U.S. Capital

The Knowledge Services Group consists of information professionals who partner with CRS analysts and attorneys in providing authoritative and reliable information research and policy analysis to Congress. Clustered together by policy area, information professionals align their work directly to the CRS analytical divisions. They write descriptive products and contribute to analytical products in policy research areas, advise analysts and Congress in finding solutions for their information needs, make recommendations for incorporating new research strategies into their work and design customized Web pages. Information professionals create collaborative platforms for staff to share information and documents and help manage projects. Staff evaluate, acquire and maintain state-of-the-art resource materials and collections for CRS staff and work with the analytical divisions in ensuring the currentness and accuracy of products, databases and spreadsheets.

The Research Data Section identifies, ingests and prepares for analysis public policy data including geospatial, demographic and economic data series.

The Program Section works with the divisions to plan and implement institutes, seminars and briefings on a wide range of public policy issues for Members, committees and their staffs. It also administers legislative, budget and appropriation process institutes, legal programs and institutes for district/state staff. The office also coordinates outreach activities to ensure that the Congress is aware of the full range of services available from CRS.

Last Updated: 04/02/2012