Happy Birthday, Science.gov!

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Science.gov. This free gateway to government science information and research results from 13 federal agencies provides a search of over 55 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information, including Library of Congress information from THOMAS, the Prints and Photographs Division, and the Science, Technology, and Business Division, with just one query.

The Science.gov Alliance press release celebrating the event nicely sums up the motivation for Science.gov’s inception ten years ago:

The founding idea was to provide a comprehensive gateway to federal science information for those who might not know exactly where to find it. The interagency effort would raise scientific and technical literacy, serve as a foundation for future discoveries, and foster greater understanding of the public’s return on investment from the government’s science and technology efforts.

To celebrate this great milestone, the site has a new look and has been expanded to include multimedia content and visualization tools. If that wasn’t enough excitement, the Spanish version of Science.gov, Ciencia.Science.gov, was also launched in honor of the anniversary.

Along with my co-chair of the Science.gov Alliance, Annie Simpson of USGS, I am proud to wish Science.gov a very happy tenth birthday with hopes for many great years to come!



  1. erikatoman
    December 12, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    Happy Birthday!! My, how time flies!! One decade old!!

  2. Logs.loc.gov/Law/2012 /12/happy-Birthday -Science -gov/#respond
    December 12, 2012 at 2:34 pm


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