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Question of the Week

Where was the first Continental Congress held?

A. Philadelphia 
B. New York City
C. Baltimore 
D. Washington D.C. 

Answer: A. Philadelphia 

Source: Library of Congress 

Who was President of the Second Continental Congress?

A. George Washington 
B. John Adams
C. Benjamin Franklin
D. John Hancock

Answer: D. John Hancock 

Source: Library of Congress 

Who was the youngest ever elected President? 

A. Theodore Roosevelt
B. Bill Clinton
C. John F. Kennedy
D. Ulysses S. Grant

Answer: C. John F. Kennedy

Source: Whitehouse.gov 

What year was the youngest president elected? 

A. 1869
B. 1901
C. 1960
D. 1992

Answer: C. 1960

Source: Library of Congress

True or False: George Washington took his Oath of Office in New York City. 

A. True
B. False  

Answer: A. True

Source: Senate.gov

What day was George Washington's Inauguration?

A. July 4, 1776
B. April 30, 1789
C. March 1, 1801
D. March 4, 1809

Answer: B. April 30, 1789

Source: Senate.gov 

Who had the first televised Inauguration?

A. Harry S. Truman
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Jimmy Carter
D. Gerald Ford

Answer: A. Harry S. Truman

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

Where was George Washington Inaugurated?

A. Washington, DC
B. Richmond
C. Philadelphia
D. New York City

Answer: D. New York City

Source: Library of Congress

What day is Inauguration Day 2013?

A. November 5
B. January 5
C. January 24
D. January 21

Answer: D. January 21

Source: Senate.gov

Who invented the light bulb?

A. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Benjamin Franklin
C. Thomas Edison
D. Boris Rosing

Answer: C. Thomas Edison

Source: Smithsonian

What does an entomologist study?

A. Insects
B. Plants
C. Dinosaurs
D. Human Body

Answer: A. Insects

Source: USDA Agricultural Research Service

How many terms can a U.S. President serve?

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. one

Answer: A. two

Source: Federal Election Commission

How old must a citizen be in order to vote?

A. 21
B. 16
C. 25
D. 18

Answer: D. 18

Source: Federal Election Commission

What day of the week are national elections held?

A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Friday
D. Saturday

Answer: B. Tuesday

Source: Federal Election Commission

How often are U.S. Presidential Elections held?

A. Every 2 years
B. Every year
C. Every 4 years
D. Every 8 years

Answer: C. Every 4 years

Source: Federal Election Commission


What is the name of the chart listing all the elements?

A. Periodic Cycle
B. Periodic Table
C. Element Table
D. Element Cycle

Answer: B. Periodic Table

Source: Los Alamos National Laboratory

What was the 50th state to join the union?

A. Puerto Rico
B. California
C. Hawaii
D. Alaska

Answer: C. Hawaii

Source: Hawaii.gov


What is the atomic symbol for oxygen?

A. UUo
B. Os
C. Po
D. O

Answer: D. O

Source: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Which is part of the Constitution?

A. Preamble
B. Articles
C. Amendments
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Source: Hawaii.gov

What is the first amendment?

A. Freedom of religion
B. Freedom of speech
C. Freedom of the press
D. All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Source: National Archives

Which animal symbolizes the United States of America?

A. Bald eagle
B. Dog
C. Bear
D. Horse

Answer: A. Bald eagle 

Source: Ben's Guide

Which part of the government includes the Senate?

A. Executive Branch
B. Judicial Branch
C. Legislative Branch
D. White House

Answer: C. Legislative Branch

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

Who is the current Vice President of the U.S.?

A. Dick Cheney
B. Joe Biden
C. George Bush
D. Al Gore

Answer: B. Joe Biden 

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

Which is not one of three branches of Government?

A. Legislative
B. Congress
C. Executive
D. Judicial

Answer: B. Congress

Source: Ben's Guide


Who is our Secretary of State?

A. Barbara Bush
B. Hillary Clinton
C. Michelle Obama
D. Condoleezza Rice

Answer: B. Hillary Clinton

Source: Department of State


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