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The Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake


Additamentum, oder Anhang dess neundten Theils Americae,
America. pt. 1. German
America. pt. 10. German
America. pt. 11. Appendix. German
America. pt. 11. German
America. pt. 12. German
America. pt. 2. German
America. pt. 3. German
America. pt. 4. German
America. pt. 5. German
America. pt. 6. German
America. pt. 6. Latin
America. pt. 7. German
America. pt. 7. Latin
America. pt. 8. Appendix. German
America. pt. 8. German
America. pt. 8. Latin
America. pt. 9. Appendix. German
America. pt. 9. German
America. pt. 9. Latin
Americae achter Theil,
Americae das fünffte Buch,
Americae nona & postrema pars.
Americae pars sexta.
Americae pars VII.
Americae pars VIII.
Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English
Appendix dess eilfften Theils Americae,
Armada medal.
Armada medals.
Autograph draft of a reply to a memorandum recommending changes in the naval defense of Spanish America and its seaborne trade.
Autograph letter signed, in Latin. To Abraham Ortelius.
"Brief note of the accompte of the voyage intended by Sir John Norreis and Sir Francis Drake knyghts 17 December 1588" (docket), A.
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord.
Conquista de las islas Malucas
Conqvista de las islas Malvcas.
The copie of a letter sent from sea by a gentleman,
[La Coruña. El Ferrol, Spain]
Das sechste Theil Americae oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte Buch. Darinnen erzehlet wirt, wie die Spanier die ... Landschafften dess peruauischen [sic] Königreichs eingenommen ... Sampt einem kurtzen ... Tractätein von den glückhafftigen Inseln. Mit ... Erklärungen ... Auch einer Landtaffel dess peruanischen Königreichs.
Das vierdte Buch von der Neuwen Welt.
Das VII Theil America. Warhafftige vnd liebliche Beschreibung etlicher fürnemmen indianischen Landschafften vnd Insulen, die ... erstlich in der Schiffahrt Vlrici Schmidts ... erkündigt, vnd von jhm selber ... beschrieben ...
De praesenti statu Cornubiae et Devoniae quae duae Provinciae sunt Hispaniae proximiores.
A declaration of the causes which mooued the chiefe commanders of the nauie of Her Most Excellent Maiestie the Queene of England in their voyage and expedition for Portingal :
Der ander Theil, der newlich erfundenen Landschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam ... gethan. Eine vnter dem Hauptman[n] H. Laudonniere, anno 1564. Die ander vnter H. Ribald 1565. Die dritte vnter H. Guerguesio 1567 geschehen. Mit Beschreibung vnd ...
Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que par terre,
Discorso di Gioseppe Rosaccio ...
A discourse in commendation of the valiant as vertuous minded gentleman, Maister Frauncis Drake,
Document on vellum, signed by Alderman Paul Banninge of London.
Document signed (contemporary copy).
Document signed.
Don Alonso Perez de Gvzman ...
Dritte Buch Americae,
Effigies Regum ac Principum, eorum scillicet, quorum vis et potentia in re nautica seu marina prae ceteris spectabilis est . . . adiecte sunt et imagines praestantissimorum ac maxime illustrium heroum, quorum virtus et solertia in expeditionibus . . .
The English hero, or, Sir Francis Drake reviv'd.
Ephemeris expeditionis Norreysij & Draki in Lusitaniam. German
Ephemeris expeditionis Norreysij & Draki in Lusitaniam.
Expeditio Francisci Draki eqvitis Angli in Indias Occidentales a. M.D.LXXXV.
Expeditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera descriptio.
Famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea. French
Filipe Segvndo, Rey de España
Final portion of a document signed.
Franciscus Draeck Nobilissimus Eques Angliae AnĀ° Aet Sue 43.
Haklvytvs posthumus, or, Pvrchas his Pilgrimes.
La herdike enterprinse faict par le Signeur Draeck D'Avoir cirquit toute la Terre /
Herōologia Anglica,
Historia de Felipe II, rey de España.
The historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth,
Historische Beschreibung,
Instrucción general al armada. English
Instrucción general al armada
Kurtze warhafftige Relation vnnd Beschreibung der wunderbarsten vier Schiffahrten, so jemals verricht worden.
Le voyage cvrievx,
Letter signed, in Spanish. To the Duke of Medina Sidonia.
Letter signed, to the Duke of Medina Sidonia, giving instructions in view of the expected intentions of the English squadron under Drake reported to be then attacking Cadiz.
Letter signed. To Sir Francis Walsingham, "Principal Secretarie to the Q:[ueen's] Ma[jes]tie."
M. Blundeuile his exercises :
Manuscript dispatch in Spanish.
Manuscript document signed (signature is a woodcut stamp).
Map of the County of Devon with the City and County of Exeter, Delineated from an Actual Survey . . . the Scale an Inch to a Mile, A.
Memoria de la Costa Rica del Mar del norte [with three other narratives].
Nassauschen lauren-crans. French
Neundter vnd letzter Theil Americae,
Nova et exacta delineatio Americae partis avstralis. qve est :
The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the English nation,
The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation :
Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation.
Privy Council order for the payment of ration and transportation money for a body of troops.
Purchas his Pilgrimes
Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present.
Rel[aci]on de la entrada q[ue] hizo por el estrecho el Navio yngles, y de lo q[ue] se previno contra el.
Relacion de los servicios qve hizo a sv magestad del Rey don Felipe Segundo y Tercero, don Alonso de Sotomayor del abito de Santiago y comendador de Villamayor, del Consejo de Guerra de Castilla:
Relacion del viage que hizieron las cinco fragatas de armada de Su Magestad,
S. Augustini :
[San Juan de Ulúa /
Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage. Latin
A svmmarie and trve discovrse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage.
Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords Representing the several Engagements between the English and Spanish fleets in the ever memorable Year MDLXXXVIII, The.
Tratado Tocante el Armar y disciplina de las Galeras. Dedicado al muy digno y Illustre Ambrosio Spinola, Duque de Sanceverino . . . General de las galeras de su Catholica Mag[esta]d en los estados de Flandes.

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