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Historic Bibliographies and Reference Aids

A Brief List of Material Relating to Ethnomusicology

Compiled by Archive of Folk Culture staff
Publication Date: November 17, 1967

Bose, Fritz.
Musikalische Völkerkunde. Freiberg: Atlantis Verlag (Atlantis-Muzikbücherie), 1953.

Bowra, C.M.
Primitive Song. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962.

Brands, Eugene, and Hans van Zutphen.
Die Muziek van de mens: Een Verkenningstocht door de wereld van de ethnische musiek. Zaandijk, Netherlands: J. Heijnis Tsz., 1959.

Collaer, Paul, and Albert van der Linden.
Atlas of historique de la musique. Paris: Elsevier, 1960.

Dahlback, Karl.
New Methods in Vocal Folk Music Research. Oslo: Oslo University Press, 1958.

Ellis, Alexander J.
On the Musical Scales of Various Nations. Journal of the Society of Arts, 1885.

[no author identified]
Ethnomusicology: Tenth Anniversary Issue. Bruno Nettl, editor. Volume 7, number 3, September 1963.

Harrison, Frank Lloyd; Hood, Mantle; and Claude V. Palisca.
Musicology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.

Haydon, Glen.
Introduction to Musicology. Reprint edition, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1959.

Herzog, George.
Research in Primitive and Folk Music in the United States. Washington D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies, Bulletin Number 24, 1936.

"Song: Folk Song and the Music of Folk Song." In Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, edited by Maria Leach, two volumes, New York: Funk & Wagnalls, volume 1, 1950, pp. 1032-1050.

Hood, Mantle.
"The Quest of Norms in Ethnomusicology." Inter-American Music Bulletin, number 35, May 1963, pp. 1-5. Reprinted in Primera Conferencia Interamericana de Ethnomusicologia: Trabajos Presentados, Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union, 1965, pp. 67-71.

Hornbostel, Erich M. von.
"Melodie und Skala." Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, volume 20, 1912, pp. 11-23.

Hornbostel, Erich M. von. and Otto Abraham.

" Uber die Bedeutung des Phonographen für die vergleichende Musik-wissenschaft." Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, volume 36, 1904, pp. 222-233.

"Volkshläge zur Transkription exotischer Melodien." Sammelbände der Internationalen Muskgesellschaft, volume 11, 1909, pp. 1-25.

Hornbostel, Erich M. von, and Curt Sachs.
"Classification of Musical Instruments." Translated by Anthony Baines and Klaus P. Wachsmann. The Galpin Society Journal, volume 14, March 1961, pp. 3-29.

Jacobs, Melville.
Pattern in Cultural Anthropology. Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1964. Pp. 305-318: "Ethnomusicology."

Karpeles, Maud.
The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material: A Manual for Field Workers. London: International Folk Music Council and Royal Anthropological Institute, 1958.

Kolinski, Mieczyslaw.
"Ethnomusicology, its Problems and Methods." Ethnomusicology Newsletter, number 10, 1957, pp. 1-7.

"The Evaluation of Tempo." Ethnomusicology, volume 3, number 2, May 1959, pp. 45-56.

"Classification of Tonal Structures." Studies in Ethnomusicology, volume 1, 1961, pp. 38-76.

"The Structure of Melodic Movements: A New Method of Analysis." Revised edition, Studies in Ethnomusicology, volume 2, 1965, pp. 95-120.

"The General Direction of Melodic Movement." Ethnomusicology, volume 9, number 3, September 1965, pp. 240-264.

Kunst, Jaap.
Ethnomusicology. Third edition, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959.

Supplement to the Third Edition of Ethnomusicology. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1960.

Kurath, Gertrude P.
"Panorama of Dance Ethnology." Current Anthropology, volume 1, 1960, pp. 233-254.

Lach, Robert.
Die vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, ihre Methoden und Probleme. Wien: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1924.

Leydi, Roberto.
La Musica die Primitivi. Milano: Il Saggiatore, 1961.

Lomax, Alan.
"Folk Song Style." American Anthropologist, volume 6, 1959, pp. 927-954.

"Song Structure and Social Structure." Ethnology, volume 1, 1962, pp. 425-451.

"Phonotactique du Chant Populaire." L'Homme, January-April 1964, pp. 5-55.

Merriam, Alan P.
"Ethnomusicology, Discussion and Definition of the Field." Ethnomusicology, volume 4, number 3, September 1960, pp. 107-114.

The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1964. For a series of 14 reviews of this book, with comments by the author, see Current Anthropology, volume 7, number 2, April 1966, pp. 217-230.

Nadel, Siegfried.
"The Origins of Music." Musical Quarterly, volume 16, 1930, pp. 531-546.

Nettl, Bruno.
Music in Primitive Culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956.

Reference Materials in Ethnomusicology. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, number 1, 1961.

Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1964.

Folk and traditional Music of the Western Continents. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1965.

Rhodes, Willard.
"Toward a Definition of Ethnomusicology." American Anthropologist, volume 58, 1956, pp. 457-463.

Sachs, Curt.
The Rise of Music in the Ancient World, East and West. New York: Norton, 1934.

The History of Musical Instruments. New York: Norton, 1940.

Rhythm and Tempo. New York: Norton, 1953.

Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, Musik der Fremdkulturen. Second edition, Heidelberg: Quelle und Meyer, 1959.

The Wellsprings of Music. Edited by Jaap Knust, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962.

Real-Lexikon der Musikinstruments. Reprint edition, New York: Dover Publications, 1963.

Seeger, Charles.
"Oral Traditions in Music." In Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, edited by Maria Leach, two volumes, New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1950, volume 1, pp. 825-829.

"Systematic Musicology; Viewpoints, Orientations and Methods." Journal of the American Musicological Society, volume 4, 1951, pp. 240-248.

"Singing Style." Western Folklore, volume 17, number 1, January 1958, pp. 3-11.

"Music as a Tradition of Communication." Ethnomusicology, volume 6, number 3, September 1962, pp. 156-163.

"Folk Music." In Collier's Encyclopedia, New York: Crowell-Collier Publishing Co., 1964, volume 10, pp. 132-140.

Stumpf, Carl.
Die Anfänge der Musik. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1911.

Szabolcsi, Bence.
Bausteine zu einer Geschichte der Melodie. Budapest: Corvina, 1959.

"Folk Music – Art Music – History of Music." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4, 1965, pp. 171-179.

Vega, Carlos.
"Mesomusic: An Essay on the Music of the Masses." Ethnomusicology, volume 10, number 1, January 1966, pp. 1-17.

Wallaschek, Richard.
Primitive Music. London: Longmans, 1893.

Wellesz, Egon, editor.
Ancient and Oriental Music. Volume 1 of The New Oxford History of Music, London, 1957.

"Whither Ethnomusicology? (Panel Discussion)." Ethnomusicology, volume 3, number 2, May 1959, pp. 99-105.

Wiora, Walter.
The Four Ages of Music. Translated by M. D. Herter Norton, New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1965.

"Ethnomusicology and the History of Music." Studia Musicologica, volume 7, numbers 1-4, 1965, pp. 187-193.


Erdely, Stephen.
Methods and Principles of Hungarian Ethnomusicology. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series, volume 52, 1965.

Gillis, Frank, and Alan P. Merriam.
Ethnomusicology and Folk Music: An International Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1966.

Kaufmann, Walter.
Musical Notation of the Orient. Notational Systems of Continental East, South, and Central Asia. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Humanities Series, number 60, 1967.

Kolinski, Mieczyslaw.
"Recent Trends in Ethnomusicology." Ethnomusicology, volume 11, number 1, January 1967, pp. 1-24.

Lomax, Alan.
"Special Features of the Sung Communication." In: Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts: Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, edited by June Helm, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press for the American Ethnological Society, 1967, pp. 109-127.

Malm, William P.
Music Cultures of the Pacific, the Near East, and Asia. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967.

Seeger, Charles.
"The Music Process as a Function in a Context of Functions," Inter-American Institute for Musical Research Yearbook, volume 2, 1966, pp. 1-36.



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