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Social Sharing On Hulu



How do I manage my privacy and sharing settings?


You can easily manage what you share with your friends on Hulu and Facebook with our new social ON/OFF button located on the upper right hand corner of the screen. This single setting determines whether you share your Hulu activities with your friends on Hulu and Facebook.



Which Hulu activities are made public and which are made private?


If you want to share the videos you're watching, rating and favoriting with your friends, simply switch the social button ON and your future Hulu activity will seamlessly publish to Hulu and Facebook. If you'd prefer not to share your Hulu activity, just keep the social button set to OFF.


For those of you who choose to share, you will be able to view your shared activity at all times in the social sharing dropdown under the social button. You can also remove any previously shared activity whenever you want. Removing activity from the Shared Activity screen will un-publish previously shared activity on Hulu and Facebook.



Will I be warned before I share my watch activity?


We've made additional enhancements in the player for you to control your sharing. When your social sharing is ON, a notification will appear in the player that will let you know when the video you are watching is about to be shared with Hulu and Facebook. Don't worry, if you don't want to share that specific video, you'll have the option to turn it off with one click. Clicking this will not affect your global social setting. This experience is only available for Facebook Connected users.



How can I manage previously shared activities?


Accidentally share something you don't want the world to see? No big deal. You can view and manage what's been shared in the past in the social sharing dropdown under the social button. You can also visit your Activities page under the Community tab here. You can delete any shared activity from this page and it will be removed from Hulu and Facebook.



Here's a cool trick: Visit the Watch History page in your profile section under the Content tab here to see everything that you have watched on Hulu. You can also delete any activity that has been shared from this page and they'll be removed from both Hulu and Facebook.


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