Library of Congress


The Library of Congress > Teachers > Classroom Materials > Themed Resources > Labor > Lesson Plans
Work pays America! Prosperity

[Detail] Work pays America! Prosperity

Use these lesson plans, created by teachers for teachers, to explore labor.

New Deal Programs: Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (Grades 9-12) Students investigate people who experienced the Great Depression and received relief from the New Deal.

Child Labor in America (Grades 6-12) Students critically examine, respond to and report on photographs as historical evidence.

The Grapes of Wrath: Voices from the Great Depression (Grades 9-12) Students create a scrapbook from the point of view of a migrant worker.

Labor Unions and Working Conditions: United We Stand (Grades 6-12) Students study the working conditions of American laborers at the turn of the century.

Child Labor and the Building of America (Grades 9-12) Students examine child labor in America from 1880-1920 to gain a personal perspective of how work affected the American child.