The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

The goal of the IETF is to make the Internet work better.                                

The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. Newcomers to the IETF should start here.

News Next Meeting: IETF 86, March 10-15, 2013
Open Stand Orlando, FLOrlando, FL, USA
Host: Comcast and NBC Universal

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Email Archives Quick Search Previous Meeting: IETF 85, Atlanta, GA, USA


IETF Discussion:

Internet-Drafts and RFCs Quick Search





The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is an organized activity of the Internet Society (ISOC).

Internet SocietyISOC is a non-profit organization founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet-related standards, education, and policy. It is dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout the world.  See: