
Announcing: Done Not Done

Posted 1:09pm EST January 11 2013

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Done Not Done today - the iPhone and web app that helps you find and do things you’ll love.  With this product, our goal is to help you see more great movies, read better books, and listen to more interesting music — with your friends.

The easiest way to get started is to download the iPhone app or visit the site — and find your friends.  Once you add a few people, you’ll start getting ideas of things to do and you can either add them to your Not Done list or mark them as Done along with a rating, to help guide your friends.  The more you use it, the better the product gets for you and your friends.

Over time, we’ll add new verbs (play, eat, visit) and look for smarter ways to bring in existing data from services to make things a whole lot easier for you.  Our promise is once you’ve told us the things you want to do, we’ll do everything in our power to make it easier to do those things.

Done Not Done was built in partnership with our friends at Fictive Kin, and is one of several exciting products we plan to announce in the coming months.


- Paul

Happy New Year!

Posted 10:26am EST January 9 2013

Here’s some news to kick off the year from the betaworks network.

Keen On… John Borthwick-Why The Facebook-Instagram Deal Is The Most Important Tech Event Of 2012:

With Funding For Svbtle, Dustin Curtis Wants To Build A Business In Long-Form Online Content: helps your phone become truly social:

Bitly Launches Social Data APIs For Real-Time Search, Attention Spikes, And Deeper Looks At URLs:

December news

Posted 1:55pm EST December 12 2012
As we reach the end of the year here at betaworks, some great things have been coming out of the studio and the network. Here are some of our end of year successes:

Tapestry is rethinking the way we publish online.  Here is a collection of notable tweets about how people are using Tapestry.

12 weeks later it feels like Digg is coming back:

Jon Steinberg discussed Digg on Bloomberg:

Branch has announced their groups page, forums-for today’s internet:

Layervault announces Dropbox and GitHub integration:

Teleported raises $1M to continue work on Instagram analytics platform:

Collabfinder, a platform to find someone to work with you on your next big project, has launched:

Bloglovin’ launches its iPhone app. In less than one month they have 150k daily users:

Livestar 2.0 has been released, check it out:

Given the holidays are coming up, nice to see The Pope is using Tweetdeck. Looking forward to him using Bitly:

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@betaworks tweets we love:

  • RT @Rob_Hope MySpace should honestly just hand over everything to @borthwick and his team, they're doing a stellar job with Digg.

via @betaworks: