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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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Jobs and the Economy

Jobs and the Economy

Jobs are not created by government. Prosperity isn’t either. Jobs and prosperity are created by risk-taking entrepreneurs, successful businesses, and hardworking Americans who take pride in what they do. Government can make this process easier or government can make this process harder.

Short of hiring more postal workers and park rangers, the government cannot simply "create" new jobs. The actions of Congress and the White House over the last few years have provided a strong disincentive to adding jobs:

The so-called stimulus bill was supposed to hold unemployment below 8 percent. Unfortunately, most of the spending in the bill was for pet projects, state government bailouts, and corporate welfare.

We need a pro-growth agenda in Congress to free employers and entrepreneurs to create new jobs. Reducing taxes and government red tape will free employers to expand their business and their payroll.