
This collection reflects the contributions of a number of people. The selection of items from the nearly 7,000 railroad maps in the collections of the Library of Congress was made by Andrew M. Modelski. The introductory material was adapted from Railroad Maps of North America: The First Hundred Years (Washington: Library of Congress, 1984), pp. ix-xxi, which represented a revision of the "Introduction" to Railroad Maps of the United States, compiled by Andrew M. Modelski (Washington: Library of Congress, 1975), pp. 1-14, which is the basis for the inclusion of items in this collection. The items were scanned and the images processed for the web by Juan Carlos Vega (Digital Conversion Specialist). The cataloging for uncataloged items is based on the bibliographic description in Railroad Maps of the United States and was updated and completed by Juan Carlos Vega (Digital Conversion Specialist), Lisa M. Cope and Diane T. Schug-O'Neill. The bibliographic information was edited and modified by Elizabeth U. Mangan (Head, Technical Services Section); and, converted to MARC records and batch loaded into the online catalog by Anton R. Pierce (Automation Planning and Liaison Office) and Colleen Stumbaugh (Digital Conversion Coordinator). The items were prepared for scanning by George I. Barnaj (NDL Processing Technician) and Russell Knodle (Processing Technician). The web design was developed and implemented by Dominique Pickett (National Digital Library); the image maps for geographic access were created by Tracey Salley (National Digital Library); and the online delivery was prepared by David Woodward (Information Technology Systems). Melissa Levine (National Digital Library) handled all copyright clearance and other legal matters.

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