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Cars with feathers, cars with teeth, cars that give a whole new meaning to Vorsprung durch Technik.

WE’VE AVOIDED ART cars constructed solely for festivals – these 21 bad boys can be found on the road, so keep your eyes open. Yep it really is possible to drive a swan!



About The Author

Nick Rowlands

Nick lived in Egypt for six years, working as a tour leader, EFL teacher, city guide editor, and online guidebook writer. He's currently in San Francisco searching for his centre. He (kinda sporadically) blogs at Delicious Chaos, and you can follow him on twitter.

Archived Responses to 21 crazily customized cars

  1. Carlo Alcos says:

    Sick. That cameravan is cool. Off to check their site, I wanna see what kind of pics they get!

  2. EvaSandoval says:

    Fun essay! I think my favorites were the Car Phone and the Ginger History Mobile.

  3. Kate says:

    This is great! I went to an art car parade (and weekend) in Houston one year. It was really fun. I especially want a ride in #11.

  4. Adam Roy says:

    Love #2, though I’m personally a bigger fan of the Van Doesburg car. I hear it can go diagonally, not just straight ;)

  5. Oh man that RV Clown Car is frightening… reminds me of the movie “IT”

  6. Anne says:

    My fave is #11. Love that monster car.

  7. nik says:

    Loving the Lego Localmotive!

  8. Kate mentioned the Art Car Parade in Houston. Where else can you see a car turned into a cockroach?

    Even if you can’t make the parade, you can still visit the Art Car Museum in Houston the rest of the year.

  9. FichenDich says:

    #13. Bad-ass truck rod Is so damn cool it doesn’t belong in the collection. It’s the only one that could get out of its own way ! Damn that truck rules ! To paraphrase Ted Nugent, “That sucker’s turbocharged !”

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