Law Library Reading Room

Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)
Database of laws, regulations, judicial decisions and related legal sources from around the globe. Documents are submitted in their original language with English summaries available. Full-text access is restricted for some jurisdictions.

Global Legal Monitor
Online publication providing significant and timely legal developments with a global impact.

Guide to Law Online
Vast network of links to content-based Web sites of primary and secondary legal and legislative information services from 193 nations and all U.S. federal, state and territorial government entities.

Global Legal Information Catalog
Web-based aid designed to interface with the Library of Congress online catalog to help users find publications which reprint in English the laws and regulations of foreign and international jurisdictions on a particular legal topic. 

Islamic Law: A Bibliography Of Recent Works
This bibliography covers English-language books and articles within books that discuss Islamic law.

Translation of National Legislation into English
This report is a resource guide to finding translations of the laws of Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, and Russia. There are also two international guides on International Organizations and International Courts.

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Last Updated: 07/20/2012