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NLS: Overseas Outlook

January to June 2010; Volume 33, Number 1

Downloading digital talking books

Many books in the NLS collection are available to eligible readers to download free of charge.  Patrons who wish to download digital talking books (DBs) should go to the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) web site at https://nlsbard.loc.gov and select “BARD application instructions” and then “Link to BARD application.”  Select “other” as your library, complete the application, and then select “Submit” to receive a user ID (your e-mail address) and a password.  For instructions on how to download books or magazines, visit https://nlsbard.loc.gov/NLS/instructions.html#How_to_download_a_ book_or_magazine.  If you need further assistance, contact the overseas librarian by e-mail at raj@loc.gov.

Cassette players

Patrons who are downloading digital books are encouraged to retain their cassette players in order to access the sixty thousand cassette books in the NLS collection.

Digital talking-book players

Two types of digital players are available from NLS: a standard player and an advanced player.  Both players are 6 x 9 x 2 inches, in comparison with the cassette book machine (C-1), which is 9 x 11 x 3 inches.  The weight of the digital talking-book player is slightly more than two pounds compared to the C-1’s seven pounds.  The standard and advanced models both have power, rewind, play, fast-forward, sleep, and volume buttons that feature raised edges and a braille letter on the player’s surface for identification.  The advanced model has additional buttons for setting and retrieving bookmarks and for navigating through the structured levels of a book.

Readers of fiction will likely prefer the standard model while those who read nonfiction or need to navigate to particular parts of books may prefer an advanced model.  Please let the overseas librarian know as soon as possible which machine you would like to receive.  The digital players can be used only in 110-volt current.  Patrons who have 220-volt current should ask the overseas librarian for a transformer.

Talking-book player carrying cases available for purchase

Executive Products Inc., Sylmar, California, has created a water-resistant case that will hold either of the NLS digital talking-book players.  The case is made of faux leather and fits snuggly over both the advanced and standard models.  Cartridges can be loaded and the player’s buttons accessed by opening a Velcro flap on the front of the case.  The case also comes with a shoulder strap and a hand strap and has a zipped storage compartment that holds up to three digital talking-book cartridges.

The case is $39.99 and may be purchased at http://executiveproductsinc.com/ External link symbol (select “Executive NLS/BPH case”)
or by phone at 818-833-8822.  It may also be purchased from Adaptive Technology, a division of Perkins Products, at http://support.perkins.org External link symbol (select “Buy Perkins Products” and then “Talking Book Accessories”), or call (978) 462-3817.

Ordering digital books

Digital books available on cartridges are identified in the NLS catalogs by the prefix “DB.”  When ordering digital books from the online catalog, patrons should use this prefix (DB) with the five-digit book number (e.g., DB 98765).  Please do not order a book that has the note “may be available only for download” next to the book number.  These books are not presently available on cartridges but may be accessed through BARD.

When ordering from Talking Book Topics carefully mark RC for cassette books and DB for digital books corresponding to the number on the left column in the order form at the back of the magazine.

Blank cartridges and USB cables

Independent Living Aids is no longer offering USB cables and blank cartridges to patrons for purchase, but they may be purchased from two other sources:

1. American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (APH)
    1839 Frankfort Avenue
    PO Box 6085
    Louisville, KY 40206-0085
    (502) 895-2405
    800-223-1839 (Toll-free customer service in the U.S. and Canada)
    http://shop.aph.org External link symbol customer service questions may be sent by
    e-mail to cs@aph.org

APH sells only the blank cartridge.  A blank cartridge costs $12.00 and a USB cable costs $5.00.

2. Adaptive Technology
    Perkins Products
    PO Box 778
    Amesbury, MA 01913
    (978) 462-3817
    (978) 462-3928 Fax
www.perkinsproducts.org External link symbol (select the “Talking Book Accessories Section” from the menu on the left side of the web page) adaptivetech@perkins.org.

Perkins Products sells 1-gigabyte cartridges for $7.00 and the USB cable needed to transfer the files from a computer to the cartridge for $6.00.

Some readers have successfully used thumb drives, but not all of the drives will work, which is why NLS recommends using the cartridges sold above.

Minibibliography–Dogs: Care and Feeding

Each issue of Overseas Outlook includes a bibliography on a subject that may be of interest to NLS patrons.  This issue features selected titles from the NLS collection that are listed in the minibibliography Dogs: Care and Feeding.  To receive any of the books in this bibliography, complete the order form at the end of the newsletter and return it to the overseas librarian.

The dog was the first animal to be domesticated and for centuries people have depended on their canine friends for company, protection, hunting, herding, and tracking.  Historically these animals have also been part of human households.  Their fossilized remains were found with humans at an archaeological site in Germany dating back fourteen thousand years.

Early ancestors of the dog probably gravitated toward human settlements seeking food, and people came to tolerate them.  A mutual dependence developed, and people began to breed dogs for specific characteristics that eventually led to the variety of breeds we now know.

Some dogs, such as guide dogs and signal dogs, assist people who have a variety of disabling conditions and therapy dogs help to raise the spirits of people who are hospitalized or housebound.  Watchdogs protect homes and businesses and detection dogs sniff out drugs or explosives.  Most modern canines are kept as pets.

Numerous issues are associated with the care of all dogs, whether they are house pets or highly trained breeds providing a professional service.  This minibibliography lists the adult and juvenile materials in the NLS collection that offer general information about the care, feeding, and training of dogs.

General Information

Dogs: A Natural History by Jake Page
DB/RC 66357
Traces sixty million years of canine evolution.  Discusses wild relatives such as wolves and the process of domestication.  Describes dog behavior, communication, and intelligence and ponders the relationship between dogs and humans.  2007.

The Portable Pet: How to Travel Anywhere with Your Dog or Cat by Barbara Nicholas
DB/RC 21391
A travel administrator with experience in taking her own pets along, offers some sensible advice on how and when to travel with pets.  She emphasizes the need for thorough planning and alerts the reader to some federal and local restrictions on animal travel.  1983.

Solutions: For Your Dog—and You by Mordecai Siegal and
Matthew Margolis
DB/RC 55990
Authors describe the proper care and attention owners should give their dogs and include information on nutrition, training, and first aid.  They also offer advice on boarding a pet or traveling with it and tips on buying toys.  2001.

Your Dog: The Newsletter for Caring Dog Owners by the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine

BR Magazine
A monthly newsletter presenting canine medical and behavioral information.  The May 2005 issue and subsequent issues are available through Web-Braille as contracted digital braille files.


A Dog Is Listening: The Way Some of Our Closest Friends View Us by Roger A. Caras
DB/RC 35055
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ eighteenth president, Roger Caras, and his family have raised many animals including more than fifty dogs.  Using illustrative anecdotes, Caras describes canines’ often amazing capabilities—such as one dog’s ability to sense her owner’s oncoming seizures in time to warn her and other family members.  1992.

The Dog Who Loved Too Much: Tales, Treatments, and the Psychology of Dogs by Nicholas H. Dodman
RC 42680
Veterinarian-director of a clinic for problem dogs discusses their aggression, fear, and compulsive behavior.  Describes treatments that include changes in diet, exercise, and environment; obedience training and behavior modification; and drug therapy.  1996.

Dogs Never Lie about Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs by J. Moussaieff Masson
DB/RC 44856
Psychoanalyst attempts to explore the mind and heart of the dog.  Delves into questions about emotions in dogs, offering evidence of canine love, loyalty, dignity, fear, and loneliness.  Recounts true stories that support the author’s beliefs about the affective lives of dogs.  Bestseller.  1997.

Dogwatching by Desmond Morris
RC 26195
English zoologist provides brief answers to questions he has been asked over the years regarding the history and domestication of canines.  Looks to the wolf pack for explanations of various aspects of dog behavior, including dogs barking to warn their packs of danger, putting their tails between their legs when frightened to express submission, and chewing slippers because they view them as offerings from “big dogs” (their human owners).  1986.

For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend by Patricia B. McConnell
DB/RC 64302
Animal behaviorist offers a guide to recognizing canine expressions of fear, anger, joy, and love to prevent bad behavior, facilitate training, and help improve relationships between owners and pets.  Discusses the ways dogs perceive and react to their environment and to humans.  Includes case studies and practical training advice.  2005.

Grrr! The Complete Guide to Understanding and Preventing Aggressive Behavior in Dogs by Mordecai Siegal and
Matthew Margolis
RC 53609
Defines ten types of aggressive behavior in dogs and explains their causes and solutions.  Describes ways of teaching children to interact with dogs and offers tips for choosing a basic obedience-training program.  2000.

The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
RC 37305     BR 9410
Thomas has observed and chronicled the lives of a group of eleven dogs in her household, beginning with Misha, the ever-escaping husky she would follow on his remarkably wide-ranging jaunts, which Thomas concluded were undertaken solely to meet other dogs.  The following years of hierarchy and love affairs within the dog group confirmed her belief that what dogs want are one another.  Bestseller.  1993.

The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide to the Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Lives of Our Canine Companions by Stanley Coren
RC 40503     BR 10262
The author draws on his experience as a psychologist and a dog trainer for a brief account of the natural history of dogs and a detailed study of canine intelligence.  He examines various breeds for an evaluation of their instinctive and adaptive intelligence and their potential for obedience.  1995.

The New Work of Dogs: Tending to Life, Love, and Family
by Jon Katz
BR 14833
Journalist explores the changing role of dogs in the lives of their human owners, who increasingly view the animals as family members and depend on them for emotional support.  Katz suggests there may be a downside to this trend, despite psychological benefits for both people and pets.  2003.

The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do around Dogs by Patricia B. McConnell
RC 55416
Animal behaviorist and family dog trainer uses anecdotes and research to advise owners about interacting with their pets.  Explains that human behavior differs from canine behavior and may therefore be misinterpreted by the dog.  Suggests modifying human signals to gain a dog’s trust and cooperation.  2002.

Pack of Two: The Intricate Bond between People and Dogs by Caroline Knapp
BR 12217
Author draws on her own experience with Lucille, a young Shepherd-mix, to ponder emotional bonds between dogs and people.  Explores sentiments and expectations about canines by noting animal behavior and their past history with humans.  Discusses the use of dogs as companions and agents of healing.  1998.

The Social Lives of Dogs: The Grace of Canine Company by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
RC 51229     BR 13273
In this sequel to the bestselling The Hidden Life of Dogs (RC 37305,    BR 09410) the anthropologist-owner of a multitude of pets continues her observations of their behavior.  Theorizes that if canines cannot live only with their own kind, they will establish family relationships with humans and other household pets.  2000.


Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog—and Your Life by Cesar Millan
DB/RC 65205
Dog trainer and author gives tips and techniques for disciplining and training canines.  Discusses different breeds and dog psychology.  Explains the importance of owners developing the behavior of a leader.  Makes suggestions for managing owner and pet stress.  2007.

Cesar’s Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems by Cesar Millan
DB/RC 62405     BR 16533
Mexican-born dog rehabilitation and star of television’s Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan explains how to use psychology to train one’s pet. Includes anecdotes from his clients and his own pack of dogs.  Describes ways he teaches owners to “speak” their dog’s language and encourages exercise, discipline, and affection.  Bestseller.  2006.

The Dog Listener: A Noted Expert Tells You How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation by Jan Fennell
DB/RC 56418
British “dog whisperer” explains her technique of obedience training, which relies on emulating canine behaviors and using positive reinforcement.  Offers solutions to common problems.  2000.

Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
by Ross Allan
DB/RC 51643
Presents a practical training program for the beginner.  Covers the six obedience commands: heel, sit, stand, drop, stay, and recall (come when called).  Discusses basic training principles and a dog’s best age for training.  Provides specific exercises.  For grades 5-8 and older readers.   1997.

Dog Training My Way by Barbara Woodhouse
RC 18473
Britain’s renowned dog trainer instructs the one-dog owner on training his or her pet to fit into the life of the household.  Encourages firm, immediate correction and posits that dog owners need more training than dogs.  1970.

Dogs on the Couch: Behavior Therapy for Training and Caring for Your Dog by Larry Lachman
DB/RC 63908
Animal behaviorist applies techniques of family-systems therapy—focusing on the entire family unit—to canine obedience training for humane control of nuisance barking, destructiveness, separation anxiety, aggression, and other habits.  Provides step-by-step instructions and advice for choosing a compatible breed, adopting from shelters, and coping with a pet’s death.  1999.

How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners by Monks of New Skete
DB/RC 55986
Step-by-step guide details practical training techniques, emphasizing the importance of honest and effective communication.  The monks of New Skete, New York, renowned breeders and trainers, offer a spiritually based approach to dog training.  “Good relationships demand activity and patience . . . [T]his is when training transcends the mundane to become spiritual and inspiring.”  2002.

Katz on Dogs: A Commonsense Guide to Training and Living with Dogs by Jon Katz
BR 17621
Proposing that the majority of owners do a poor job of training dogs, author describes the techniques he has found to work best.  Discusses dog selection and multidog households.  2005.

The Loved Dog: The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior by Tamar Geller
DB/RC 64854     BR 17359
Humane Society advisor and owner of a cage-free boarding facility offers a training manual based on positive reinforcement, not punishment.  Discusses effective communication techniques and nonviolent ways to attain good behavior, such as sitting and walking on a leash; and to correct bad behavior, such as jumping and begging.  2007.

No Bad Dogs: The Woodhouse Way by Barbara Woodhouse
RC 17718
A veteran trainer of both dogs and owners shares the simple, effective techniques and attitude that have enabled her to tame even the most unruly dogs.  Woodhouse, who has been introduced to Americans through her public television series, posits that there are truly no bad dogs, only inexperienced owners.  Bestseller.  1982.


Housebreaking and Training Puppies: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide by J.R. Gardner
RC 52465
Discusses the process of bonding with a new puppy and suggests appropriate equipment—collars, leashes, bowls, and toys.  Also provides instructions on discipline and training, including the use of commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “down,” and “heel.”  For grades 5-8 and older readers.  1997.

Puppy Preschool: Raising Your Puppy Right—Right from the Start by John Ross and Barbara McKinney
DB/RC 45901
Describes steps in obedience training for puppies and recommends beginning as early as eight weeks of age.  The authors also discuss many other aspects of dog-owning, from choosing the right breed to “bonding” with your new pet.  1996.

Two Puppies by Jane Stern and Michael Stern
BR 12546
Husband and wife compare a hellish two years with a puppy very unlike the other Bullmastiffs they had previously owned to the early years of a well-behaved puppy that was bred and trained to be a guide dog.  They provide tips on selecting, training, and caring for puppies.  Some strong language.  1998.

Older Dogs

Old Dogs, Old Friends: Enjoying Your Older Dog by Bonnie Wilcox and Chris Walkowicz
RC 37532
A veterinarian and a dog breeder use experiences of those who own older dogs to discuss the needs and personalities of aging canines, many of which are retired show dogs, while others have taken on careers as “therapists.”  Outlines possible afflictions and physical and emotional changes during this stage of life.  1991.

Health and Nutrition

The ASPCA Complete Guide to Pet Care by David Carroll
BR 14365
Information on all aspects of domestic animal maintenance, including choosing, finding, bringing home, housebreaking, caring for, and traveling with a pet.  Discusses common and uncommon house pets—cats, dogs, birds, snakes, lizards, turtles, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, and guinea pigs.  2001.

Earl Mindell’s Nutrition and Health for Dogs: Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy with Natural Preventative Care and Remedies by Earl Mindell
BR 11773
Explains a dog’s nutritional needs.  Details ways an owner can affordably feed a dog healthful foods to keep it fit.  Includes flea control and breed-specific health problems.  1998.

The Pet Lover’s Guide to First Aid and Emergencies
by Thomas K. Day
DB/RC 61875  BR 16493
Veterinarian explains ways to recognize and treat dogs’ and cats’ common medical emergencies, including heatstroke; broken bones; lacerations; poisoning; allergic reactions; and skin, ear, and eye conditions.  Provides instructions for performing CPR and preparing a first-aid kit.  Organized by symptom and severity level, not clinical diagnosis.  2006.

Real Food for Dogs: 50 Vet-Approved Recipes to Please the Canine Gastronome by Arden Moore
BR 17417
Nutritious, easy-to-prepare meals to make as a tasty substitute for commercial dog food.  Includes recipes for Bow-Wow Brownies, Doggie Delights, Fruity Pup-sicles, Mutt Meatballs, Canine Casserole, Pawsitively Pleasing Pasta, Pooch Pancakes, and more.  Includes sections on treats, vegetarian dishes, and diets for pets with special needs.  2001.

The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs: 50 Home-Cooked Recipes for the Health and Happiness of Your Canine Companion by Donna Twichell Roberts
DB/RC 65785
Wholesome human recipes adapted for dogs, including suggestions for stews, casseroles, treats, gravies and sauces, ethnic specialties, party and holiday food, and dishes for dogs with special needs such as kidney and heart disease or allergies.  Provides basic nutrition information, feeding guidelines, and time-saving tips on food storage.  2004.

Coping with Problems

Competability: A Practical Guide to Building a Peaceable Kingdom between Cats and Dogs by Amy Shojai
BR 11783
Veterinary technician explains ways to create harmony between the family cat and dog.  Describes the different social structures of the two species and their health needs.  For senior high and older readers.  1998.

Dog-Friendly Gardens: Garden-Friendly Dogs by Cheryl S. Smith
DB/RC 66349
Tips on harmoniously keeping both a garden and a dog.  Provides recommendations for bed design and vegetation, including groundcovers and grass, and warns against harmful plants and products.  Covers mulches, composts, vegetables, paths, fencing, and some aspects of dog play.  Discusses designating pet-digging areas.  2004.

Pet Clean-up Made Easy by Don Aslett
RC 28504
Practical guide for cleaning up after cats and dogs—and preventing a mess from happening in the first place.  Discusses basic tools and cleansers and devotes separate chapters to housebreaking and accidents. Includes lists of health problems that cause accidents.  1988.

Loss and Death

Goodbye Dear Friend: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Pet by Virginia Ironside
BR 12607
British journalist uses letters, anecdotes, excerpts, and poems to discuss relationships people have with their pets and the grief they suffer when a much-loved animal dies.  Covers euthanasia, memorials, spiritual beliefs, and long-missing pets.  1994.

The Loss of a Pet by Wallace Sife
RC 44007
Psychotherapist and founder of the Association for Pet Bereavement provides handbook about the effects of a pet’s death on its owners.  Discusses such topics as the human-pet bond, the grieving process, euthanasia, children and the death of pets, getting another pet, and the different types of counseling available.  1993.
Sherlock Bones: Tracer of Missing Pets by John Keane
RC 17102
The first and only professional pet detective in the United States tells about his most spectacular cases.  Includes his ten-step method for recovering lost pets.  For junior and senior high and adult readers.  1979.

Breeds and Selection

The Complete Dog Book: The Photograph, History, and Official Standard of Every Breed Admitted to AKC Registration; and the Selection, Training, Breeding, Care, and Feeding of Pure-Bred Dogs by the American Kennel Club
DB/RC 40205
Revised edition of the American Kennel Club’s registrations.  Addresses such factors as the dog’s general appearance, coat, color, gait, and temperament.  Breeds include sporting and nonsporting dogs, hounds, working and herding dogs, terriers, and toys.  Covers selection, breeding, training, and care of purebreds.  1992.

Dogs: Best Breeds for Young People by Wilfrid Swancourt Bronson
BR 1263
A guide for young owners on dog selection and care.  Offers advice on play and play toys, nutrition, exercise, and discipline.  For grades 3-6.  1969.

Dogs: Selecting the Best Dog for You; a Complete and Up-to-Date Guide by Chris Nelson
RC 52477
Offers points to consider when purchasing a purebred dog, such as finding reliable sellers and choosing a healthy puppy.  Presents brief descriptions, including temperament and size, of about 150 breeds.  For grades 5-8 and older readers.  1997.
The New Complete German Shepherd Dog by Jane G. Bennett
RC 39956
Author chronicles the history of the German Shepherd, a herding breed that originated in 1800s Germany.  Discusses the tasks at which the shepherd excels, including work as a service dog for blind people. Provides breed standards, tips on care, and English and German glossaries of terms.  1982.

Katz on Dogs: A Commonsense Guide to Training and Living with Dogs by Jon Katz
BR 17621
Believing that the majority of owners do a poor job of training dogs, author describes the techniques he has found to work best.  Discusses dog selection and multidog households.  2005.


General Information

Dogs: Selecting the Best Dog for You; a Complete and Up-to-Date Guide by Chris Nelson
RC 52477
Offers points to be considered when purchasing a purebred dog, such as finding reliable sellers and choosing a healthy puppy.  Presents brief descriptions, including temperament and size, of about 150 breeds.  For grades 5-8 and older readers.  1997.

Everything Dog: What Kids Really Want to Know about Dogs by Marty Crisp
BR 15833
Addresses more than thirty questions collected by the author from kids concerning dogs.  Includes “Do dogs ever fall in love?” “Do dogs cry?” “Why aren’t dogs supposed to eat chocolate?” and more.  Companion to Everything Cat (BR 15834).  For grades 3-6.  2003.

How Smart Is Your Dog? 30 Fun Science Activities with Your Pet
by D. Caroline Coile
DB/RC 58330
Discusses the way a dog’s body works, and the ways in which a dog perceives the world and communicates.  Includes information about canine health and activities to test a pet’s abilities.  For grades 4-7.  2003.

How to Talk to Your Dog by Jean Craighead George
DB/RC 50303
The author explains the ways dogs convey meanings to their owners through touch, smell, body language, and sounds.  Suggests that kids who understand what their dogs are indicating can also communicate ideas back to them.  For grades 2-4.  2000.

May I Pet Your Dog? The How-To Guide for Kids Meeting Dogs (and Dogs Meeting Kids) by Stephanie Calmenson
RC 65462
A long-haired dachshund named Harry explains to a young boy the safe way to approach dogs on a leash that are with their owners.  Includes advice about behavior around dogs and ways to treat them considerately.  For preschool-grade 2.  2007.

The Original Dogs for Kids! Everything You Need to Know about Dogs by Kristin Mehus-Roe
DB/RC 66624
Guide to choosing the right dog for your personality and family living style.  Discusses the history of dogs, their general characteristics—hearing and smelling—and specific breeds.  Features practical advice on caring for a puppy and training, playing, and vacationing with your dog.  Suggests careers working with dogs.  For grades 4-7.  2007.

Care and Training

Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide by Ross Allan
DB/RC 51643
Presents a practical training program for the beginner.  Covers the six obedience commands: heel, sit, stand, drop, stay, and recall (come when called).  Discusses basic training principles, the best age to train a dog, and provides specific exercises.  For grades 5-8 and older readers.  1997.

Dogs: Best Breeds for Young People by Wilfrid Swancourt Bronson
BR 1263
A guide for young owners on dog selection and care.  Offers advice on play and play toys, nutrition, exercise, and discipline.  For grades 3-6.  1969.

Housebreaking and Training Puppies: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide by J.R. Gardner
RC 52465
Discusses the process of bonding with a new puppy and suggests appropriate equipment—collars, leashes, bowls, and toys.  Also provides instructions on discipline and training, including the use of commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “down,” and “heel.”  For grades 5-8 and older readers.  1997.

Okay, Good Dog by Ursula Landshoff
BR 5321
Encourages young dog owners to train their own pets.  Covers housebreaking, training for cooperative behavior, teaching tricks, and general advice.  For grades K-3.  1978.

Taking My Dog to the Vet by Susan Kuklin
RC 30824
Minal takes her dog, Silver, to the vet for his annual checkup.  Minal watches the step-by-step examination and talks with the veterinarian about keeping Silver healthy.  For preschool-grade 2.  1988.


A Special Place for Charlee by Debby Morehead
RC 49330
A boy comes to terms with the death of his dog, Charlee.  At first Mark is sad and depressed, so his parents help him by remembering Charlee in special ways.  But a friend whose cat died helps Mark the most.  For grades 2-4.  1996.

When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers and Jim Judkis
BR 7142
Mr. Rogers helps parents and children talk about their grief over the loss of a pet, and to remember the good times that they shared with their pet.  For preschool-grade 2.  1988.

Order Form

Mail to:
Mr. Yealuri Rathan Raj
Library of Congress
Washington, DC  20542
Fax: (202) 707-0712

Your Name________________________________________________

General Information

____RC 66357      Dogs: A Natural History
____RC 21391      The Portable Pet: How to Travel Anywhere with Your Dog or Cat
____RC 55990      Solutions: For Your Dog―and You
____DB 66357      Dogs: A Natural History
____DB 21391      The Portable Pet: How to Travel Anywhere with Your Dog or Cat
____DB 55990      Solutions: For Your Dog—and You

____BR Magazine       Your Dog: The Newsletter for Caring Dog Owners


____RC 35055      A Dog Is Listening: The Way Some of Our Closest Friends View Us
____RC 42680      The Dog Who Loved Too Much: Tales, Treatment, and the Psychology of Dogs
____RC 44856      Dogs Never Lie about Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs
____RC 26195      Dogwatching
____RC 64302      For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend
____RC 53609      Grrr! The Complete Guide to Understanding and Preventing Aggressive Behavior in Dogs
____RC 37305      The Hidden Life of Dogs
____RC 40503      The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide to the Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Lives of Our Canine Companions
____RC 55416      The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do around Dogs
____RC 51229      The Social Lives of Dogs: The Grace of Canine Company
____DB 35055      A Dog is Listening: The Way Some of Our Closest Friends View Us
____DB 44856      Dogs Never Lie about Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs
____DB 64302      For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend
____BR 9410        The Hidden Life of Dogs
____BR 10262      The Intelligence of Dogs: A Guide to the Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Lives of Our Canine Companions
____BR 14833      The New Work of Dogs: Tending to Life, Love, and Family
____BR 12217      Pack of Two: The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs
____BR 13273      The Social Lives of Dogs: The Grace of Canine Company


____RC 65205      Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog—and Your Life
____RC 62405      Cesar’s Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems
____RC 56418      The Dog Listener: A Noted Expert Tells You How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation
____RC 51643      Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 18473      Dog Training My Way
____RC 63908      Dogs on the Couch: Behavior Therapy for Training and Caring for Your Dog
____RC 55986      How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners
____RC 64854      The Loved Dog: The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior
____RC 17718      No Bad Dogs: The Woodhouse Way
____DB 65205      Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog—and Your Life
____DB 62405      Cesar’s Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems
____DB 56418      The Dog Listener: A Noted Expert Tells You How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation
____DB 51643      Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____DB 63908      Dogs on the Couch: Behavior Therapy for Training and Caring for Your Dog
____DB 55986      How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners
____DB 64854      The Loved Dog: The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior
____BR 16533      Cesar’s Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems
____BR 17621      Katz on Dogs: A Commonsense Guide to Training and Living with Dogs
____BR 17359      The Loved Dog: The Playful, Nonaggressive Way to Teach Your Dog Good Behavior


____RC 52465      Housebreaking and Training Puppies: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 45901      Puppy Preschool: Raising Your Puppy Right―Right from the Start
____DB 45901      Puppy Preschool: Raising Your Puppy Right—Right from the Start
____BR 12546      Two Puppies

Older Dogs

____RC 37532      Old Dogs, Old Friends: Enjoying Your Older Dog

Health and Nutrition

____RC 61875      The Pet Lover’s Guide to First Aid and Emergencies
____RC 65785      The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs: 50 Home-Cooked Recipes for the Health and Happiness of Your Canine Companion
____DB 61875      The Pet Lover’s Guide to First Aid and Emergencies
____DB 65785      The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs: 50 Home-Cooked Recipes for the Health and Happiness of Your Canine Companion
____BR 14365      The ASPCA Complete Guide to Pet Care
____BR 11773      Earl Mindell’s Nutrition and Health for Dogs: Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy with Natural Preventative Care and Remedies
____BR 16493      The Pet Lover’s Guide to First Aid and Emergencies
____BR 17417      Real Food for Dogs: 50 Vet-Approved Recipes to Please the Canine Gastronome

Coping with Problems

____RC 66349      Dog-Friendly Gardens: Garden-Friendly Dogs
____RC 28504      Pet Clean-up Made Easy
____DB 66349      Dog-Friendly Gardens: Garden-Friendly Dogs
____BR 11783      Competability: A Practical Guide to Building a Peaceable Kingdom between Cats and Dogs

Loss and Death

____RC 44007      The Loss of a Pet
____RC 17102      Sherlock Bones: Tracer of Missing Pets
____BR 12607      Goodbye Dear Friend: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Pet

Breeds and Selection

____RC 40205      The Compete Dog Book: The Photograph, History, and Official Standard of Every Breed Admitted to AKC Registration; and the Selection, Training, Breeding, Care, and Feeding of Pure-Bred Dogs
____RC 52477      Dogs: Selecting the Best Dog for You; a Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 39956      The New Complete German Shepherd Dog
____DB 40205      The Compete Dog Book: The Photograph, History, and Official Standard of Every Breed Admitted to AKC Registration; and the Selection, Training, Breeding, Care, and Feeding of Pure-Bred Dogs
____BR 1263        Dogs: Best Breeds for Young People
____BR 17621      Katz on Dogs: A Commonsense Guide to Training and Living with Dogs


General Information

____RC 52477      Dogs: Selecting the Best Dog for You; a Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 58330      How Smart Is Your Dog? 30 Fun Science Activities with Your Pet
____RC 50303      How to Talk to Your Dog
____RC 65462      May I Pet Your Dog? The How-To Guide for Kids Meeting Dogs (and Dogs Meeting Kids)
____RC 66624      The Original Dogs for Kids! Everything You Need to Know about Dogs
____DB 58330      How Smart is Your Dog? 30 Fun Science Activities with Your Pet
____DB 50303      How to Talk to Your Dog
____DB 66624      The Original Dogs for Kids! Everything You Need to Know about Dogs
____BR 15833      Everything Dog: What Kids Really Want to Know about Dogs

Care and Training

____RC 51643      Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 52465      Housebreaking and Training Puppies: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____RC 30824      Taking My Dog to the Vet
____DB 51643      Dog Obedience Training: A Complete and Up-to-Date Guide
____BR 1263        Dogs: Best Breeds for Young People
____BR 5321        Okay, Good Dog


____RC 49330      A Special Place for Charlee
____BR 7142        When a Pet Dies

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Posted on 2010-10-13