NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act


The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 will be comprehensive legislation to authorize the budget authority of the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy.

This will continue to be the online home for all resources related to the 2013 NDAA including Markup Schedule, Marks, Amendments and will be updated as soon as information is available. 

You will find the Conference Report below and other helpful information in the menu on the right >> 

Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 4310

1. Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 4310 [PDF], H. Rept. 112-705—National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013

Text of the Joint Statement of Managers [PDF]

2. Conference Report as published in the Congressional Record [PDF]

3. Conference Report Highlights [PDF]

H.R. 4310 - House Passed Version

Fact Sheets