in nature that you find interesting or beautiful and that can easily be collected, either through actual specimens or through recording.

Make sure you have a reasonable way to collect what you capture. If you’re taking digital photographs, it’s pretty easy to store them. On the other hand, if you start collecting rocks, they can begin to take up space pretty quickly. You’re going to want to have a reasonable place to store whatever you’re collecting.

Always learn more. For me, a big part of a hobby like this is learning about what I’m capturing. What kind of rock did I just find? What kind of bird is that? What kind of flower is that? Where can I find some new specimen I haven’t seen before? The internet is a wonderful resource for this.

I can’t tell you the hours I invested in my childhood simply learning how to identify trees. Now, Sarah and I collect rocks of all kinds with which to decorate our garden, and knowing something about each one is particularly enjoyable.

Consider a natural collection. It’s basically free, gets you outside, and teaches you something new. It’s something you can do by yourself or with others. It also effectively scratches that “collection” itch that many people have.

This post is part of a yearlong series called “365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),” in which I’m revisiting the entries from my book “365 Ways to Live Cheap,” which is available at Amazon and at bookstores everywhere. Images courtesy of Brittany Lynne Photography, the proprietor of which is my “photography intern” for this project.

The Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup: Office Art Edition 1comment

My office is slowly being decorated with art from my children.

It started simple. I had a Post-It note on my computer screen from my two oldest children in which they each wrote “DAD I LOVE YOU.”

Then my oldest son spent a very long time drawing an elaborate scene in which various superheroes were doing battle against a single supervillain (which looked a lot like Doctor Octopus).

When I hung that up, my daughter had to one-up it with this wonderful rainbow heart.

The art battle rages on and the walls of my office are slowly filling up.

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