Ways and Means Dems

Ways and Means Dems


Welcome to the Official Twitter Feed of the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

Washington, DC · http://democrats.waysandmeans.house.gov/

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House Republicans refusal to approve aid is appalling and just another example of their extremism.

Heading to Floor now to speak out against House ‘s unbelievable decision to not bring up aid bill.

House must hold an up or down vote on Senate passed deal & must hold it now. The American people deserve a vote.

RT : Senate passed a bipartisan deal to avert fiscal cliff. should allow up or down vote on bill immediately

Strong majority of House Ds support bipartisan Senate bill that passed 89-8. Confident it will pass if allows up/down vote.

Our thoughts and prayers are with and his family today following the passing of his wife Lillian Lewis

Rest in peace, Lillian Lewis. A smart and caring woman, Lillian was ’ wife for 43 yrs and a champion for justice.

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