The Library of Congress
[American Memory]

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates

Annals of Congress: List of Page Headings

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Abolition of Drawbacks, &c (House of Representatives)
Abrogation of Treaties (House of Representatives)
Abrogation of Treaty with France (House of Representatives)
Abuse of the American Flag--Mourning for Samuel Adams (House of Representatives)
Accommodation of the President (House of Representatives)
Accountability for Public Moneys (House of Representatives)
Accountability in the Navy Department
Accountability of Disbursing Officers (House of Representatives)
Accountability of Public Officers (Senate)
Accounts of Daniel D. Tompkins (House of Representatives)
Accounts of Daniel D. Tompkins (Senate)
Accounts of Edmund Randolph (House of Representatives)
Accounts of General Wilkinson (House of Representatives)
Accounts of T. Pickering (House of Representatives)
Accounts of the Departments (House of Representatives)
The Act of Neutrality (House of Representatives)
Action between the Constellation and La Vengeance
Acts of Congress
Acts of Limitation (House of Representatives)
Addition to the Navy (House of Representatives)
Additional Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Additional Appropriations, &c (House of Representatives)
Additional Armament--Alien Enemies (House of Representatives)
Additional Army (House of Representatives)
Additional Army--Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Additional Army--The Mint (House of Representatives)
Additional Artillery &c (House of Representatives)
Additional Artillery (House of Representatives)
Additional Artillery, &c (House of Representatives)
Additional Committees--Amendment to the Rules (House of Representatives)
Additional Duties (House of Representatives)
Additional Duties (Senate)
Additional Duties--Deposites in State Banks (House of Representatives)
Additional Duties--Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Additional Duties--Non-Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Additional Fortifications--Increase of the Army
Additional General Officers (House of Representatives)
Additional Judge of Michigan (House of Representatives)
Additional Military Academy
Additional Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Additional Military Force (House of Representatives)
Additional Military Force (Senate)
Additional Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
Additional Naval Force (Senate)
Additional Protecting Duties
Additional Revenue (House of Representatives)
Additional Revenue Cutters (House of Representatives)
Additional Revenue--Naval Appropriation (House of Representatives)
Additional Revenue--Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
Additional Revenue--Remission of Penalties, &c (House of Representatives)
Additional Revenues
Additional Revenues (House of Representatives)
Additional Rifle Corps (House of Representatives)
Additional Rule (House of Representatives)
Additional Sloops of War (Senate)
Additional Supplies
Additional Supplies (House of Representatives)
Additional Supplies--State Duties of Tonnage (House of Representatives)
Address of N. Edwards.--Fortification Bill (House of Representatives)
Address of Ninian Edwards (House of Representatives)
Address of the Minority to their Constituents
Address of the Vice President (Senate)
Address to the President (House of Representatives)
Address to the President (Senate)
Address to the President--Defeat of General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
Address to the President--National University (House of Representatives)
Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Adjournment (Senate)
Adjournment of Congress (House of Representatives)
Adjournment of Congress.--Daily Recess.--Orders of the Day (House of Representatives)
Adjournment--Supplemental Journal--Embargo (House of Representatives)
Adjournment--Supplemental Speech (Senate)
Adjudication of Prizes (House of Representatives)
Adjustment of Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Adjutant and Inspector General (House of Representatives)
Admirals in the Navy (House of Representatives)
Admiralty Court at Louisville, Kentucky (House of Representatives)
Admiralty Jurisdiction (Senate)
Admission of Indiana (House of Representatives)
Admission of Indiana (Senate)
Admission of Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Admission of Maine (House of Representatives)
Admission of Maine (Senate)
Admission of Maine and Missouri (House of Representatives)
Admission of Maine and Missouri (Senate)
Admission of Mississippi (House of Representatives)
Admission of Missouri (House of Representatives)
Admission of Missouri (Senate)
Admission of Tennessee (House of Representatives)
Advance of Money to France (House of Representatives)
Advance of Money to France--Sundry Bills (House of Representatives)
Advances of Money by States (House of Representatives)
Affairs with Spain (Senate)
African Colonization (House of Representatives)
The African Slave Trade
African Slave Trade (Senate)
Agent for Foreign Expenditures, &c (House of Representatives)
Aggressions of the Belligerents
Aid to the Greeks (House of Representatives)
Alabama District Court (Senate)
Alabama Territory (House of Representatives)
Alexandria Turnpike (House of Representatives)
Alexandria, Va.--Public Roads (House of Representatives)
Alien and Sedition Laws (House of Representatives)
Alien Enemies (House of Representatives)
Aliens in Pennsylvania (House of Representatives)
Aliens in Pennsylvania (Senate)
Alleged Defalcation--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Allowance of Drawback
Allowance of Drawback (Senate)
Alteration of the Hall (House of Representatives)
Alteration of the Journal (Senate)
Alteration of the Tariff (House of Representatives)
Alterations proposed to the Post Office Laws
Amasa Stetson (Senate)
Amelia Island (House of Representatives)
Amelia Island (Senate)
Amelia Island and Galveston--Expatriation (House of Representatives)
Amending Rules--Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Amendment of Rules--Direct Taxes (House of Representatives)
Amendment of the Constitution (Senate)
Amendment of the Journal (House of Representatives)
Amendment to Constitution (House of Representatives)
Amendment to Rules (House of Representatives)
Amendment to Rules, &c (House of Representatives)
Amendment to the Constitution (House of Representatives)
Amendment to the Constitution (Senate)
Amendment to the Constitution--Admission of Missouri (House of Representatives)
Amendment to the Constitution--Attorney General (House of Representatives)
Amendment to the Constitution--Colonial Trade (House of Representatives)
Amendment to the Constitution--Revenue Bills (Senate)
Amendments of the Constitution (Senate)
Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution (House of Representatives)
Amendments to the Constitution (Senate)
Amendments to the Constitution, &c (House of Representatives)
Amendments to the Journal--Drawback and Embargo (House of Representatives)
American and British Tonnage (House of Representatives)
American Captives (House of Representatives)
American Colonization Society (House of Representatives)
American Hemp (Senate)
American Hemp--The Tariff Bill (Senate)
American Manufactures
American Manufactures (House of Representatives)
American Manufactures--Army and Fortifications (House of Representatives)
American Manufactures--Public Deposites in Banks
American Manufactures--Remonstrance against an increase of Duties
American Navigation (Senate)
American Navigation Act (House of Representatives)
American Navigation Act--Foreign Licenses to Trade (House of Representatives)
American Navigation--Mississippi Territory (House of Representatives)
American Property Sequestrated in England (House of Representatives)
American Seamen
American Seamen (House of Representatives)
American Seamen and Commerce (House of Representatives)
American Seamen--Disabled Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
American Seamen--George Little (House of Representatives)
American Seamen--Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
American Seamen--President's Message (House of Representatives)
Amey Dardin--Relations with Spain (House of Representatives)
Amy Darden (House of Representatives)
Amy Dardin (House of Representatives)
Amy Dardin--Battle of New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Andrew J. Villard (House of Representatives)
Anna Welsh (House of Representatives)
Anna Young (House of Representatives)
Annexation of West Florida to the Mississippi Territory
Annual Treasury Report (House of Representatives)
Annuities to Widow and Children of A. H. Dohrman
Answer of the President--President's Speech (House of Representatives)
Answer of the Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Answer to the President (House of Representatives)
Answer to the President's message (Senate)
Answer to the President's Speech (House of Representatives)
Answer to the President's Speech (Senate)
Answers to the President's Speech (House of Representatives)
Anti-Tariff Memorials (House of Representatives)
Antonia Carmichael (House of Representatives)
Application of Public Money
Application of Virginia (House of Representatives)
Application to abolish Privateering
Application to abolish Privateering in time of War
Appointment of Committees (House of Representatives)
Apportionment Bill (House of Representatives)
Apportionment Bill (Senate)
Apportionment Bill--Georgia Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Apportionment Bill--Indemnity to General Greene (House of Representatives)
Apportionment Bill--Settlement of Claims (House of Representatives)
Apportionment of Direct Taxes
Apportionment of Midshipmen (House of Representatives)
Apportionment of Representation (House of Representatives)
Apportionment of Representatives (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill (Senate)
Appropriation Bill--Commerce of the United States (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill--Indian Trade (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill--Minister to South America (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill--Officers of the Revolution (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bill--Sureties of a Collector (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bills (House of Representatives)
Appropriation Bills--Admission of Missouri (House of Representatives)
Appropriation for 1798 (House of Representatives)
Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Appropriations Bill (House of Representatives)
Appropriations for 1797 (House of Representatives)
Appropriations for 1798 (House of Representatives)
Appropriations for 1798--Count De Grasse (House of Representatives)
Appropriations for the year 1799
Appropriations--Creek War--Moses Young (House of Representatives)
Appropriations--Militia Draughts (House of Representatives)
Appropriations--Plurality of Offices (House of Representatives)
Arkansas Boundary (Senate)
Arkansas Territory (House of Representatives)
Armed Merchant Vessels (House of Representatives)
Armed Vessels of the Enemy (House of Representatives)
Arming the Militia (House of Representatives)
Arming the Militia of the West
Arming the Militia with Rifles (House of Representatives)
Arming the Militia--Increase of Revenue (House of Representatives)
Arms for Militia (House of Representatives)
The Army (House of Representatives)
The Army and Navy (House of Representatives)
Army and Navy Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Army and Navy--The Militia (House of Representatives)
Army and Navy--Vermont Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Army Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Army Bill (House of Representatives)
Army Contractors, &c (House of Representatives)
Army Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Army of the United States (House of Representatives)
Army of the United States (Senate)
Army of the United States, &c (House of Representatives)
Army Regulations (House of Representatives)
Army Rules, &c (House of Representatives)
Arrangement of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Arrearages of Army Pay (House of Representatives)
Arrears of Direct Taxes
Arrears of Pay, &c.--General de Kalb (House of Representatives)
Arrest of Captain Obed Wright
Arthur St. Clair and John Craig--Orleans Territory (House of Representatives)
Articles of War--Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Arts and Manufactures--Arming the Militia (House of Representatives)
Arts and Manufactures--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Assistant Doorkeeper--Death of Mr. Trimble (House of Representatives)
Assistant Secretaries of War (House of Representatives)
Assumption of Direct Tax (House of Representatives)
Astronomical Observations--Yazoo Claims (House of Representatives)
Atlantic Canals (Senate)
Atlantic Canals--Western Canal (Senate)
Attack on the Frigate Chesapeake (House of Representatives)
Attorney General (House of Representatives)
The Attorney General (House of Representatives)
Attorney General of the United States
Attorney General--Paymaster General (House of Representatives)
Attorney General--Petition of Catharine Greene (House of Representatives)
Augmentation of the Army (House of Representatives)
Augmentation of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Authorizing a Loan (House of Representatives)

B (Back to top)

Balances and Unsettled Accounts
Balances Due Certain States (House of Representatives)
Balances due certain States (House of Representatives)
Balances due from States (House of Representatives)
Balances due from States--Relief to Savannah (House of Representatives)
Balances due to and from the several States--Public Debt
Balances due United States (House of Representatives)
Balances in the Treasury--Public Debt
Balances of Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Bank of Alexandria (House of Representatives)
Bank of the United Stated (House of Representatives)
Bank of the United States
Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
Bank of the United States (Senate)
Bank of the United States--Drawback--Relief Bill (Senate)
Bank of the United States--Indian Treaties (House of Representatives)
Bank of the United States.--General Wilkinson (Senate)
Bank of United States (House of Representatives)
Bankrupt Bill (House of Representatives)
The Bankrupt Bill (House of Representatives)
The Bankrupt Bill (Senate)
The Bankrupt Bill--Admission of Missouri (Senate)
Bankrupt Bill--General Post Office (House of Representatives)
The Bankrupt Bill--Land Claims (Senate)
Bankrupt Bill--Military Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Bankrupt Law of 1800 (House of Representatives)
Bankruptcy (House of Representatives)
Bankruptcy--Commerce with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Bankruptcy--Trade with the Indians (House of Representatives)
Banks and the Currency
Banks in the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Banks of Deposite, &c (House of Representatives)
Banks of the District (House of Representatives)
Banks of the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Banks--District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Baptist Convention--District Banks (Senate)
Barbary Powers (House of Representatives)
Barred Claims (Senate)
Barred Claims--Brigadier General's Pay (House of Representatives)
Battle on the Wabash (House of Representatives)
Battle on the Wabash--Apportionment Bill (House of Representatives)
Battle with the Indians on the Wabash
Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Batture at New Orleans (Senate)
Batture at New Orleans--Additional Duties (House of Representatives)
Batture at New Orleans--Call for Papers (House of Representatives)
Batture at New Orleans--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Beaumarchais Claim (House of Representatives)
Benefit of Drawback (House of Representatives)
Benjamin Franklin (House of Representatives)
Benjamin Wells (House of Representatives)
Bill for Enforcing Neutrality (House of Representatives)
Bills and Reports--Indemnity for War Losses (House of Representatives)
Blue Lights (House of Representatives)
Board of Navy Commissioners (House of Representatives)
Bonding of Libelled Goods (House of Representatives)
Books and Papers destroyed by fire in the War Department, in 1800
Books, &c., destroyed by fire in the Treasury Department, in 1801
Boston Memorial--Revenue Laws
Boston Memorials (House of Representatives)
Boundary between Kentucky and Tennessee
Boundary between North Carolina and Georgia
Boundary Lines (House of Representatives)
Bounty for Enlistment (Senate)
Bounty Lands, &c (House of Representatives)
Bounty on Enlistments--Compensation for Captures (House of Representatives)
Bounty on Prisoners (House of Representatives)
Bounty on Prisoners--Removal of the Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Bounty to Deserters (House of Representatives)
Bounty to Privateers--British Licenses (House of Representatives)
Breach of Privilege
Breach of Privilege (House of Representatives)
Breach of Privilege (Senate)
Breach of Privilege--Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
Brevet Rank
Brevet Rank in the Army
Brevet Rank--Honors to Kosciusko (House of Representatives)
Bridge across the Potomac River (House of Representatives)
Brigadier General James Wilkinson
Brigadier General's Pay (House of Representatives)
British Aggressions (House of Representatives)
British Aggressions (Senate)
British Armed Vessels (House of Representatives)
British Barbarities (House of Representatives)
British Colonial Trade (Senate)
British Depredations (Senate)
British Intrigues (House of Representatives)
British Land Claims (House of Representatives)
British Licenses (Senate)
British Orders and French Decrees--Embargo (House of Representatives)
British Treaty (House of Representatives)
British Treaty--Commercial Restrictions--Flag of France (House of Representatives)
British, French, and Danish Captures (House of Representatives)
Building of Frigates
Burning of the Capitol (House of Representatives)
Burr's Conspiracy
Burr's Conspiracy (House of Representatives)
Burr's Conspiracy (Senate)

C (Back to top)

Cadets at West Point (House of Representatives)
Call for Papers--American Navigation Act (House of Representatives)
Campaign on the Wabash (House of Representatives)
Campaign on the Wabash, &c (House of Representatives)
Canadian Refugees (House of Representatives)
Canadian Refugees--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Canadian Refugees--Commerce with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Canadian Refugees--John Sears--National University (House of Representatives)
Canadian Refugees--Northwestern Land Office (House of Representatives)
Canal at the Rapids of the Ohio (House of Representatives)
Canal at the Rapids of the Ohio (Senate)
Canal in Illinois--Reference of President's Message (House of Representatives)
Canal in Indiana (House of Representatives)
Canal in the City of Washington
Canals and Roads (House of Representatives)
Canals in the State of New York
Captain Hurlbut (House of Representatives)
Captain Magnien's Grenadiers (House of Representatives)
Captain Morgan--Receipts and Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Captain Pike (House of Representatives)
Captain Pike and his Companions
Captain Pike's Expedition--Foreign Licenses (House of Representatives)
Captain Pike--Train of Artillery (House of Representatives)
Captain Tucker (House of Representatives)
Captives by the Indians (House of Representatives)
Captors of the British Ship of War Levant
Capture of British Vessels on Lake Erie (Senate)
Capture of French Vessels (House of Representatives)
Capture of the British Fleet on Lake Champlain
Capture of the British Fleet on Lake Erie and Brig Boxer
Capture of the City (House of Representatives)
Capture of the City of Washington
Capture of the Epervier
Capture of the Java (House of Representatives)
Capture of the Penguin
Capture of the Reindeer and other Vessels
Captured Property (House of Representatives)
Captured Property--Extra Session (House of Representatives)
Captured Property--Impressed Seamen (House of Representatives)
Captures and Pensions--Duties on Prize Goods (House of Representatives)
Captures of American Vessels
Carriage Tax--Militia of the States (House of Representatives)
Carver's Grant (Senate)
Case of Captain Shain (House of Representatives)
Case of Colonel Anderson (House of Representatives)
Case of Commodore Tucker (House of Representatives)
Case of Elias Earle (House of Representatives)
Case of Francis Henderson, Jr (Senate)
Case of George Mumford (House of Representatives)
Case of Gideon Olmstead
Case of Giles Kellogg (House of Representatives)
Case of Griswold and Lyon (House of Representatives)
Case of J. P. Van Ness (House of Representatives)
Case of John P. Van Ness (House of Representatives)
Case of John P. Van Ness--Amendment to Rules (House of Representatives)
Case of John Torrey (House of Representatives)
Case of Jonathan Robbins (House of Representatives)
Case of Jonathan Robbins, &c (House of Representatives)
Case of Judge Tait (House of Representatives)
Case of Judge Toulmin (House of Representatives)
Case of Judge Van Ness--Fugitives from Justice (House of Representatives)
Case of Matthew Lyon (House of Representatives)
Case of Matthew Lyon (Senate)
Case of Matthew Lyon--Roads and Canals (Senate)
Case of Moses White--The Fisheries, &c (House of Representatives)
Case of Mr. John Smith, Senator from Ohio (Senate)
Case of Ninian Edwards (House of Representatives)
Case of Ninian Edwards--Claim of Beaumarchais, &c (House of Representatives)
Case of R. W. Meade (House of Representatives)
Case of Randall and Whitney (House of Representatives)
Case of Randall and Whitney--Indian Trading Houses, &c (House of Representatives)
Case of Reuben Colburn (Senate)
Case of Richard W. Meade (House of Representatives)
Case of Richard W. Meade (Senate)
Case of Silas Clark (House of Representatives)
Case of the Leander (House of Representatives)
Case of the Ship Allegany (House of Representatives)
Case of Woodrop Sims (House of Representatives)
Cash Duties on Imports (House of Representatives)
Catawba and Wateree Rivers--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Causes and Character of the War
Census (House of Representatives)
Census Bill (House of Representatives)
Census of the Territory of Louisiana
Census of the Union (House of Representatives)
Census of the United States (House of Representatives)
Census--Post Office Establishment--Moses Young (House of Representatives)
Certificates of Public Debt (House of Representatives)
The Cession of Louisiana
Cession of Louisiana to France (House of Representatives)
Chairmen of Committees (House of Representatives)
Challenges, Duels, &c (House of Representatives)
Challenging a Member (House of Representatives)
Chaplain--The Mint--Address to the President (House of Representatives)
Charges against Judge Tait (House of Representatives)
Charlestown, Va.--Release on Custom-house Bonds (House of Representatives)
Charlestown, Va.--Salaries of Judges (House of Representatives)
Charter of Alexandria (House of Representatives)
Charter of Washington, &c (Senate)
Charter of Washington--Navigation Bill--District Judges (Senate)
Cherokee and Creek Treaties (House of Representatives)
Cherokee Indians (House of Representatives)
Cherokee Indians--Treaty with the Chickasaws (House of Representatives)
Cherokee Treaty--Execution of Treaties (House of Representatives)
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (House of Representatives)
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (Senate)
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, &c (House of Representatives)
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (House of Representatives)
Chickasaw Indians (House of Representatives)
Chickasaw Treaty (House of Representatives)
Christopher Miller (House of Representatives)
Circuit Courts--Coast of North Carolina (House of Representatives)
City of New York--American Navigation (Senate)
City of Washington
The City of Washington
City of Washington (House of Representatives)
City of Washington (Senate)
City of Washington--Tennessee Lands (House of Representatives)
Civil Appropriations--Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Civil List--Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Civilization of the Indians (House of Representatives)
Civilization of the Indians (House of Representatives)
Claim for Drawback (Senate)
Claim for Drawback, &c (House of Representatives)
Claim for Indian Depredations (House of Representatives)
Claim for Prize Money
Claim of Amey Dardin--Claim of Mrs. Hamilton (House of Representatives)
Claim of Baron Steuben (House of Representatives)
Claim of Beaumarchais (House of Representatives)
Claim of Beaumarchais.--Proposed Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Claim of Caron Beaumarchais
Claim of Caron De Beaumarchais
Claim of Caron de Beaumarchais
Claim of Colonel Thompson (Senate)
Claim of Commodore Dale (House of Representatives)
Claim of Commodore Whipple (House of Representatives)
Claim of Daniel D. Tompkins (House of Representatives)
Claim of General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
Claim of General Wilkinson (Senate)
Claim of George Little (House of Representatives)
Claim of George Shannon (Senate)
Claim of Henry Hill (House of Representatives)
Claim of Henry Malcolm--Additional Revenue (House of Representatives)
Claim of James Morrison (Senate)
Claim of John Cowan (House of Representatives)
Claim of John Mullowny--Convoy and Arming (House of Representatives)
Claim of Joseph Emerson (Senate)
Claim of Lieutenant Knight (House of Representatives)
Claim of Lieutenant Knight--Call for Letters (House of Representatives)
Claim of M. Beaumarchais--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Claim of M. De Beaumarchais (House of Representatives)
Claim of Massachusetts (House of Representatives)
Claim of Massachusetts (Senate)
Claim of Mayor Jackson (House of Representatives)
Claim of Rebecca Hodgson--Post Office Patronage (House of Representatives)
Claim of Renner and Heath (House of Representatives)
Claim of Stephen Sayre (House of Representatives)
Claim of Thomas Paine
Claim of Thomas Paine (Senate)
Claim of Thomas Wilson (House of Representatives)
Claim of Virginia (Senate)
Claim of Zebulon Wade (House of Representatives)
Claims against Russia
Claims against the Government (House of Representatives)
Claims against the United States (House of Representatives)
Claims against the United States (Senate)
Claims for Destroyed Property (House of Representatives)
Claims for Houses Burned in War (House of Representatives)
Claims for Losses in Michigan (House of Representatives)
Claims for Military Services (House of Representatives)
Claims for Property Lost, &c (House of Representatives)
Claims of Georgia (House of Representatives)
Claims of Virginia (Senate)
Claims on Sweden (Senate)
Claims' Law (House of Representatives)
Classification of Militia (Senate)
Classification of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Classifications of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Clearances to Certain Vessels--Public Credit (House of Representatives)
Clerk and Doorkeeper--Standing Committees (House of Representatives)
Clerk of the House (House of Representatives)
Clerk of the House--Compensation to Collectors (House of Representatives)
Close of the Session (House of Representatives)
Closing Business (House of Representatives)
Closing of Galleries (House of Representatives)
Clothing of the Army (Senate)
Clothing the Army in Domestic Manufactures (Senate)
Clothing the Militia (House of Representatives)
Coast Survey (House of Representatives)
Coasting Trade (House of Representatives)
Coasting Trade--Duties on Spirits (House of Representatives)
Coasting Trade--Statute of Washington (Senate)
Cod Fisheries (House of Representatives)
Cod Fisheries--Election of President (House of Representatives)
Collection Districts (House of Representatives)
Collection of Direct Tax (House of Representatives)
Collection of Direct Taxes (House of Representatives)
Collection of Duties (House of Representatives)
Collection of Duties (Senate)
Collection of Duties on Imports and Tonnage
Collection of Duties, &c (House of Representatives)
Collection of Imposts (House of Representatives)
Collection of Internal Revenue (House of Representatives)
Collection of Revenue (House of Representatives)
Collection of the Customs (House of Representatives)
Collection of the Revenue (House of Representatives)
Collection of the Revenue (Senate)
Collection of the Revenue--Additional Duties (House of Representatives)
Collector's Bond (House of Representatives)
Collectorship of Boston (House of Representatives)
Colonel James Johnson--Death of Mr. Burrill (House of Representatives)
Colonel Washington (House of Representatives)
Colonel William Washington (House of Representatives)
Colonial Trade (House of Representatives)
Colonization from Virginia
Colonization of Free Negroes (House of Representatives)
Colonization of Negroes--The Revenue (House of Representatives)
Colonization Society (House of Representatives)
Colonization Society--Slave Trade--Spanish Treaty (House of Representatives)
Colonization--Slave Trade (House of Representatives)
Colored Seamen in the Port of Charleston
Columbia River (House of Representatives)
Columbian College (House of Representatives)
Columbian College (Senate)
Columbian Society (Senate)
Comfort Sands (House of Representatives)
Comfort Sands and others (House of Representatives)
Commerce and Navigation (House of Representatives)
Commerce of the United States
Commerce of the United States (House of Representatives)
Commerce with Great Britain
Commerce with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Commerce with Great Britain (Senate)
Commerce with Greece (House of Representatives)
Commerce with Greece--Agent to Greece, &c (House of Representatives)
Commerce with Portugal (Senate)
Commercial Convention with Great Britain
Commercial Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Commercial Intercourse (Senate)
Commercial Intercourse with Foreign Nations
Commercial Intercourse--Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Commercial Intercourse--Charles Bean (House of Representatives)
Commercial Intercourse--Non-Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Commercial Intercourse-Detachment of Militia (House of Representatives)
Commercial Privileges and Restrictions
Commercial Restrictions (House of Representatives)
Commissariat for the Army
Commissioner of Claims (House of Representatives)
Commissioner of Loans (House of Representatives)
Commissioner of Revenue--Cherokee Treaty (House of Representatives)
Commissioner to Greece (House of Representatives)
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
Commissions granted in the recess of the Senate
Committee of Claims (House of Representatives)
Committee of Elections--Distribution of Arms (House of Representatives)
Committee of Ways and Means (House of Representatives)
Committee on Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Committee on Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Committee on the Seminole War (Senate)
Committee Rooms, &c (House of Representatives)
Committees on Public Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Commodore Perry (House of Representatives)
Commodore Perry's Family (House of Representatives)
Commodore Tucker (Senate)
Commodore Whipple--Louisiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Commutation Bill (House of Representatives)
Commutation Bill--Georgia Militia Claims (House of Representatives)
Commutation of Soldier's Pay (House of Representatives)
Commutation of Soldiers' Pay (House of Representatives)
Compensation Bill (House of Representatives)
Compensation Bill (Senate)
Compensation Bills (House of Representatives)
Compensation for Horses Lost (Senate)
Compensation Law (House of Representatives)
Compensation of Collectors, &c (House of Representatives)
Compensation of Members (House of Representatives)
Compensation of Members, &c (House of Representatives)
Compensation of Members--Relief Bill (Senate)
Compensation of Militia--Volunteer Corps (House of Representatives)
Compensation of Officers of the Customs
Compensation of Officers of the Revenue
Compensation of the Architect, &c (House of Representatives)
Compensation of the Judiciary (House of Representatives)
Compensation of the President, &c (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Certain Clerks--Sundry Bills (House of Representatives)
Compensation to certain Officers (Senate)
Compensation to Collectors (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Marshalls, &c (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Members (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Members (Senate)
Compensation to Ministers and Consuls
Compensation to Ministers, &c (Senate)
Compensation to Public Officers (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Public Officers--Accountant War Department (House of Representatives)
Compensation to Revenue Officers (House of Representatives)
Complaint against Judge Toulmin
Complaints of the Owners of Privateers
Completing the Capitol--Territory of Orleans (House of Representatives)
Condition and Prospects of the Greeks
Condition of South America
Condition of Spanish South America
Conduct of the British Minister (House of Representatives)
Conduct of the British Minister (Senate)
Conduct of the War (House of Representatives)
Confidential Proceedings
Confidential Proceedings (Senate)
Confiscation, Importations, &c (Senate)
Congressional Compensation (Senate)
Congressional Library (House of Representatives)
Congressional Reservation (House of Representatives)
Connecticut Asylum--Occupation of Florida (House of Representatives)
Connecticut Reserve--Perfect Motion (House of Representatives)
Connecticut Western Reserve (House of Representatives)
Constitution and Guerriere (House of Representatives)
Constitution and Java (House of Representatives)
Constitution of New Orleans--General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
Constitution--Indian Treaties (House of Representatives)
Constitutional Amendment (House of Representatives)
Contempt of the House (House of Representatives)
Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Contested Election of Mr. Gallatin (Senate)
Contested Election, &c (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Emigrants from Cuba (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--John Thompson's Claim (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Permanent Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--President Speech--Rules of the House (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Temporary Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Contested Election--Tonnage and Imports (House of Representatives)
Contested Elections (House of Representatives)
Contingent Expenses (House of Representatives)
Contingent Expenses of Congress--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Contingent Expenses of the House (House of Representatives)
Contingent Expenses--Foreign Licenses to Trade (House of Representatives)
Contracts for Cannon, &c (House of Representatives)
Controversies between States (House of Representatives)
Controversies between States (Senate)
Convention with France
Convention with Great Britain
Convoy and Arming (House of Representatives)
Convoy and Arming--American Navigation Act (House of Representatives)
Convoy and Arming--Exports of 1809 (House of Representatives)
Convoy Principle (House of Representatives)
Copper Coin--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Copper Coins, &c (House of Representatives)
Copy-rights of Paintings, &c (Senate)
Corps of Artillery, &c (House of Representatives)
Corps of Engineers (House of Representatives)
Corps of Engineers, &c (Senate)
Correspondence between James Monroe and Timothy Pickering
Correspondence of the Secretary of State with the Marquis de Yrujo
Costs in Patent Cases (House of Representatives)
Costs in suits by Patentees (House of Representatives)
Costs in Suits for Patent Rights (House of Representatives)
Count De Grasse (House of Representatives)
Count de Grasse's Heirs--Organization of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Counting of Electoral Votes (House of Representatives)
Counting of Electoral Votes (Senate)
Court of Inquiry on General Harmar
Courtesies to France--Georgia Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Courts Martial--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Courts of the United States (House of Representatives)
Courts of the United States, &c (House of Representatives)
Credentials of Members (House of Representatives)
Credit for Duties (House of Representatives)
Credit on Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Cultivation of the Vine, &c (House of Representatives)
Culture of Hemp (House of Representatives)
Culture of the Tea Plant
Cumberland Road
Cumberland Road (House of Representatives)
The Cumberland Road (House of Representatives)
Cumberland Road (Senate)
Cumberland Road Bill (Senate)
Cumberland Road in Maryland and Ohio
Cumberland Road, &c (House of Representatives)
The Cumberland Road--Florida and Alabama (House of Representatives)
Cumberland Road--Impartial Jury (House of Representatives)
Cumberland Road--Next Meeting of Congress (House of Representatives)
Cumberland Road--Prohibitory Duties (House of Representatives)
Currency of Foreign Coins (House of Representatives)

D (Back to top)

Daniel Carroll--William P. Nimmo (House of Representatives)
Daniel Cotton--Additional Duties (House of Representatives)
Daniel Cotton--Foreign, Relations (House of Representatives)
Daniel D. Tompkins (Senate)
Daniel Goodwin (House of Representatives)
Daniel W. Coxe (House of Representatives)
Danish Brig Henrick
Danish Brigantine Henrick (House of Representatives)
Danish Spoliations (House of Representatives)
Day of Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Day of Thanksgiving (House of Representatives)
Dean Weymouth (Senate)
Death of David Walker (House of Representatives)
Death of General Blount--Disabled Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Death of General Washington (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Ball (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Burrill (Senate)
Death of Mr. Crowninshield (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Goodswyn (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Hazard (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. John Smilie (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Linn (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Pinkney (Senate)
Death of Mr. Pinkney of Maryland (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Stanford (House of Representatives)
Death of Mr. Trimble--Standing Committees (Senate)
Death of the Hon. John Dickinson (Senate)
Death of the Vice President (House of Representatives)
Death of the Vice President (Senate)
Death of the Vice President--Remission of Forfeiture (House of Representatives)
Death of William A. Burwell (House of Representatives)
Debate on Mr. Giles's Resolutions (House of Representatives)
Debates of the House (House of Representatives)
Debentures--Returned. Bill (House of Representatives)
Debt due Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
Debt due the Government (House of Representatives)
Debt of the City of Washington
Debt of the United States (House of Representatives)
Debtors of the United States
Debts due from States (House of Representatives)
Debts due from the United States (House of Representatives)
Debts due to Individuals--Additional Army (House of Representatives)
Debts due to the United States--The Mint (House of Representatives)
Debts of the States (House of Representatives)
Debts of the United States (House of Representatives)
Decrees relating to Commerce
Defeat of General St. Clair
Defeat of General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
Defeat of General St. Clair--Answer to the President (House of Representatives)
Defeat of the Army under General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
Defeat of the Seminole Indians, &c
Defence of Maritime Frontier (House of Representatives)
Defence of Merchant Vessels (House of Representatives)
Defence of New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Defence of New Orleans (Senate)
Defence of Park and Harbors (House of Representatives)
Defence of Ports and Harbors (House of Representatives)
Defence of Ports and Harbors (Senate)
Defence of the City of Baltimore (Senate)
Defence of the Frontier (House of Representatives)
Defence of the Maritime Frontier
Defense of Ports and Harbors (House of Representatives)
Defensive Maritime War (House of Representatives)
Defensive Measures (House of Representatives)
Deferred Debt (House of Representatives)
Delaware Canal Company--Alabama Constitution (Senate)
Delegate from Mississippi (House of Representatives)
Delegate South of the Ohio (House of Representatives)
Department of Foreign Affairs (House of Representatives)
Department of State (House of Representatives)
Deposits of Public Money (House of Representatives)
Description of Louisiana
Destruction of Public Books and Papers
Destruction of Public Books and Papers (House of Representatives)
Destruction of the Philadelphia
Detachment of Militia (House of Representatives)
Detachment of Militia, &c (Senate)
Detachment of Militia--Canals and Roads (House of Representatives)
Difficulty with Algiers (House of Representatives)
Digest of Manufactures
Digest of Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Digest of the Laws of Louisiana
Diplomatic Expenses, &c (House of Representatives)
Direct Tax
Direct Tax (House of Representatives)
Direct Tax (Senate)
Direct Tax Law, &c (House of Representatives)
Direct Tax--Closing Business (House of Representatives)
Direct Tax--Judge Pickering (House of Representatives)
Direct Tax--Mississippi Territory (House of Representatives)
Direct Taxes
Direct Taxes (House of Representatives)
Direct Taxes (Senate)
Direct Taxes--Alien Enemies (House of Representatives)
Direct Taxes--Import Duties (House of Representatives)
Direct Taxes--Reference of President's Message (House of Representatives)
Disabled Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Disabled Seamen (Senate)
Disabled Seamen--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Disabled Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Disabled Soldiers--Non-Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Disbursement of Public Moneys (House of Representatives)
Disbursement of Public Moneys (Senate)
Discipline of the Army (House of Representatives)
Discipline of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Disciplining the Militia (House of Representatives)
Disclosures of Mr. Henry (House of Representatives)
Discriminating Duties (House of Representatives)
Discriminating Duties (Senate)
Discriminating Duties imposed on American Products
Discriminating Duties on American Products
Disputed Boundary of Georgia and North Carolina
Disputed Boundary with Great Britain
Disputed Elections for President, &c (House of Representatives)
Disputed Presidential Elections (Senate)
Distilled Spirits (House of Representatives)
Distilled Spirits--Destruction of Public Books, &c (House of Representatives)
Distilled Spirits--Hanging Maw (House of Representatives)
Distilled Spirits--Northwestern Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Distilled Spirits--Post Office Bill, &c (House of Representatives)
Distressed Seamen (House of Representatives)
Distressed Seamen--Rules and Orders (Senate)
Distribution of Arms (House of Representatives)
Distribution of Documents--Executive Papers (House of Representatives)
Distribution of the Constitution (House of Representatives)
District Banks (House of Representatives)
District Banks (Senate)
District Banks--Duelling (Senate)
District Banks--Encouragement of Manufactures (House of Representatives)
District Court at Louisville (House of Representatives)
District Court--Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
District Courts (House of Representatives)
District Courts of New York (House of Representatives)
District Courts--Admission of Missouri (House of Representatives)
District Judges (House of Representatives)
District Judges (Senate)
District Judges--Clothing of the Army (Senate)
District Judges--The Mint--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
The District of Columbia
District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
District of Columbia (Senate)
District of Columbia--Annual Treasury Report (House of Representatives)
District of Columbia--British Aggressions (House of Representatives)
District of Columbia--Drawbacks (House of Representatives)
The District of Columbia--Savannah Sufferers (Senate)
District of Columbia--Sedition Law (House of Representatives)
District of Columbia--Slave Traffic (House of Representatives)
District of Columbia--Tariff Bill (House of Representatives)
District of Orleans (House of Representatives)
District Penitentiary (House of Representatives)
Districts East of New Orleans (Senate)
Division of Indiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Division of Northwest Territory
Divorces in the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Doctrine of Libels (House of Representatives)
Documents Accompanying the President's Speech (House of Representatives)
The Domestic Debt (House of Representatives)
Domestic Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Domestic Manufactures, &c (House of Representatives)
Domestic Manufactures--American Seamen (House of Representatives)
Domestic Salt--Seamen and Marines (House of Representatives)
Donnelson, Hurd, and others (House of Representatives)
Drawback (House of Representatives)
Drawback and Embargo (House of Representatives)
Drawback of Duties (House of Representatives)
Drawback of Duties on Refined Sugars
Drawback on Cordage (Senate)
Drawback on Debentures (House of Representatives)
Drawbacks (House of Representatives)
Drawing Juries by Lot (Senate)
Duane's Hand-Book (House of Representatives)
Duelling (Senate)
Duties of Imports (House of Representatives)
Duties on Distilled Spirits (House of Representatives)
Duties on Drawbacks, &c (House of Representatives)
Duties on French Vessels (Senate)
Duties on Imports (House of Representatives)
Duties on Imports (Senate)
Duties on Imports and Tonnage (Senate)
Duties on Imports--Navy Hospitals (House of Representatives)
Duties on Imports--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Duties on Iron (House of Representatives)
Duties on Licenses (House of Representatives)
Duties on Licenses, &c (House of Representatives)
Duties on Licenses, &c.--Judiciary Bill (House of Representatives)
Duties on Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Duties on Merchandise (House of Representatives)
Duties on Prize Goods (House of Representatives)
Duties on Refined Sugar (House of Representatives)
Duties on Sales at Auction
Duties on Sales at Auction (House of Representatives)
Duties on Spirits (House of Representatives)
Duties on Spirits--Duties on Stamps
Duties on Stamps
Duties on Tonnage (House of Representatives)
Duty of Stamps (House of Representatives)
Duty on Books--Chaplain to the House (House of Representatives)
Duty on Carriages--Intercourse with Indians--Exportation of Arms (House of Representatives)
Duty on Distilled Spirits (House of Representatives)
Duty on Exports (House of Representatives)
Duty on Foreign Books (House of Representatives)
Duty on French Tonnage--Naval Discipline (House of Representatives)
Duty on Imported Molasses
Duty on Imports (House of Representatives)
Duty on Imports (Senate)
Duty on Refined Sugar--Encouragement to Manufactures
Duty on Sales at Auction
Duty on Salt (House of Representatives)
Duty on Salt--Adjournment of Congress (House of Representatives)
Duty on Salt--Detachment of Militia (House of Representatives)
Duty on Salt--Pay of Witnesses (House of Representatives)
Duty on Snuff (House of Representatives)
Duty on Spirits (House of Representatives)
Duty on Spirits, Stamps, &c (House of Representatives)
Duty on Stamps (House of Representatives)
Duty on Stills
Duty on Stills--Direct Tax on the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Duty on Stills--Tariff--Military Staff (House of Representatives)
Duty on Wines and Spirits (House of Representatives)

E (Back to top)

Ebenezer Oliver and Others (Senate)
Ebenezer Stevens, and Others (House of Representatives)
Edmund Brooke (House of Representatives)
Education Fund (House of Representatives)
Edward C. Brown (House of Representatives)
Election of Chaplain (House of Representatives)
Election of Chaplains (Senate)
Election of Clerk (House of Representatives)
Election of Clerk, &c (House of Representatives)
Election of President (House of Representatives)
Election of President (Senate)
Election of President and Vice President (House of Representatives)
Election of President pro tem (Senate)
Election of President, &c (House of Representatives)
Election of President--Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Election of President--Post Office Bill--Catharine Greene (House of Representatives)
Election of Presiding Officer (Senate)
Election of Printer (House of Representatives)
Election of Speaker (House of Representatives)
Election of Speaker, &c (House of Representatives)
The Election President and Vice President (House of Representatives)
Elections of President, &c (House of Representatives)
Electoral Votes (House of Representatives)
Electoral Votes for President (House of Representatives)
Electoral Votes for President (Senate)
Electoral Votes fur President and Vice President (Senate)
Electors of President (House of Representatives)
Elizabeth Hamilton (House of Representatives)
Elizabeth Hamilton--Contested Election (House of Representatives)
The Embargo (House of Representatives)
Embargo (House of Representatives)
Embargo (Senate)
The Embargo (Senate)
Embargo Act (House of Representatives)
Embargo Memorial (House of Representatives)
The Embargo--Additional Military Force (House of Representatives)
Embargo--Arming the Militia (House of Representatives)
Embargo--Banks in the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Embargo--Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
Embargo--General Wilkinson (House of Representatives)
The Embargo--Instructions to Collectors
Embargo--Post Roads--Revenue Bonds (House of Representatives)
Embargo--Public Credit (House of Representatives)
Embargo--United States' Debts (House of Representatives)
Embargo-Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Emigrants from Cuba (House of Representatives)
Emigrants from the West Indies--Relations with France
Emoluments of Collectors (House of Representatives)
Employment of the Army (House of Representatives)
Encouragement of Enlistments (House of Representatives)
Encouragement of Enlistments--Expatriation (House of Representatives)
Encouragement of Privateering (House of Representatives)
Encouragement of the Arts (House of Representatives)
Encouragement to Emigrants (Senate)
Encouragement to Emigration (Senate)
Encouragement to Manufacturers--Internal Revenue (House of Representatives)
Encouragement to Manufactures
Encouragement to Manufactures (Senate)
Encouragement to Mining (House of Representatives)
Encouragement to Privateers (House of Representatives)
Encouragement to the Culture of Hemp
Enforcement of Non-Importation (House of Representatives)
Enforcement of the Embargo (Senate)
Enforcement of the Embargo--Seamen and Marines (House of Representatives)
Enforcing the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Enforcing The Embargo (House of Representatives)
Enlistments in the Army (House of Representatives)
Equalization of the Duties on Imports from India
Equipment of Frigates (House of Representatives)
Errors in the Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Establishment of a Mint (House of Representatives)
Estimate of Appropriations
Estimate of Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Estimate of Expenses (House of Representatives)
Estimate of Public Expenses--District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Estimated Revenue (House of Representatives)
Estimates for 1796
Estimates for Building and Equipping ships
Estimates of Appropriations
Estimates of Appropriations--Registering Vessels (House of Representatives)
Eulogium on Dr. Franklin (House of Representatives)
Eulogium on Washington, &c (House of Representatives)
Evasions of the Non-Importation Act
Evidence in cases of Contested Elections
Evidence in Contested Elections (House of Representatives)
Evidence in the case of Contested Elections (House of Representatives)
Evidences of Public Debt
Ex-Bashaw of Tripoli (Senate)
Examination of Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Examination of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Examining Votes for President, &c (House of Representatives)
Exchange of Stock (Senate)
Exchange of Stocks (House of Representatives)
Exchange of Stocks--Orders of the Day (House of Representatives)
Excise on Liquors--Exportation of Gold and Silver (House of Representatives)
Excise on Spirits--Commissioner of Claims (House of Representatives)
Execution and Evasions of the Embargo Laws (House of Representatives)
Execution of British Treaty (House of Representatives)
Execution of Revenue Laws--Foreign Licenses (House of Representatives)
Execution of the Treaty of Ghent
Execution of Treaties (House of Representatives)
Executive Appointments (Senate)
Executive Business (House of Representatives)
Executive Departments (House of Representatives)
Executive Documents (House of Representatives)
Executive Messages (House of Representatives)
Executive Messages--Imports from Canada (House of Representatives)
Executive Proceedings
Executive Proceedings (Senate)
Executive Session (Senate)
Expatriation (House of Representatives)
Expedition against Porto Rico
Expedition of Lewis and Clarke
Expenditure for Naval Service (House of Representatives)
Expenditure of Public Money (House of Representatives)
Expenditure of Public Moneys (House of Representatives)
Expenditures of the Executive Departments
Expenditures of the War Department (House of Representatives)
Expenditures on Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Expense of Foreign Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Expense of Lighthouses, &c (House of Representatives)
Expenses of Foreign Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Expenses of Foreign Intercourse (Senate)
Expenses of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Exploration of Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Exportation in Foreign Vessels (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Arms, &c (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Arms--Goods destroyed by Fire (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Domestic Coins (Senate)
Exportation of Fish (Senate)
Exportation of Lead (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Munitions of War (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Provisions (House of Representatives)
Exportation of Specie--Militia, &c (House of Representatives)
Exports (House of Representatives)
Exports--Government Contracts (House of Representatives)
Expulsion of Matthew Lyon (House of Representatives)
Extension of Duty Bonds
Extension of Enlistments (House of Representatives)
Extension of Militia Pensions (House of Representatives)
Extension of Patent Right
Extension of Patent Rights
Extension of Patent Rights (House of Representatives)
Extra Allowance to Clerks, &c (House of Representatives)
Extra Clerks--Pennsylvania Insurgents (House of Representatives)
Extra Pay to the Attorney General (House of Representatives)
Extra Session (House of Representatives)
Extra session (House of Representatives)
Extra Session of Congress (House of Representatives)
Ezra Thurber (House of Representatives)

F (Back to top)

Failure of the Northern Army
Farrow and Harris (Senate)
Fees in Admiralty Cases--Coinage Bill (House of Representatives)
Fees in the Transfers of Public Securities (House of Representatives)
Fees of Officers of State Courts
Female Orphan Asylum--Compensation Bill (Senate)
Filling the Ranks, &c.--The Niagara Frontier (House of Representatives)
Final Settlement Certificates (House of Representatives)
Finances (House of Representatives)
The Finances (House of Representatives)
Finances of the United States (House of Representatives)
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
Fires in the War and Treasury Departments
First Meridian (House of Representatives)
Fiscal Affairs--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Fisheries of the United States
The Fisheries, &c (House of Representatives)
Fisheries--Western Frontier (House of Representatives)
Fishing Bounty (House of Representatives)
Fishing Bounty--Importations of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Five Millions New Stock (House of Representatives)
Flag of France (House of Representatives)
Flag of the United States (House of Representatives)
Floating Batteries, &c (House of Representatives)
Florida Affairs (House of Representatives)
Florida Coast--Proposed Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Florida Land Bill (Senate)
Florida Land Claims (Senate)
Florida Land Titles (Senate)
Florida Territory--Commissioner of Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Florida Treaty Awards (House of Representatives)
Florida--Fugitive Slaves (House of Representatives)
The Flotilla Men--War Measures (House of Representatives)
Foreign Aggressions (House of Representatives)
Foreign Armed Vessels (House of Representatives)
Foreign Armed Vessels (Senate)
Foreign Armed Vessels--Embargo Act (House of Representatives)
Foreign Coin (House of Representatives)
Foreign Coins (House of Representatives)
Foreign Coins (Senate)
Foreign Coins--Orleans Territory (House of Representatives)
Foreign Consuls (House of Representatives)
Foreign Gold Coins--Exportation of Specie
Foreign Importations (House of Representatives)
Foreign Intercourse &c (House of Representatives)
Foreign Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Foreign Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Foreign Licenses (House of Representatives)
Foreign Licenses to Trade (House of Representatives)
Foreign Licenses--Delaware Canal (House of Representatives)
Foreign Licenses--Order in Council (House of Representatives)
Foreign Merchant Seamen (House of Representatives)
Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
Foreign Relations (Senate)
Foreign Relations--Embargo (House of Representatives)
Fortification Bill (House of Representatives)
Fortifications (House of Representatives)
The Fortifications (House of Representatives)
Fortifications (Senate)
Fortifications and Gunboats (House of Representatives)
Fortifications at Mobile (House of Representatives)
Fortifications, &c (House of Representatives)
Fortifications--Preparations for War (House of Representatives)
Fortifications--Public Credit (House of Representatives)
Fortifying Key West (House of Representatives)
Fourth Census (House of Representatives)
The Fourth Census (House of Representatives)
The Fourth Census (Senate)
Fracas in the House (House of Representatives)
France and Spain--Louisiana
Francis B. Chandler (House of Representatives)
Francis Henderson, Jr (Senate)
Franking Privilege (House of Representatives)
Franking Privilege--Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Frauds in Land Warrants (House of Representatives)
French Affairs
French Corvette Berceau (House of Representatives)
French Decrees (House of Representatives)
French Immigrants from St. Domingo (House of Representatives)
The French Loans
The French Loans (House of Representatives)
French Passengers (House of Representatives)
French Spoliations
French Spoliations (House of Representatives)
French Spoliations--Transportation of Specie, &c (Senate)
Frigate Constellation (House of Representatives)
The Frigate Constellation, &c (House of Representatives)
The Frigate Constitution--Extra Session (House of Representatives)
Frigate Philadelphia (House of Representatives)
Fugitive Bill (House of Representatives)
Fugitive Slaves (Senate)
Fugitive Slaves--Fine Arts--Missouri (House of Representatives)
Fugitive Slaves--Military Peace Establishment (Senate)
Fugitive Slaves--Remission of Forfeiture (House of Representatives)
Fugitives from Justice (House of Representatives)
Fugitives from Justice--Remission of Duties (House of Representatives)
Fulwar Skipwith (House of Representatives)
Funded Debt (Senate)
Funeral of Decatur--Public Documents and Laws (House of Representatives)
Further Increase of the Navy (House of Representatives)

G (Back to top)

Galleys for Coast Defence (House of Representatives)
Gen. Greene--Protection of the Frontier--Georgia Election (House of Representatives)
General Appropriation (House of Representatives)
General Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
General appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
General Appropriation Bill (Senate)
General Appropriation Bill-The Tariff (House of Representatives)
General Arthur St. Clair
General Eaton (House of Representatives)
General Eaton--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
General Hazen--Charter of Alexandria (House of Representatives)
General Jackson and Judge Fromentin (House of Representatives)
General James Wilkinson
General John Stark (House of Representatives)
General John Stark (Senate)
General Kosciusko (House of Representatives)
General Lafayette (House of Representatives)
General Land Office--Garrett Fountain (House of Representatives)
General Post Office (House of Representatives)
General Post Office. &c.--Mail Agents (House of Representatives)
General Post-Office (House of Representatives)
General St. Clair (House of Representatives)
General St. Clair--Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
General System of Bankruptcy
General Wayne (Senate)
General Wilkinson (House of Representatives)
General Wilkinson--Encouragement to Manufactures (House of Representatives)
General Wilkinson--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
General William Eaton (House of Representatives)
General William H. Harrison (House of Representatives)
George Shannon (Senate)
Georgia and the United States (House of Representatives)
Georgia Claims (House of Representatives)
Georgia Claims--Indiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Georgia Claims--Surviving Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Georgia Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Georgia Contested Election--Relief of Widows and Orphans (House of Representatives)
Georgia Election (House of Representatives)
The Georgia Land Claims
Georgia Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Georgia Limits (House of Representatives)
Georgia Limits--The District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Georgia Militia Claims (House of Representatives)
Georgia Militia Claims (Senate)
Georgia Militia--Captives by the Indians (House of Representatives)
Gilbert Dench (House of Representatives)
Glass Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Government Contracts (House of Representatives)
Government Deposites in Banks (Senate)
Government Loan (House of Representatives)
Government Loan (Senate)
Government Loans--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Government of Florida (House of Representatives)
Government of Florida (Senate)
Government of Florida.--Regulation of Steam Vessels (House of Representatives)
Government of St. Domingo
Government of the Army (House of Representatives)
Government of the Navy, &c (House of Representatives)
Government Salaries--Naturalization Bill (House of Representatives)
Government Sinking Fund
Governor Chittenden (House of Representatives)
Gradual increase of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Grant of Land to Louisiana (Senate)
Grant of Land to Louisiana--Suppression of Piracy (Senate)
Grant of Land to Ohio (Senate)
Grants of Land for Education (House of Representatives)
Great Britain and Russia--Northwest Coast
Great Britain, France, and Spain
Great Britain--American Seamen
Great Britain--Deportation of Slaves
Great Britain--Duties on Iron
Great Britain--Extra Duties (Senate)
Great Britain--Impressment
Great Britain--Naturalization
Great Britain--Prisoners of War
Great Britain--Treaty of Peace
Great Britain--West India Trade
The Greek Cause (House of Representatives)
Gunboats (House of Representatives)
Gunboats (Senate)

H (Back to top)

Half-Pay to Widows and Orphans (House of Representatives)
Hall of the House (House of Representatives)
Hall of the House--Revolutionary Pensions (House of Representatives)
Hamet Caramalli (House of Representatives)
Hannah Foster (House of Representatives)
Hanseatic Cities--Repeal of Duties
Health of Seamen (House of Representatives)
Heirs of Elisha and William Winter (Senate)
Heirs of Harding and Trueman (House of Representatives)
Heirs of Harding and Trueman, &c (House of Representatives)
Hemp and Flax Machine (House of Representatives)
Hemp, Cordage, Arms, &c.--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Henry King (House of Representatives)
Highland Turnpike--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
History of Congress (House of Representatives)
Holders of Bills of Credit (House of Representatives)
Home Department (House of Representatives)
Home Department--Attorney General--Accounts (Senate)
Home Manufactures--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Honor to the Brave (House of Representatives)
Honor to the Brave--Battle on Lake Champlain (House of Representatives)
Honorary Rewards (House of Representatives)
Honors to a Deceased Patriot (House of Representatives)
Honors to Colonel Richard M. Johnson (Senate)
Honors to Kosciusko (House of Representatives)
Honors to the Brave (House of Representatives)
Honors to the Brave--Library for Congress (House of Representatives)
Horses lost in Public Service--Indemnity for Ropewalks (House of Representatives)
Horses lost in the Seminole War
Horses lost in the Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Hostilities with Great Britain (Senate)
Hour of Meeting (House of Representatives)
House Proceedings and Debates
Hugh Lawson White (House of Representatives)
Humiliation and Prayer

I (Back to top)

Illegal Armaments--Amelia Island
Illegal Seizure of a Vessel (Senate)
Illicit Introduction of Salves (House of Representatives)
Illicit Introduction of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Illinois and Wabash Lands--George Calvert (House of Representatives)
Illinois Territory (Senate)
Impeachment of Judge Chase (House of Representatives)
Impeachment of Judge Pickering (House of Representatives)
Impeachment of William Blount (House of Representatives)
Impeachment of William Blount (Senate)
Impeachment of William Blount--Uniform Bankruptcy (House of Representatives)
Import Duties (House of Representatives)
Import Duties--Trade with Canada (House of Representatives)
Importation of Arms (House of Representatives)
Importation of British Goods (House of Representatives)
Importation of British Goods--Defence of Ports and Harbors (House of Representatives)
Importation of certain Persons (House of Representatives)
Importation of Merchandise (Senate)
Importation of Salt (House of Representatives)
Importation of Slaves
Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Importation of Slaves--Indiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Importation of Slaves--Journals of Congress (House of Representatives)
Importation of Slaves--Writ of Habeas Corpus (House of Representatives)
Importations from Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Importations from India (House of Representatives)
Imports and Tonnage--Spanish Affairs (House of Representatives)
Imports from Canada (House of Representatives)
Imports, Tonnage, &c--Rules and Orders (House of Representatives)
Impressed American Seamen
Impressed Seamen (House of Representatives)
Impressed Seamen--American Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Impressment of American Seamen
Impressment of American Seamen (House of Representatives)
Impressment of American Seamen (Senate)
Impressment of American Seamen--Tobacco and Sugar Duties (House of Representatives)
Impressment of Seamen (House of Representatives)
Imprisonment for Debt (House of Representatives)
Imprisonment for Debt (Senate)
Imprisonment for Debt--The Mint (House of Representatives)
Imprisonment of American Seamen (House of Representatives)
Imprisonment of R. W. Meade
Improvement of the Revenue
Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson
Inauguration (Senate)
Inauguration of the President
Income Tax--Moneys Receivable for Taxes (House of Representatives)
Increase of Duties
Increase of Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Increase of Public Revenue
Increase of Revenue (House of Representatives)
Increase of Salaries (House of Representatives)
Increase of Salaries (Senate)
Increase of the Army (House of Representatives)
Increase of the Military Establishment
Increase of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Increase of the Navy (Senate)
Increase of the Navy of the United States
Increase of the Rates of Pension (House of Representatives)
Indemnity for Prizes restored by Denmark
Indemnity for Ship Allegany (Senate)
Indemnity for Slaves--Case of Mr. Meade (House of Representatives)
Indemnity for Spoliations (House of Representatives)
Indemnity for War Losses (House of Representatives)
Indemnity to Collectors (House of Representatives)
Indemnity to Collectors--National Defence (House of Representatives)
Indemnity to General Greene (House of Representatives)
Indemnity to General Greene--Courtesies to France (House of Representatives)
Indemnity to the Estate of General Greene
Independence of the Greeks
Independence of the Spanish Provinces
Independent Governments of South America
Indian Affairs (House of Representatives)
Indian Affairs (Senate)
Indian Affairs--General Wooster--William Henderson (House of Representatives)
Indian Affairs--New York District Court (House of Representatives)
Indian Affairs--Public Lands in Illinois (House of Representatives)
Indian Department (House of Representatives)
Indian Factory System (Senate)
Indian Fur Trade (Senate)
Indian Fur Trade--Imprisonment for Debt (Senate)
Indian Hostilities
Indian Hostilities--Organization of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Indian Intercourse, &c (House of Representatives)
Indian Lands in Georgia (House of Representatives)
Indian Reservation (House of Representatives)
Indian Reservations (House of Representatives)
Indian Reservations in Georgia (House of Representatives)
Indian Reservations in Georgia (Senate)
Indian Territory (House of Representatives)
Indian Trade (House of Representatives)
Indian Trade (Senate)
Indian Trade--Bank Deposites (Senate)
Indian Trade--John Tucker (House of Representatives)
Indian Trade--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Indian Trading Establishment (House of Representatives)
Indian Trading Houses (House of Representatives)
Indian Trading Houses--Northwestern Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Indian Trading Houses--Robert Randall--J.B.Dumon (House of Representatives)
Indian Treaties (House of Representatives)
Indian Tribes (House of Representatives)
Indiana and Mississippi Territories (House of Representatives)
Indiana Canal.--Harbor of Presque Isle, &c (House of Representatives)
Indiana Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory, &c (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory--Judge Bruin (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory--Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Indiana Territory--Pennsylvania Insurgents
Indiana Territory--The Fisheries
Indirect Taxes (House of Representatives)
Indulgence to Purchasers of Public Lands
Inland Navigation--Embargo (House of Representatives)
Inquiry Respecting Offices, &c (House of Representatives)
Insolvent Debtors (House of Representatives)
Inspection of Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Instructions of the Massachusetts Legislature (Senate)
Instructions to Armed Vessels (House of Representatives)
Instructions to Collectors
Instructions to the Collectors of the Customs
Insurrection in Pennsylvania
Intercourse with Foreign Nations (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with France (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with France, &c (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with France--Compensation to Collectors (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with Portugal
Intercourse with the Enemy
Intercourse with the Enemy (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with the Enemy (Senate)
Intercourse with the Indians (House of Representatives)
Intercourse with the Indians--Discovery of the Longitude (House of Representatives)
Interest on Claims--Judicial Records (House of Representatives)
Interest on Outstanding Mississippi Stock
Internal Duties (House of Representatives)
Internal Improvement (House of Representatives)
Internal Improvement--Vaccination--Soldiers' Orphans (House of Representatives)
Internal Improvements (House of Representatives)
Internal Improvements (Senate)
Internal Improvements--History of Congress (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenue
Internal Revenue (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenue--Fortifications (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenue--M. Poirey (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenue--Quarantine (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenues (House of Representatives)
Internal Revenues--Courts of Maryland (House of Representatives)
Internal Taxes (House of Representatives)
Internal Taxes (Senate)
Internal Taxes--State Balances (House of Representatives)
Invalid Corps (House of Representatives)
Invalid Corps--Maryland Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Invalid Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pension Bill--Cession of Georgia Lands (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pension Bill--Claims against the United States (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensioner (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensioners (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensioners--President's House (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensioners--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensions
Invalid Pensions (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensions--Sundry Bills (House of Representatives)
Invalid Pensions--Thomas Person and others--Nathaniel Appleton (House of Representatives)
The Investigation (House of Representatives)
Irish Emigrants' Petition--Expatriation (House of Representatives)
Irish Settlers in Illinois (House of Representatives)
Isaac Clason (House of Representatives)
Isaac Clason--Paul Cuffee (House of Representatives)
Issue of Debentures (House of Representatives)
Issuing of Debentures (House of Representatives)
Issuing of Debentures--National Defence (House of Representatives)

J (Back to top)

Jacob and Henry Schieffelin (House of Representatives)
Jacob Purkhill (House of Representatives)
Jacob Schaeffer (House of Representatives)
James Brown--Adjournment, &c (Senate)
James Johnson--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
James Morrison (Senate)
James Ore (Senate)
James Villere--Canadian Volunteers, &c (House of Representatives)
James Warren (Senate)
Jared Shattuck's Claim (House of Representatives)
Jean Marie de Bordie--Stenographer to the House (House of Representatives)
Jefferson's Library (Senate)
John B. Hogan (House of Representatives)
John Byers (Senate)
John Carr (House of Representatives)
John Churchman (House of Representatives)
John Churchman--Militia Bill--Protection of the Frontier (House of Representatives)
John Cleves Symmes (House of Representatives)
John de Neufville (House of Representatives)
John de Neufville--Hugh Lawson White (House of Representatives)
John Dorr (House of Representatives)
John Gibbons (House of Representatives)
John H. Piatt (House of Representatives)
John Holland (House of Representatives)
John Marde de Bord (House of Representatives)
John Murray (House of Representatives)
John Paulding (House of Representatives)
John Polererzsky (House of Representatives)
John Thompson (House of Representatives)
John Torrey (House of Representatives)
John Younglove--Joseph Tucker--John Torrey (House of Representatives)
John Younglove--Ratio of Representation (House of Representatives)
Jonathan Russell--Treaty of Ghent
Joseph Janney (Senate)
Josiah Hook, Jr (House of Representatives)
Journal of the House (House of Representatives)
Journal of the House--Amendment to the Constitution (House of Representatives)
Journal of the Old Congress (House of Representatives)
Journals of Congress (House of Representatives)
Journals of the Old Congress (House of Representatives)
Judge Innes
Judge Innes (House of Representatives)
Judge Innes--Executive Business (House of Representatives)
Judge Pickering (House of Representatives)
Judge Toulmin (House of Representatives)
Judicial Courts (House of Representatives)
Judicial Courts--Seditious Practices (House of Representatives)
Judicial Districts--Closing Business (House of Representatives)
Judicial Proceedings, &c.--Military Executions (House of Representatives)
Judicial Records (House of Representatives)
Judicial Records--Case of Colonel Anderson (House of Representatives)
Judicial Records--Kosciusko--Indian Affairs (House of Representatives)
Judicial System (House of Representatives)
Judicial System--The Navy (Senate)
Judiciary (House of Representatives)
The Judiciary (Senate)
Judiciary Bill (House of Representatives)
Judiciary Bill--Sedition Act (House of Representatives)
Judiciary of Indiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Judiciary System (House of Representatives)
Judiciary System (Senate)
Judiciary system (Senate)
Judiciary System--Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Judiciary System--The Investigation--Volunteer Bill (House of Representatives)
Judiciary--Military Affairs (House of Representatives)
Judiciary--Payment for Property Lost, &c (Senate)
Jurisdiction of Justices of Peace (Senate)
Justices of the Peace--District of Columbia (House of Representatives)

K (Back to top)

Kentucky Deaf and Dumb Asylum (House of Representatives)
Kentucky Memorial (Senate)
Kentucky Resolutions--Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Kidnapping Negroes (House of Representatives)

L (Back to top)

The Lake Service (House of Representatives)
Land Bounty Certificates (House of Representatives)
Land Claims in Mississippi (House of Representatives)
Land Claims in Mississippi--Lost Certificates (House of Representatives)
Land Claims, &c (House of Representatives)
Land Debtors--Revolutionary Pensions (House of Representatives)
Land Office at Huntsville (House of Representatives)
Land Office Clerks (House of Representatives)
Land Office Northwest of the Ohio (House of Representatives)
Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Land Offices (Senate)
Land Offices in Alabama--Settlement of Boundary (Senate)
Land Offices, &c (House of Representatives)
Land Surveyors' Expenses (House of Representatives)
Land Titles in Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Land Titles in Louisiana (Senate)
Land Titles in Missouri (Senate)
Land Titles in Tennessee (House of Representatives)
Land-Offices (House of Representatives)
Lands for Education (Senate)
Lands in Louisiana--Military Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Lands in Northwestern Territory--Robert Randall (House of Representatives)
Lands Northwest of the Ohio (House of Representatives)
Lands to Emigrants--Uniform Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Law of Retaliation (House of Representatives)
Laws of Alabama (Senate)
Laws of Imposts and Tonnage--Lost Certificates (House of Representatives)
Laws of the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Lead Mines and Salt Springs (Senate)
Lease of the Lead Mines (Senate)
Leave of Absence to Mr. Sergeant (House of Representatives)
Letter from Governor Bibb (House of Representatives)
Letter from James McHenry (House of Representatives)
Letter from Judge Toulmin (House of Representatives)
Letter from Mr. Rodney (House of Representatives)
Letter from the Clerk of the House (House of Representatives)
Letter from the National Assembly of France
Letter from the Secretary of War (House of Representatives)
Letters of Marque, &c (House of Representatives)
Lewis and Clarke (House of Representatives)
Lewis and Clarke--Duty on Salt (House of Representatives)
Lewis and Clarke--National Defence (House of Representatives)
Library of Congress
Library of Congress (House of Representatives)
Library of Congress (Senate)
License on Stills (House of Representatives)
Licenses to Distillers (Senate)
Licenses--Pay of Ministers (House of Representatives)
Lieutenant General Proposed (House of Representatives)
Light-House Duties (House of Representatives)
Lighthouses, &c (House of Representatives)
Limits of Georgia (House of Representatives)
List of Government Officers (House of Representatives)
The Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Loan Bill (Senate)
Loan Bill--Militia Claims (House of Representatives)
The Loan Bill--Remission of Forfeitures (House of Representatives)
Loan of Eleven Millions of Dollars
Loan of Money (House of Representatives)
Loan of Munitions (House of Representatives)
Loan Office Certificates (House of Representatives)
Loan to the City of Washington (House of Representatives)
Loans and Additional Duties
Loans and Additional Revenue
Loans and Finances
Loans and Finances (House of Representatives)
Loans, Treasury Notes, &c (House of Representatives)
Loans--Statement AB, continued
Loans.--Statement A, continued
Loans.--Statement B, continued
Loans.--Statement No. II, continued
Loss of the Frigate Philadelphia
Loss on Bullion
Losses by War--Commerce of the Black Sea (House of Representatives)
Losses in Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Losses in the Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Losses in the Seminole War (Senate)
Losses sustained during the Revolution
Lost Certificates (House of Representatives)
Lost Certificates (Senate)
Lost Certificates--Invalid Pensions
Lots in Peoria Village (House of Representatives)
Lotteries in the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Louis Le Guen (House of Representatives)
Louisiana Land Claims (Senate)
Louisiana Land Tilles (Senate)
Louisiana Land Titles (Senate)
Louisiana Lands (Senate)
Louisiana Lead Mines (House of Representatives)
Louisiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Louisiana Territory--Mail Routes (House of Representatives)
The Louisiana Treaty (House of Representatives)
The Louisiana Treaty (Senate)

M (Back to top)

M. Poirey (House of Representatives)
M. Poirey--John Gibbons (House of Representatives)
Macedonian and Frolic (House of Representatives)
Maine Bill--Custom-house Bonds (Senate)
Maine Bill--Public Lands (Senate)
Maison Rouge's Claim (Senate)
Major Rudolph's Claim (House of Representatives)
Manner in which the War has been conducted
Manner in which the War is waged by the Enemy
Manner of taking certain Oaths (House of Representatives)
Manufactures--Military Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Manumitted Slaves (House of Representatives)
Marine Corps (House of Representatives)
Marine Corps--Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Marine Hospital Fund
Maritime Defence (House of Representatives)
Maritime Defence (Senate)
Maritime Jurisdiction
Maritime Jurisdiction--Miranda's Expedition (House of Representatives)
Maritime Precincts (Senate)
Maritime Precincts--Convoy and Arming (House of Representatives)
Marquis De Lafayette (Senate)
Marquis de Maison Rouge (Senate)
Marquis Lafayette (House of Representatives)
Marquis of Lafayette--Relief to Land Purchasers (House of Representatives)
Marriage Licenses--Revolutionary Claims (House of Representatives)
Maryland Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Maryland Contested Election--Constitution (House of Representatives)
Maryland Contested Election--Potomac Bridge (House of Representatives)
Maryland Memorial (House of Representatives)
Maryland Memorial (Senate)
Maryland Representative (House of Representatives)
Massachusetts Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Massachusetts Memorial (House of Representatives)
Massachusetts Memorial (Senate)
Massachusetts Peace Society (Senate)
Massacre at Dartmoor Prison
Matthew Lyon--Public Lands (Senate)
Mausoleum to General Washington (House of Representatives)
Mausoleum to Washington (House of Representatives)
Meade's Case--Military Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Mechanics' Bank of Alexandria (Senate)
Mechanics' Bank--Alexandria (Senate)
Medal to Captain Truxtun (House of Representatives)
Medal to Commodore Preble, &c (House of Representatives)
Medals (House of Representatives)
Medals and Prize Money--District Judges (House of Representatives)
Medals to Generals Harrison and Shelby (Senate)
Mediation of Russia
Mediterranean Fund (House of Representatives)
Mediterranean Trade (House of Representatives)
Meeting of Congress (House of Representatives)
Memorial from Florida
Memorial of Army Officers (Senate)
Memorial of Boston Merchants (Senate)
Memorial of Captain Tingey (House of Representatives)
Memorial of D. W. Coxe (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Farmers of Pennsylvania
Memorial of General Harrison (House of Representatives)
Memorial of George Jones and others
Memorial of George Williams (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Matthew Lyon (Senate)
Memorial of Merchants of Baltimore, &c
Memorial of Merchants, &c., of Connecticut
Memorial of Paul Cuffe (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Quakers (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Revolutionary Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Robert Morris
Memorial of Samuel Slater and others
Memorial of Sir James Jay (House of Representatives)
Memorial of Stephen Girard (Senate)
Memorial of the Manufacturers of Cordage
Memorial of the New York Banks (House of Representatives)
Memorial of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Memorial of United States Judges (House of Representatives)
Memorial of United States Judges (Senate)
Memorial of Vincente Pazos, &c (House of Representatives)
Memorial on Public Affairs (House of Representatives)
Memory of Washington (House of Representatives)
Merchants' Bonds (House of Representatives)
Merchants' Bonds--Navy of the United States (House of Representatives)
Message from the President (House of Representatives)
Message of the President on French affairs
Message relative to Gunboats (Senate)
Miami Purchase--Condition of Greece (House of Representatives)
Michigan Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Michigan Territory (House of Representatives)
Michigan Territory--Mississippi Territory (House of Representatives)
Middlesex Canal (House of Representatives)
Migration of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Military Academies (House of Representatives)
The Military Academy
Military Academy (Senate)
Military Academy at West Point
Military Academy, &c
Military Academy, &c (House of Representatives)
Military Academy--Army and Navy Appropriations, &c (House of Representatives)
Military Academy--Missionary Petition (House of Representatives)
Military Academy--Public Printing (House of Representatives)
Military and Creek Lands (House of Representatives)
Military and Naval Appropriation (House of Representatives)
Military and Naval Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Military and Naval Expenditures
Military and Naval Expenses
Military Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Military Appropriations (Senate)
Military Appropriations--Salaries of Collectors (House of Representatives)
Military Bounty Lands (House of Representatives)
Military Bounty Lands--Missouri Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Military Courts (House of Representatives)
Military Education (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment, &c (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment--Debts of the United States (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment--Estimate of Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment--Internal Improvement (House of Representatives)
Military Establishment--Regulation of Pilots (House of Representatives)
Military Executions, &c (House of Representatives)
Military Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Military Force in June, 1812
Military Interference in Elections (House of Representatives)
Military Land Warrants (House of Representatives)
Military Land Warrants--Naturalization (House of Representatives)
Military Land Warrants--Trade with St. Domingo (House of Representatives)
Military Marine--Relief of Commodore Barney (House of Representatives)
Military Officers--Extra Session of Congress (House of Representatives)
Military Peace Establishment
Military Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Military Peace Establishment (Senate)
Military Peace Establishment--Estimated Revenue (House of Representatives)
Military Peace Establishment--National Defence (House of Representatives)
Military Punishment (House of Representatives)
Military Regulations (House of Representatives)
Military Road (Senate)
Military Road in Maine--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Military Roads (Senate)
Military Roads--Duty on Books (Senate)
Military Service (Senate)
Military Services (House of Representatives)
Military Services (Senate)
Military Staff (House of Representatives)
The Militia
The Militia (House of Representatives)
Militia (House of Representatives)
The Militia (Senate)
Militia and Regulars--Importation of Wool (House of Representatives)
The Militia Bill (House of Representatives)
Militia Bill (House of Representatives)
Militia Bill--General Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Militia Bill--Widows, Orphans, &c (House of Representatives)
Militia Bounty--Pay of Members (House of Representatives)
Militia Claims
Militia Claims--Claim for Half Pay (House of Representatives)
Militia Draughts (House of Representatives)
Militia Fines (House of Representatives)
Militia Fines (Senate)
The Militia Law (House of Representatives)
Militia Law (House of Representatives)
The Militia Law--The President's Speech (House of Representatives)
Militia Laws (House of Representatives)
Militia of the States (House of Representatives)
Militia of the United States
The Militia of the United States
Militia of the United States (Senate)
Militia Pay--Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Militia Pensions, &c (House of Representatives)
Militia Pensions--Arrearages of Army Pay (House of Representatives)
Militia Plan
Militia Service (House of Representatives)
Militia System (House of Representatives)
Militia System (Senate)
Militia system--Enforcing the Embargo (House of Representatives)
The Militia--Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Militia--Banks of the District (House of Representatives)
The Militia--Coasting Trade (House of Representatives)
The Militia--Loan of Arms to Ohio (House of Representatives)
The Militia--Non-Intercourse (Senate)
Militia--Order of Business (House of Representatives)
Mine and Metal Company (House of Representatives)
Ministers and Consuls appointed in the recess of the Senate
The Mint
The Mint (House of Representatives)
Mint and Coin (House of Representatives)
Mint and Currency (House of Representatives)
Mint of the United States
Mint--Captured Vessels (House of Representatives)
The Mint--Danish Brig Henrick (House of Representatives)
The Mint--Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
The Mint--Salaries of Officers (House of Representatives)
Miranda's Expedition (House of Representatives)
Miranda's Expedition--Olmstead Case (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Affairs (House of Representatives)
Mississippi and Ohio Rivers (Senate)
Mississippi Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Land Company (Senate)
Mississippi Laws (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Question (Senate)
Mississippi Territory
Mississippi Territory (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory (Senate)
Mississippi Territory, &c (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Adjournment--Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Burr's Conspiracy (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Committee on Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Orleans Territory (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Post Office and Post Roads (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Preservation of Peace (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Punishment of Crimes (House of Representatives)
Mississippi Territory--Sedition Act (House of Representatives)
Missouri Committee--Imprisonment for Debt (House of Representatives)
Missouri Constitution (Senate)
Missouri Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Missouri Expedition (House of Representatives)
Missouri Expedition (Senate)
Missouri Territory (House of Representatives)
Missouri Territory (Senate)
Missouri Territory--Commercial Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Missouri Territory--Depredations by Soldiery (House of Representatives)
Missouri--District Courts (House of Representatives)
Missouri--Passenger Ships (House of Representatives)
Missouri--Reduction of the Army (House of Representatives)
Missouri--Three per cent. Fund (House of Representatives)
Missouri--Worthington College (Senate)
Mix's Contract for Stone--Military appropriations (House of Representatives)
Modification of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Modification of the Non-Importation Act
Modified Duties (House of Representatives)
Money Lost by a Collector (House of Representatives)
Money lost by a Paymaster (House of Representatives)
Money Lost by a Paymaster--Indemnity to Militia (House of Representatives)
Money Lost by a Purser--Military Academies (House of Representatives)
Monsieur Poirey--Encouragement to Miners (House of Representatives)
Monument to Washington (House of Representatives)
Monument to Washington (Senate)
Moravians--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Mortality in the Troops at New Orleans
Mother of Commodore Perry (House of Representatives)
Motion to Expunge--Convoy System (House of Representatives)
Motion to Repeal the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Mounted Rangers (House of Representatives)
Mounted Troops (House of Representatives)
Mourning for Edmund Pendleton (House of Representatives)
Mr. Gerry's Mission (House of Representatives)
Mr. Jackson's Circular (House of Representatives)
Mr. Jefferson's Library (House of Representatives)
Mr. Pinkney's Letter (House of Representatives)
Mr. Randolph and Gales & Seaton (House of Representatives)
Mrs. Hamilton's Claim (House of Representatives)
Mrs. Hamilton's Claim--Revolutionary Claims (House of Representatives)
Munitions of War (House of Representatives)
Munitions of War (Senate)

N (Back to top)

Nathaniel Goodwin and others--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
National Armories (House of Representatives)
National Armory (House of Representatives)
National Bank (House of Representatives)
National Bank (Senate)
National Bank--Duties on Licenses (House of Representatives)
National Bank--Non-Intercourse (Senate)
National Bank--Turreau's Letter (House of Representatives)
National Banks--Sea-Letter Vessels (House of Representatives)
National Currency (House of Representatives)
National Currency--National Bank (House of Representatives)
National Defence
National Defence (House of Representatives)
National Defence (Senate)
National Defence--Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
National Defences--Organizing the Militia (House of Representatives)
National Flag (House of Representatives)
National Flag--Petition of Joseph Forrest (House of Representatives)
National Observatory (House of Representatives)
National University (House of Representatives)
National Vaccine Institution
National Vaccine Institution (Senate)
Naturalization (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Bill (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Bill--Government Salaries (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Law (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Laws (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Laws--Exportation of Provisions (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Laws--War Taxes (House of Representatives)
Naturalization Laws--Ways and Means (House of Representatives)
Naturalization--Arms and Ammunition
Naturalization--Captured Property (House of Representatives)
Naturalization--Louisiana Territory (House of Representatives)
Naturalized Seamen Registered
Naval Affairs (House of Representatives)
Naval Affairs--Courts Martial (House of Representatives)
Naval and Military Trophies (House of Representatives)
Naval Appropriation (House of Representatives)
Naval Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
Naval Armament (Senate)
Naval Armament on the Lakes
Naval Armament--Survey of the Southern Coast (House of Representatives)
Naval Depot on the Chesapeake
Naval Discipline (House of Representatives)
Naval Discipline (Senate)
Naval Equipment (House of Representatives)
Naval Equipments
Naval establishment (House of Representatives)
The Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment (Senate)
Naval Establishment and its Expenses
Naval Establishment--Additional Military Force (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment--Claim of Beaumarchais (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment--Previous Question (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment--Spoliations (House of Representatives)
Naval Establishment. &c (House of Representatives)
Naval Exploits (House of Representatives)
Naval Force (House of Representatives)
Naval Fraternal Association (House of Representatives)
Naval Fraternal Society (House of Representatives)
Naval General Order
Naval Hospitals of the United States
Naval Operations against the Barbary Powers
Naval Operations against Tripoli
Naval Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Navigation Bill (House of Representatives)
The Navigation Bill (House of Representatives)
The Navigation Bill (Senate)
Navigation Bill--General Wilkinson (House of Representatives)
The Navigation Bill--The Missouri Expedition (Senate)
Navigation Laws (House of Representatives)
Navigation of the Mississippi (House of Representatives)
Navigation of the Potomac (House of Representatives)
Navigation of Western Rivers (House of Representatives)
Navigation System (Senate)
The Navy (House of Representatives)
Navy and Army Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Navy Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Navy Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Navy Appropriations (Senate)
Navy Appropriations--Fortification Bill (Senate)
Navy Appropriations--Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Navy Department (House of Representatives)
Navy Hospital Fund (House of Representatives)
Navy Hospitals
Navy of the United States (House of Representatives)
Navy on the Upper Lakes (House of Representatives)
Navy Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Navy Pension Fund (House of Representatives)
Navy Pension Fund (Senate)
Navy Yards, &c (House of Representatives)
Negotiation with Holland (Senate)
Negotiation with the Mediterranean Powers (House of Representatives)
Negotiations for Peace (House of Representatives)
Negotiations with France--Spoliations
Neutral Obligations
Neutral Relations (House of Representatives)
Neutral Relations (Senate)
Neutral Rights--Bridge across the Potomac River (House of Representatives)
Neutrality--Redemption of the Public Debt (House of Representatives)
New Building--Additional Committees (House of Representatives)
New Emission Bills
New England Mississippi Land Company (Senate)
New Jersey Elections (House of Representatives)
New Jersey Resolutions (House of Representatives)
New Judicial Circuit (Senate)
New Judicial District (House of Representatives)
New Judicial District--Additional Clerks (House of Representatives)
New Revenue Bill (House of Representatives)
New State Proposed (House of Representatives)
New States (House of Representatives)
New Tariff Bill (House of Representatives)
New Yards and Docks (House of Representatives)
New York Canals (House of Representatives)
New York Canals--The Militia (House of Representatives)
New York Circuit Courts (House of Representatives)
New York contested Election (House of Representatives)
New York Contested Election (House of Representatives)
New York Contested Election--Civilization of Indians (House of Representatives)
New York Contested Election.--Defence of Maritime Frontier (House of Representatives)
New York Deaf and Dumb Asylum (House of Representatives)
New York Hospital (House of Representatives)
New York Memorial (Senate)
New York State Companies (House of Representatives)
New York State Company--Merrimack River (House of Representatives)
Newspapers (House of Representatives)
Newspapers for Members (House of Representatives)
Newspapers--Standing Committees (House of Representatives)
Next Meeting of Congress (House of Representatives)
Next Meeting of Congress--Revolutionary Pensions (House of Representatives)
Next Meeting of Congress--Revolutionary Pensions (Senate)
Niagara Claims (House of Representatives)
Niagara Sufferers, &c (House of Representatives)
Nicklin and Griffith--Salaries of Judges (House of Representatives)
Nicklin and Griffiths--Society of Harmony (House of Representatives)
Non Intercourse with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Non Intercourse with Great Britain--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Non Intercourse with Great Britain--Tobacco and Sugar Duties (House of Representatives)
Non-Importation (House of Representatives)
Non-Importation Act (House of Representatives)
Non-Importation Act--Merchant Vessels (House of Representatives)
Non-Importation of Goods from Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Non-Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Non-Intercourse (Senate)
Non-Intercourse with England (House of Representatives)
Non-intercourse with France (Senate)
Non-Intercourse with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Non-Intercourse.--Territory of Orleans (Senate)
North Carolina Contested Election (House of Representatives)
North Carolina Resolutions (Senate)
Northern Army (House of Representatives)
The Northern Boundary (House of Representatives)
Northumberland, Pa. Petition--Receipts and Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Northwest Coast of America (Senate)
Northwest Territory (House of Representatives)
Northwestern Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Northwestern Lands--Post Offices (House of Representatives)
Northwestern Territory (House of Representatives)
Northwestern Territory, &c (House of Representatives)
Norway--Commercial Reciprocity
Notes in Payment of Duties (House of Representatives)
Notification of Election (Senate)
Number of Armed Vessels, &c (House of Representatives)

O (Back to top)

Obadiah Jones (Senate)
Objections to an increase of Duties
Objections to Cash Payment of Duties
Obtaining Fresh from Salt Water
Occupation of Columbia River (House of Representatives)
Occupation of the Columbia River (House of Representatives)
Occupation of West Florida (Senate)
Occupying Claimant Laws, &c (House of Representatives)
Ocean Steamship Company (Senate)
Office of Claims--Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Office of Measurer (House of Representatives)
Office of Measurer (Senate)
Officers of Congress (Senate)
Officers of the Customs (Senate)
Officers of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Offices of the Customs (House of Representatives)
Official Compensation (Senate)
Official Conduct of Governor Sargent
Official Conduct of Judge Chase (House of Representatives)
Official conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury
Official conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Ohio and Erie Canal (Senate)
Ohio and Michigan Boundary--Death of Mr. Slocumb (House of Representatives)
Ohio and Mississippi Rivers (House of Representatives)
Ohio Boundary (House of Representatives)
Ohio Canal (House of Representatives)
Ohio Canal Company--Munitions of War (Senate)
Ohio Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Ohio School Fund (House of Representatives)
Ohio School Fund--Indian Tribes (House of Representatives)
Ohio--Bank of the United States
Oliver Evans (House of Representatives)
Oliver Pollock (House of Representatives)
On Expelling Matthew Lyon (House of Representatives)
On Foreign Intercourse (House of Representatives)
On Regulating Exports (House of Representatives)
On Slavery (House of Representatives)
On the President's Speech (House of Representatives)
On Titles (House of Representatives)
Operation of the Direct Tax (House of Representatives)
Operation of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Opposition to the Excise Law
Oration on the Death of General Washington
Order in Council (House of Representatives)
Order of Business (House of Representatives)
Orders of the Day (House of Representatives)
Ordnance Department (House of Representatives)
Ordnance, &c (House of Representatives)
Organization of the Army
Organization of the Army--Additional Military Force (House of Representatives)
Organization of the Army--History of Congress (House of Representatives)
Organization of the Courts (Senate)
Organization of the Militia (House of Representatives)
Organization of the Navy Department (Senate)
Organizing the Militia (House of Representatives)
Orleans Territory (House of Representatives)
Orleans Territory--Mississippi Territory (Senate)
Outstanding Certificates
Outstanding Custom-House Bonds, &c
Outstanding Revenue Bonds

P (Back to top)

Partial Repeal of the Embargo (Senate)
Partridge's Military Academy (House of Representatives)
Patent of Oliver Evans
Patent Right of Oliver Evans
Patent Right of Oliver Evans (Senate)
Patent Rights to Aliens
Paul Cuffee--Modification of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Pay of Army Officers (House of Representatives)
Pay of Members (House of Representatives)
Pay of Militia (House of Representatives)
Pay of Militia Officers (House of Representatives)
Pay of Militia Officers--Claim of Stephen Sayre (House of Representatives)
Pay of Navy Surgeons--District of Columbia (Senate)
Pay of Officers of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Pay of soldiers (House of Representatives)
Pay of the Army (House of Representatives)
Pay of the Army and Navy Officers (House of Representatives)
Pay of the Late Army (House of Representatives)
Pay of the Members--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Pay of the Troops--Small Armed Vessels (House of Representatives)
Pay of Witnesses (House of Representatives)
Pay of Witnesses in the case of Judge Chase (House of Representatives)
Payment for Horses Lost, &c (House of Representatives)
Payment for Lost Property (House of Representatives)
Payment for Lost Property--Canadian Volunteers (House of Representatives)
Payment for Property destroyed by the British
Payment for Property Lost, &c (House of Representatives)
Payment for Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Payment of certain Debts (House of Representatives)
Payment of Claims--District of Columbia Banks (House of Representatives)
Payment of Duties in Cash
Payment of Witnesses (House of Representatives)
Peacock and Epervier (House of Representatives)
Peggy Mellen (House of Representatives)
Penal Code--Case of Randall and Whitney (House of Representatives)
Penelope Denney.--Alvin Bronson (House of Representatives)
Pennsylvania Anti-Tariff Memorial
Pennsylvania Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Pennsylvania Insurgents (House of Representatives)
Pennsylvania Resolutions (House of Representatives)
Pennsylvania Resolutions (Senate)
Pennsylvania Resolutions--Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Pennsylvania Resolutions--Slavery in the New States (Senate)
Pension Claims--Buoys in Boston Harbor--Lost Certificates (House of Representatives)
Pension to Sarah Perry (House of Representatives)
Pensions to Disabled Officers, &c (House of Representatives)
Pensions to Soldiers' Widows, &c (House of Representatives)
Pensions to Sufferers in War (House of Representatives)
Pensions to Widows and Orphans (House of Representatives)
Pensions to Wounded Officers (House of Representatives)
Peoria Lots in Illinois (House of Representatives)
Permanent Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Personal Explanation (House of Representatives)
Peter Covenhoven (House of Representatives)
Petition from Pensacola (Senate)
Petition of Andrew Montgomery (House of Representatives)
Petition of Ann Hodgkinson--Relief of New Madrid (House of Representatives)
Petition of B. F. Pomeroy (House of Representatives)
Petition of British Merchants (House of Representatives)
Petition of Caleb Nichols (House of Representatives)
Petition of Catharine Greene
Petition of Catharine Greene (House of Representatives)
Petition of Churchman and Ramsay (House of Representatives)
Petition of David Taylor (House of Representatives)
Petition of Francis Amory (House of Representatives)
Petition of Free Blacks (House of Representatives)
Petition of General Smyth (House of Representatives)
Petition of George Hite (House of Representatives)
Petition of Importers, Philadelphia (Senate)
Petition of Jacob Purkhill (Senate)
Petition of John Appleton (House of Representatives)
Petition of John Chalmers--Volunteer Bill (House of Representatives)
Petition of John Haile (House of Representatives)
Petition of John J. Dufour (House of Representatives)
Petition of John McCauley--Specie Payments (House of Representatives)
Petition of Joseph Forrest (House of Representatives)
Petition of Joseph G. Roberts (House of Representatives)
Petition of Josiah H. Webb--Amendments to the Constitution (House of Representatives)
Petition of Mary Cheever (House of Representatives)
Petition of Moses Young (House of Representatives)
Petition of Noah Shaw (House of Representatives)
Petition of Rebecca Hodgson (House of Representatives)
Petition of Samuel Corp (House of Representatives)
Petition of Samuel G. Adams (House of Representatives)
Petition of Sarah Dewees (Senate)
Petition of Stephen Girard (Senate)
Petition of the Manhattan Company (House of Representatives)
Petition of Thomas Cutts (Senate)
Petition of Thomas Cutts--Volunteer Bill (House of Representatives)
Petition of Thomas Manning--Commerce of the United States (House of Representatives)
Petition of Thomas Owen--Militia Laws (House of Representatives)
Petition of Thomas Riddels--Election of Clerk (House of Representatives)
Petition of W. H. Washington (House of Representatives)
Petition of Warner Mifflin (House of Representatives)
Petition of William Arnold (House of Representatives)
Petition of William B. Stokes (Senate)
Petition of William Marbury and Others (Senate)
Petitions for Repeal of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Petitions of R. M. Pomeroy and Colonel Schuyler (House of Representatives)
Petitions of W. P. Lawrence and E. Hamilton (House of Representatives)
Philadelphia Memorial (House of Representatives)
Piers at Newcastle, &c (House of Representatives)
Piracy and Kidnapping (Senate)
Piracy in the West Indies (House of Representatives)
Plurality of Offices (House of Representatives)
Police of the Capitol.--Virginia Military Lands (House of Representatives)
Port of New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Port of Philadelphia (House of Representatives)
Porto Rico Expedition (House of Representatives)
Portrait of Columbus (Senate)
Ports of Entry (House of Representatives)
The Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill--Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill--Cod Fisheries (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill--Election of President (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill--John Churchman (House of Representatives)
Post Office Bill.--Florida Treaty Awards (House of Representatives)
Post Office Building, &c.--Commercial Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Post Office Currency (Senate)
Post Office Defalcations (House of Representatives)
Post Office Department (House of Representatives)
Post Office Department--Estimates of Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Post Office Department--The Revenue (House of Representatives)
Post Office Establishment (House of Representatives)
Post Office Establishment (Senate)
Post Office Establishment--Yazoo Claims (House of Representatives)
Post Office Investigation (House of Representatives)
Post Office Law--Usurpation of Executive Authority (House of Representatives)
Post Offices and Post Roads (House of Representatives)
Post Offices and Post Roads--Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Post Road Bill (House of Representatives)
Post Roads (House of Representatives)
Post Roads from Maine to Georgia (House of Representatives)
Post Roads--Georgia Claims--Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Post-Office (House of Representatives)
Post-Office and Post Roads (House of Representatives)
Postmaster General (House of Representatives)
Postmaster General--Public Debt (House of Representatives)
Postponement of Orders--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Potomac Bridge (House of Representatives)
Potomac Bridge--Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (House of Representatives)
Potomac Bridge--National Defence (House of Representatives)
Potomac Bridge--Naval Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Potomac Bridge--Neutral Rights (House of Representatives)
Potomac Navigation (House of Representatives)
Potomac River (House of Representatives)
Power of Retaliation--Exportation in Foreign Vessels (House of Representatives)
Pre-emption Rights (Senate)
Pre-emption Rights--Accounts of Edmund Randolph (House of Representatives)
Pre-emptions for Seats of Justice (House of Representatives)
Pre-emptions--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Preparation for War (House of Representatives)
Presbyterian Society of Georgetown (House of Representatives)
Presentation of the Colors of France (Senate)
Presents to Ministers (House of Representatives)
Presents to Ministers--Lease of Absence (House of Representatives)
Preservation of Peace (House of Representatives)
Preservation of Peace with the Indians
Preservation of Timber (Senate)
President Elect--Sedition Act (House of Representatives)
President's address to both Houses of Congress (Senate)
President's Annual Message (Senate)
President's House (House of Representatives)
President's Inaugural Speech
President's Message (House of Representatives)
President's Message (Senate)
President's Message--Exportation of Breadstuffs (House of Representatives)
President's Message--Navigation Laws (House of Representatives)
President's Proclamation--Spain
President's Speech (House of Representatives)
The President's Speech (House of Representatives)
President's Speech (Senate)
President's Speech referred (House of Representatives)
President's Speech, &c (House of Representatives)
President's Speech--Stamp Duties (House of Representatives)
President's Speech--Unfinished Business (House of Representatives)
Presidential Districts proposed (House of Representatives)
Presidential Election (House of Representatives)
Presidential Election, &c (House of Representatives)
Previous Question (House of Representatives)
Previous Question--Remission of Forfeiture (House of Representatives)
Previous Question--Salary of District Judge (House of Representatives)
Printing Despatches (House of Representatives)
Printing Public Documents (House of Representatives)
Printing the Laws, &c--Maine Bill (Senate)
Private Armed Vessels--Purchase of Foundries (House of Representatives)
Private Claims--Rules of the House (House of Representatives)
Private Losses in Service (House of Representatives)
Private Losses in Service--Invalid Corps (House of Representatives)
Privateer General Armstrong
Privateer General Armstrong (Senate)
Privateer Pension Fund (Senate)
Privateer Pensions--Importations from India (House of Representatives)
The Privateer Roger (House of Representatives)
Privateering (House of Representatives)
Privilege of Members (House of Representatives)
Privileges of Foreign Ministers (Senate)
Prize Law--Retaliation (House of Representatives)
Proceedings (House of Representatives)
Proceedings (Senate)
Proceedings in Outlawry (House of Representatives)
Proceedings in Secret Session (Senate)
Proceedings, Executive Journal (Senate)
Process in Federal Courts--Western Roads (House of Representatives)
Proclamation by the President
Proclamations by the President
Prohibition of certain Imports (Senate)
Prohibition of Foreign Cotton and Woollen Fabrics, and Iron
Prohibition of Foreign Spirits (Senate)
Prohibition of Imports (House of Representatives)
Prohibition of Ransom (House of Representatives)
Prohibition of Slavery in Missouri
Prohibition of the Importation of Coarse Cotton Fabrics
Prohibitory Duties (House of Representatives)
Promotion of Education (Senate)
Promotion of the Useful Arts (House of Representatives)
Promulgation of the Laws (House of Representatives)
Promulgation of the Laws--Naturalization Bill (House of Representatives)
Property destroyed by the British in Louisiana
Property lost at Detroit (House of Representatives)
Property Lost, &c (Senate)
Property Lost--Bankrupt Bill (Senate)
Property taken or destroyed by the Enemy
Proposed Adjournment (House of Representatives)
The Proposed Adjournment (Senate)
Proposed Adjournment.--Occupying Claimant Laws (House of Representatives)
Proposed New State (House of Representatives)
Proposed Repeal of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Proposed Suspension of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Proposed Term of the Session--Revolutionary Pensioners (House of Representatives)
Propositions to Belligerents, &c (House of Representatives)
Propositions to Belligerents. &c (House of Representatives)
Prosecution of Claims (House of Representatives)
Prosecution of Claims--Accommodation of the President (House of Representatives)
Prosecutions for Libel (House of Representatives)
Protecting Duties--Drawback
Protecting Duties-Internal Duties
Protection against the Barbary Powers (House of Representatives)
Protection of American Manufactures
Protection of American Seamen (Senate)
Protection of Commerce (House of Representatives)
Protection of Commerce, &c (House of Representatives)
Protection of Merchant Vessels--Naval Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Protection of the Frontier (House of Representatives)
Protection of the Frontier--Militia Bill (House of Representatives)
Protection of the Frontier--Post Office Bill (House of Representatives)
Protection of the Frontier--Relations with France (House of Representatives)
Protection of Trade (House of Representatives)
Protection to American Commerce (House of Representatives)
Protection to American Manufactures
Protection to Domestic Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Protection to Manufacturers
Protection to Manufacturers of Woollen Fabrics
Protection to Manufactures
Protection to Manufactures (House of Representatives)
Protection to Merchant Vessels (House of Representatives)
Protection to Paper Manufacturers
Protection to Printers of Books
Protection to Seamen (House of Representatives)
Protection to the Manufacturers of Cotton Fabrics
Protection to the Sugar Planters of Louisiana
Protection Trade (House of Representatives)
Provision for Collectors (House of Representatives)
Provisional Army (House of Representatives)
Prussia, Hamburgh, and Bremen
Public Accounts (House of Representatives)
Public Acts and Resolutions
Public Acts of Congress
Public Armories (House of Representatives)
Public Armories, &c (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings
Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings (Senate)
Public Buildings in the City of Washington (Senate)
Public Buildings in Washington (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings--Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings--French Spoliations (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings--Mechanics' Bank, Alexandria (House of Representatives)
Public Buildings--Washington
Public Contracts (House of Representatives)
Public Credit
Public Credit (House of Representatives)
Public Creditors (House of Representatives)
The Public Debt
Public Debt
Public Debt (House of Representatives)
The Public Debt (House of Representatives)
Public Debt of the United States
Public Debt--American Manufactures
Public Debt--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
The Public Debt--Indemnity to General Greene (House of Representatives)
Public Debt--Northwestern Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Public Defaulters (House of Representatives)
Public Defaulters (Senate)
Public Deposites (Senate)
Public Deposites in State Banks
Public Deposites--Remission of Fines, &c (House of Representatives)
Public Documents, Acts, &c
Public Expenditures (House of Representatives)
The Public Funds
Public Land Debt (House of Representatives)
Public Land Debt--Arkansas Boundary (House of Representatives)
Public Land Sales (Senate)
Public Land Sales--Forfeiture of Lands (Senate)
Public Land--Presidential Election--Preparation for War (House of Representatives)
Public Lands
The Public Lands
Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Public Lands (Senate)
Public Lands for Education
Public Lands for Education (House of Representatives)
Public Lands for Education, &c (House of Representatives)
Public Lands in Indiana (Senate)
Public Lands reserved for Schools
Public Lands--Arms and Ordinance (House of Representatives)
Public Lands--Clothing for the Army (House of Representatives)
Public Lands--District Banks--Indian Trade (House of Representatives)
The Public Lands--Duties on French Vessels (House of Representatives)
Public Lands--Military Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
Public Lands--Revolutionary Officers (House of Representatives)
Public Lands--Roads and Canals (House of Representatives)
Public Lots in Washington (House of Representatives)
Public Moneys (House of Representatives)
The Public Offices (House of Representatives)
Public Offices (Senate)
Public Printing (House of Representatives)
Public Printing (Senate)
Public Receipts and Expenditures
Public Roads (House of Representatives)
Public Roads and Canals (Senate)
Public Roads--General Eaton (House of Representatives)
Public Supplies--Promulgation of the Laws (House of Representatives)
Publication of Secret Proceedings (House of Representatives)
Publication of the Debates (House of Representatives)
Publication of the Laws--Roads and Canals (Senate)
Punishment of certain Crimes (House of Representatives)
Punishment of Certain Crimes (House of Representatives)
Punishment of Crime (House of Representatives)
Punishment of Crimes (House of Representatives)
Punishment of Crimes (Senate)
Punishment of Piracy (House of Representatives)
Punishment of Piracy (Senate)
Punishment of Treason (House of Representatives)
Purchase of Arms (House of Representatives)
Purchase of Arms--Government Contracts (House of Representatives)
Purchase of Cannon, &c (House of Representatives)
Purchase of Galleys (House of Representatives)
Purchase of Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Purveyor of Public Supplies--Public Debt (House of Representatives)

Q (Back to top)

Quaker's Memorial--Algerine Affairs--Commerce with G. Britain (House of Representatives)
Quakers' Memorial (House of Representatives)
Quarantine Laws (House of Representatives)
Quarantine Regulations
Quarantine Regulations (House of Representatives)
Quartermaster's Accounts (House of Representatives)
The Quartermaster's Department
Quartermaster's Department (House of Representatives)
Question of Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Question of Order (Senate)
Question of Privilege (House of Representatives)
Question of Privilege--Petition of Swiss Emigrants (House of Representatives)
Quotas of Militia--Military Force in June, 1812

R (Back to top)

Randall and Whitney (House of Representatives)
Ransom of Vessels--Additional Rifle Corps (House of Representatives)
Ratio of Representation (House of Representatives)
Ration of Representation (House of Representatives)
Re-Enlistment in the Army--Claims for Interest (House of Representatives)
Re-Organization of Supreme Court
Re-Organization of the Navy Department, &c
Rebecca Hodgson (Senate)
Recall of Absentees (House of Representatives)
Receipts and Expenditures
Receipts and Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Receipts and Expenditures of the United States
Receipts and Expenditures of the United States--Sinking Fund
Receipts and Expenditures--Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
Receipts and Public Debt
Receipts of the Post Office (House of Representatives)
Receivers of Public Money (House of Representatives)
Recess of Congress (House of Representatives)
Recess of Congress (Senate)
Recess of Congress-Importation of British Goods (House of Representatives)
Reconveyance of Land to New York (House of Representatives)
Recruiting Service (Senate)
Redemption of Public Debt--Duty on Salt (House of Representatives)
Redemption of the Public Debt (House of Representatives)
Redemption of the Public Debt (Senate)
Reduction of Artillery (House of Representatives)
Reduction of Expenditure (House of Representatives)
Reduction of Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Reduction of Pay of Members--Military Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Reduction of Salaries (House of Representatives)
Reduction of Salaries--Pay of Army Officers (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Army (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Army and Navy (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Army--Coasting Bill--Indian Trade (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Navy--Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
Reduction of the Public Debt
Reference of President's Message--Slave Trade (Senate)
Reference of the Message (House of Representatives)
Reference of the President's Message (House of Representatives)
Reference of the President's Message (Senate)
Reference of the President's Speech (House of Representatives)
Refined Sugar (House of Representatives)
Refined Sugars (House of Representatives)
Refunding Duties (House of Representatives)
Refusal of furnish Militia
Refusal to furnish Militia
Refuse Lands (Senate)
Registered Seamen (Senate)
Registering of Vessels (House of Representatives)
Registering Seamen (House of Representatives)
Regulation of Coins (House of Representatives)
Regulation of Imports (House of Representatives)
Regulation of Seamen (House of Representatives)
Regulation of Steam Vessels (House of Representatives)
Reimbursement of Duties--Drawback on Snuff (House of Representatives)
Reimbursement of Loan (House of Representatives)
Relation with France (House of Representatives)
Relations with Algiers
Relations with Denmark
Relations with Finance (House of Representatives)
Relations with France
Relations with France (House of Representatives)
Relations with France and Great Britain
Relations with France and Spain
Relations with France--Property lost in Public Service (House of Representatives)
Relations with Great Britain
Relations with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Relations with Great Britain and France
Relations with Great Britain and France (Senate)
Relations with Morocco
Relations with Prussia
Relations with Russia
Relations with Spain
Relations with Spain (House of Representatives)
Relations with Spain (Senate)
Relations with Spain, Great Britain, and France
Relations with Spain--Blockades
Relations with Spain--The Revenue (House of Representatives)
Relations with Sweden--Indemnity
Relations with the Barbary Powers
Relations with the Kingdom of Sicily
Relations with Tripoli
Relations with Tunis
Relief Bills (House of Representatives)
Relief Bills, &c (House of Representatives)
Relief for Venezuela, &c (House of Representatives)
Relief of Caraccas, &c (House of Representatives)
Relief of David Cook (House of Representatives)
Relief of Debtors--Peter Landais (House of Representatives)
Relief of Distillers (House of Representatives)
Relief of General Stark--Day of Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Relief of Imprisoned Debtors--Revision of certain Acts
Relief of Non-Commissioned Officer and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Relief of Officers and Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Relief of Officers--Commissioner of Claims (House of Representatives)
Relief of Sarah Perry (House of Representatives)
Relief of the Canary Islands (House of Representatives)
Relief of Widows and Orphans, &c (House of Representatives)
Relief to Land Purchasers (Senate)
Relief to Purchasers of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Relief to Savannah (House of Representatives)
Remains of General Washington (House of Representatives)
Remains of Washington--Canadian Refugees (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties (Senate)
Remission of Duties, &c--William Tomkins, &c (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties--American Flag (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties--Compensation to Revenue Officers (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties--District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties--Duty on Coal--Protection to Manufactures
Remission of Duties--National Flag (House of Representatives)
Remission of Duties--Public Debt
Remission of Fines (House of Representatives)
Remission of Forfeitures
Remission of Forfeitures (House of Representatives)
Remission of Forfeitures--The Mint
Remission of Penalties
Remission of Penalties (House of Representatives)
Remission of Penalties and Forfeitures
Remissions of Fines, &c (House of Representatives)
Remonstrance against a change in the Revenue System
Remonstrance against a change in the revenue System
Remonstrance against an Increase of Duties
Remonstrance against an increase of Duties on Imports
Remonstrance of Georgia (House of Representatives)
Remonstrance of Massachusetts (House of Representatives)
Remonstrance of Massachusetts (Senate)
Remonstrance of the New Haven Chamber of Commerce
Remonstrance of the People of Louisiana
Removal of Seat of Government, &c (House of Representatives)
Removal of the Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Removal of the Seat of Government (Senate)
Renewal of Patent Right (House of Representatives)
Renner and Heath--Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
Reorganization of the Army (House of Representatives)
Reorganization of the Courts (House of Representatives)
Reorganization of the Navy (House of Representatives)
Repair of the Cumberland Road (House of Representatives)
Repairing Frigates, &c.--Navy Hospitals
Repeal of Drawbacks (House of Representatives)
Repeal of Internal Duties (House of Representatives)
Repeal of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Repeal of the Embargo (Senate)
Repeal of the Stamp Act (House of Representatives)
Repealing Drawbacks, &c (House of Representatives)
Repeat of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Report of Surgeon General
Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
Report of the Postmaster General (House of Representatives)
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Report on a National Bank
Report on Fortifications
Report on Fortifications (House of Representatives)
Report on Gold Coin (House of Representatives)
Report on Manufactures
Report on Manufactures--The Public Lands
Report on Newspaper Postage
Report on Petitions for Pensions (House of Representatives)
Report on Post-Office Department
Report on Public Credit
Report on Public Debt (Senate)
Report on Roads and Canals
Report on Roads and Canals (House of Representatives)
Report on the Address of Ninian Edwards (House of Representatives)
Report on the Embargo (Senate)
Report on the Embargo Law (House of Representatives)
Report on the Finances (House of Representatives)
Report on the Loan (House of Representatives)
Report on the Patent Office
Report on the Public Debt
Report on the Seminole War (Senate)
Report on the Subject of a Mint
Report on Weights and Measures (House of Representatives)
Reporting of the Debates (House of Representatives)
Reporting the Debates (House of Representatives)
Reporting the Debates (Senate)
Reports from Committees (House of Representatives)
Reports of Debates in Congress (House of Representatives)
Reports on Various Claims (House of Representatives)
Representative from Maryland (House of Representatives)
Representative from Maryland--Apportionment Bill (House of Representatives)
Representative Qualifications (House of Representatives)
Reprinting Journals (House of Representatives)
Reprinting Journals, &c (House of Representatives)
Reprisals on British Commerce (Senate)
Requisition for Militia (House of Representatives)
Resignation of the Speaker, &c (House of Representatives)
Resolutions and Acts relative to Florida
Resolutions of Maryland (House of Representatives)
Resolutions of Pennsylvania and Indiana (Senate)
Resolutions of the State of Ohio (Senate)
Respect to the Memory of Washington (House of Representatives)
Restriction of Slavery (House of Representatives)
Restriction of Slavery (Senate)
Restriction of Slavery--Maine and Missouri (Senate)
Restrictive System (Senate)
Retaliating System (Senate)
Retaliating System--Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Retaliation (House of Representatives)
Retaliation (Senate)
Retirement of the Vice President (Senate)
Retrenchment of Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Retrenchment of Expenses (House of Representatives)
Retrenchment--Mint. &c (House of Representatives)
Return of Enlistments
Returned Bill (House of Representatives)
Returned Bill (Senate)
Returned Bill--Armed Neutrality (House of Representatives)
Returned Bill--Louisiana Convention (House of Representatives)
Reuben Colburn (House of Representatives)
The Revenue (House of Representatives)
Revenue and Expenditures--Military Appropriation Bill (House of Representatives)
Revenue Bill (House of Representatives)
Revenue Bill (Senate)
Revenue Bonds (Senate)
Revenue Laws (House of Representatives)
Revenue Laws--Foreign Licenses, (House of Representatives)
Revenue Officers (House of Representatives)
Revenue System Revised (House of Representatives)
Revised Statement of Public Debt
Revision of the act for the relief of Persons imprisoned for Debt
Revision of the Laws--Thanks to the Speaker (House of Representatives)
Revision of the Patent Laws (House of Representatives)
Revision of the Penal Code (House of Representatives)
Revision of the Revenue Laws
Revision of the Revenue Laws (House of Representatives)
Revision of the Tariff
Revision of the Tariff (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Canadian Refugees (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary History (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Officers (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Officers--Duties on Imports (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pension Act (Senate)
Revolutionary Pension Bill (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pension Law--Death of Commodore Decatur (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pension Law--Restriction of Slavery (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pensioners (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pensioners--Aliens in Pennsylvania (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pensions (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pensions (Senate)
Revolutionary Pensions--Eli Hart (House of Representatives)
Revolutionary Pensions--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
The Reward of Valor--Public Buildings (House of Representatives)
Rhode Island (House of Representatives)
Rhode Island Resolutions (Senate)
Right of Expatriation (House of Representatives)
The Right of Pre-emption (Senate)
River Delaware (House of Representatives)
Road from Memphis to Little Rock (House of Representatives)
Road from Ohio to Michigan (House of Representatives)
Road through the Black Swamp in Ohio (House of Representatives)
Road--Miami of the Lakes--Bank of the United States (Senate)
Road--New Orleans to Nashville (Senate)
Roads and Canals (House of Representatives)
Roads and Canals (Senate)
Roads and Canals--Compensation of Members (Senate)
Roads and Canals--Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Roads contemplated by the Treaty of Brownstown
Roads in Florida (House of Representatives)
Roads in Florida (Senate)
Robert Fulton's Patent (Senate)
Robert Harris (House of Representatives)
Robert Harris--Amendments to the Constitution (House of Representatives)
Robert Hooper.--William Nichols (House of Representatives)
Robert Purdy (Senate)
Robert Randall--Case of Bribery (House of Representatives)
Roll of United States' Officers (House of Representatives)
Rule of Naturalization (House of Representatives)
Rules and Orders (House of Representatives)
Rules and Orders--Government Contracts (House of Representatives)
Rules and Orders--United States' Debts (House of Representatives)
Rules for Election of President (House of Representatives)
Rules for Enrollment (House of Representatives)
Rules of Proceeding (House of Representatives)
Rules of the House (House of Representatives)
Rules of the House, &c (House of Representatives)
Rules of the House--Coast of N. Carolina--Cumberland Road (House of Representatives)
Rules of the House--Laws in Mississippi (House of Representatives)
Rules of the Senate (Senate)
Russia, &c.--Blockade of the Baltic

S (Back to top)

Salaries of certain Officers (House of Representatives)
Salaries of Collectors (House of Representatives)
Salaries of Heads of Departments (House of Representatives)
Salaries of Officers (House of Representatives)
Salaries of the Secretary and Clerk (Senate)
Sale of Arms--Government Contracts--Military Courts (House of Representatives)
Sale of Bank Stock (House of Representatives)
Sale of Captured Negroes (Senate)
Sale of Northwestern Lands (House of Representatives)
Sale of Prizes (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Arms (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Arms--Military Courts (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Lands (Senate)
Sale of Public Lands--Public Expenditures (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Lands--Remission of Duties (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Lands--Rules of the House (House of Representatives)
Sale of Public Lots in Washington (House of Representatives)
Sale of the Public Lands
Sales of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Sales of Public Lands (Senate)
Salt Tax and Mediterranean Fund
Samuel Dexter (House of Representatives)
Samuel Gilbert (Senate)
Samuel Harrison Smith (House of Representatives)
Samuel Howell (House of Representatives)
Samuel Lewis (House of Representatives)
Sandy Hook (House of Representatives)
Sarah Easton and Dorothy Storer (Senate)
Savannah Sufferers (House of Representatives)
Savannah Sufferers (Senate)
Sea Fencibles--Injuries by War (House of Representatives)
Sea-Letter Vessels (House of Representatives)
Seamen--United States Navy (House of Representatives)
Seat of Government
Seat of Government (House of Representatives)
Secret Sittings (House of Representatives)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (House of Representatives)
Secretary of the Navy (House of Representatives)
The Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
Secretary of the Treasury (Senate)
Secretary of the Treasury's Report (House of Representatives)
Sedition Act (House of Representatives)
Sedition Law (House of Representatives)
Sedition Law--Rules and Orders (Senate)
Seditious Practices (House of Representatives)
Seditious Writers--Abrogation of Treaty with France (House of Representatives)
Seizure by a Collector (House of Representatives)
Seizure of Private Property (House of Representatives)
Selah Benton--The Militia (House of Representatives)
Seminole Indians (Senate)
Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Seminole War--Mr. Lacock's Reply
Seminole War--Strictures on Mr. Lacock's Report
Seminole War--Unauthorized Levies (House of Representatives)
Senate Bills, &c (House of Representatives)
Senate Bills, &c.--Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Senate Proceedings and Debates
Senate Proceedings and Debates.
Sequestration of British Debts (House of Representatives)
Sergeant-at-Arms, &c.--Winthrop Sargent (House of Representatives)
Session closed (House of Representatives)
Settlement of Limits with Georgia (House of Representatives)
Settlement of Private Claims (House of Representatives)
Settlement of Public Accounts
Settlement of Public Accounts (House of Representatives)
Settlement on the Columbia River
Settlement State of Accounts (House of Representatives)
Settlements on the Public Lands (Senate)
Settlers in Missouri (House of Representatives)
Settlers on the Public Lands
Settlers on the Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Ship Ariadne--Navigation Bill (House of Representatives)
Ship Manilla--Treason and other Crimes (Senate)
Ship Thomas (House of Representatives)
Ships' Passports--Duty on Snuff (House of Representatives)
Sick and Disabled Seamen (House of Representatives)
Sick and Disabled Seamen in the Port of New York
Sick and Disabled Seamen--Indian Treaties (House of Representatives)
Sick and Disabled Seamen--United States Debt (House of Representatives)
Sick Seamen (Senate)
Sick Seamen--Bank of the United States (House of Representatives)
Silas Willard (Senate)
Sinking Fund
The Sinking Fund
Sinking Fund (House of Representatives)
Sinking Fund, &c (House of Representatives)
Sinking Fund--Collection of Duties on Imports and Tonnage
Sites for Arsenals--Military Stores
Slave Trade
The Slave Trade (House of Representatives)
Slave Trade (House of Representatives)
Slave Trade (Senate)
Slave Trade--Additional Duties (House of Representatives)
The Slave Trade--Losses in the Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Slave Trade--Naval Armament (House of Representatives)
Slavery in Indiana Territory (Senate)
Sloops of War (Senate)
Small Armed Vessels (House of Representatives)
Small Vessels of War--Navigation Law (House of Representatives)
Snuff and Sugar Duties (House of Representatives)
Society of Harmony (House of Representatives)
Society of United Brethren (Senate)
Soldiers of the Revolution (House of Representatives)
Soldiers of the Revolution, &c (House of Representatives)
Soldiers' Rations (House of Representatives)
Son of Lafayette (House of Representatives)
South American Colonies--Naval Pensions (House of Representatives)
South American Governments (House of Representatives)
South American Independence (House of Representatives)
South American Provinces (House of Representatives)
South American States (House of Representatives)
South American States (Senate)
Southern Frontier (House of Representatives)
Southwestern Frontier (House of Representatives)
Spain, France, and Great Britain
Spain--Delivery of the Floridas
Spain--Imprisonment of Citizens of the United States
Spain--Ratification of the Treaty of 1819
Spain--Richard W. Meade
Spanish Affairs (House of Representatives)
Spanish American Colonies (House of Representatives)
Spanish American Provinces (House of Representatives)
The Spanish Treaty (House of Representatives)
Spanish Treaty--Promulgation of the Laws (House of Representatives)
The Speaker's Address--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Special Bank Deposites (House of Representatives)
Special Session (Senate)
Specie Payments (House of Representatives)
Specie Payments--Capitol Square (House of Representatives)
Specie Payments--Salaries of Ministers (House of Representatives)
Specie Payments--The Tariff (House of Representatives)
Speech of the President (House of Representatives)
Speech of the President (Senate)
Spirits, Foreign and Domestic
Spoliations on Commerce
Spoliations--Domestic Debts (House of Representatives)
St. Domingo Spoliations--Losses in Seminole War (House of Representatives)
Staff of the Army (House of Representatives)
Staff of the Army (Senate)
Staff of the Army--The Cumberland Road (House of Representatives)
Stamp Act (House of Representatives)
Stamp Duties (House of Representatives)
Stamp Duties--Soldiers' Land Titles (House of Representatives)
The Stamp Duty (House of Representatives)
Standing Committees (House of Representatives)
Standing Committees (Senate)
Standing Committees--Constitution and Guerriere (House of Representatives)
Standing Committees--President's Message (House of Representatives)
Standing Committees--Reference of the Message (Senate)
Standing Committees--Reference of the President's Message (House of Representatives)
Standing Committees--The President's Message (House of Representatives)
Standing Rules (House of Representatives)
Standing Rules and Orders (House of Representatives)
Standing Rules and Orders (Senate)
Standing Rules and Orders--Newspapers for Members (House of Representatives)
State Balances (House of Representatives)
State Balances--Insurrection in Pennsylvania
State Duties of Tonnage--Indemnity to General Greene (House of Representatives)
State Government for Tennessee (House of Representatives)
State of Alabama (House of Representatives)
State of Illinois (House of Representatives)
State of Illinois--Internal Improvements (House of Representatives)
State of Illinois--Slavery (House of Representatives)
State of Louisiana (House of Representatives)
State of Louisiana--District Courts (House of Representatives)
State of Maine (Senate)
State of Manufactures--Seminole War--Sale of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
The State of Ohio
State of the Army (House of Representatives)
State of the Army--Banks of the District of Columbia (House of Representatives)
State of the Army--United States' Consuls (House of Representatives)
State of the Finances
State of The Finances
State of the Finances (House of Representatives)
State of the Public Finances
State of the Sinking Fund
State of Treasury (House of Representatives)
Statement of Exports (House of Representatives)
Statement of Exports, &c (House of Representatives)
Statement of Exports--Estimates for 1796 (House of Representatives)
States of the Sinking Fund
States' Account (House of Representatives)
Statistical Accounts of Commerce and Navigation
Statistics of the United States (Senate)
Statue of Washington (Senate)
Statute of Limitations (House of Representatives)
Statutes of Limitation--Rules and Orders (House of Representatives)
Stenographer to the House (House of Representatives)
Stenographers (House of Representatives)
Stenographers--Compensation to Volunteers, &c (House of Representatives)
Stephen Cantrill (House of Representatives)
Stephen Cantrill--Organizing the Militia (House of Representatives)
Stephen Fellows--Government Loan (House of Representatives)
Stephen Kingston (House of Representatives)
Stevens, and Others--Death of Mr. Mumford (House of Representatives)
Stockbridge Indians--Sales of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Suability of States (House of Representatives)
Subscription to Canal Stock (House of Representatives)
Subsisting of the Army
Sufferers under the Sedition Law (House of Representatives)
Sugar and Tobacco Duties (House of Representatives)
Sunday Mails (House of Representatives)
Sundry Bills (House of Representatives)
Sundry Bills, &c (House of Representatives)
Sundry Business--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Supervisors (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal (Senate)
Supplemental Journal--Embargo (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Additional Brigadier Generals (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Additional Brigadier Generals.--Prohibition of Exports (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Additional Military Force (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Bill declaring War (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Declaration of War (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Embargo Bill (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Occupation of Florida (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--President's Message (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Prohibition of Exports (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Report on Foreign Relations (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Journal.--Violation of Secrecy (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Speech (Senate)
Supplemental Speech.--Volunteer Bill (Senate)
Supplemental Speech.--Volunteer Bill, in Senate (House of Representatives)
Supplemental Speeches (Senate)
Supplementary Journal (House of Representatives)
Supply of Cannon, &c (Senate)
Suppression of Piracy
Suppression of Piracy (House of Representatives)
Suppression of Piracy (Senate)
Suppression of Piratical Establishments
Suppression of Public Documents
Suppression of Public Documents (House of Representatives)
Suppression of the Slave Trade
Suppression of the Slave Trade (House of Representatives)
Supreme Court (House of Representatives)
The Supreme Court (House of Representatives)
Supreme Court Reports (House of Representatives)
Supreme Court--New State Proposed (House of Representatives)
Surgeons in the Navy (House of Representatives)
Survey of the Coast
Survey of the Southern Coast--Military Establishment (House of Representatives)
Survey of the Southern Coast--Snuff Manufacture--Magnus King (House of Representatives)
Surveyors of Public Lands (House of Representatives)
Surveys for Roads and Canals (House of Representatives)
Surveys for Roads and Canals (Senate)
Surviving Officers of the Revolution (Senate)
Surviving Revolutionary Officers (House of Representatives)
Surviving Revolutionary Soldiers (House of Representatives)
Surviving Revolutionary Soldiers--Niagara Claims (House of Representatives)
Suspension of Direct Tax, &c (House of Representatives)
Suspension of Non--Importation (House of Representatives)
Suspension of Non-Importation (House of Representatives)
Suspension of Payment of certain Bills
Suspension of the Embargo (House of Representatives)
Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus (House of Representatives)
Swedish and Portuguese Vessels--Non-Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Sword to Colonel Johnson (House of Representatives)
Symmes's Theory (House of Representatives)
System of Bankruptcy (House of Representatives)
System of Bankruptcy--Fugitives from Justice (House of Representatives)
System of Bankruptcy--Naval Peace Establishment (House of Representatives)
System of Bankruptcy--Remonstrance of Georgia (House of Representatives)

T (Back to top)

The Tariff (House of Representatives)
The Tariff (Senate)
The Tariff Bill (House of Representatives)
The Tariff Bill (Senate)
The Tariff Bill--Five Millions New Stock (Senate)
Tariff Duties--Case of Randall--Fortifications, &c (House of Representatives)
Tariff Memorial.--Boston and its vicinity
Tariff Memorial.--Charleston, S. C
Tariff Memorial.--New York Chamber of Commerce
Tariff Memorial.--Pennsylvania
Tariff Memorial.--Petersburg, Va
Tariff Memorial.--Richmond and Manchester, Va
Tariff of Duties (House of Representatives)
Tariff of Duties on Imports
The Tariff Petitions (House of Representatives)
Tax Bills (House of Representatives)
Tax Bills--Defence of New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Tax Collectors--Relations with Algiers (House of Representatives)
Tax on Carriages (House of Representatives)
Tax on Carriages--Sundry Bills (House of Representatives)
Tax on Distilled Liquors, &c (House of Representatives)
Tax on Personal Property--Direct Tax (House of Representatives)
Tax on Stills (House of Representatives)
Taylor and Harvey's Claims (House of Representatives)
Temporary Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Temporary Residence of Congress (House of Representatives)
Temporary Residence of Government (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Land Titles (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Lands (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Lands (Senate)
Tennessee Lands--Navy Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Tennessee Lands--Plurality of Offices (House of Representatives)
Territorial Governments (House of Representatives)
Territories of the United States (House of Representatives)
Territory of Columbia (House of Representatives)
Territory of Louisiana (House of Representatives)
Territory of Michigan
Territory of Missouri (House of Representatives)
Territory of Orleans
The Territory of Orleans
Territory of Orleans (House of Representatives)
Territory of Orleans (Senate)
Territory of Orleans--Titles of Nobility, &c (Senate)
Thaddeus Mayhew (House of Representatives)
Thanks to General Wayne (House of Representatives)
Thanks to the Speaker (House of Representatives)
Thanks to the Speaker--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Thanks to the Speaker--Collection of Duties (House of Representatives)
Thanks to the Speaker--The Adjournment (House of Representatives)
Thanksgiving--British and Indian Depredations (House of Representatives)
Theodorick Armistead (House of Representatives)
Theodorick Armistead--Standing Rules (House of Representatives)
Third Census--American Seamen (House of Representatives)
Thomas Kemp--Memorial of General Harrison (House of Representatives)
Thomas Person and others (House of Representatives)
Thomas Person and Others--Pennsylvania Insurgents (House of Representatives)
Time of Adjournment (Senate)
Titles of Nobility (House of Representatives)
Titles to Land (House of Representatives)
Tobacco and Sugar Duties (House of Representatives)
Tobacco and Sugar Duties--The Embargo (House of Representatives)
Tonnage Bill (House of Representatives)
Tonnage Duties (House of Representatives)
Tonnage Duties on French Vessels--Vessels of War (House of Representatives)
Tonnage Duties--Uniform Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Tonnage Duty on French Ships (House of Representatives)
Tonnage on Foreign Shipping (House of Representatives)
Torpedo Experiment (House of Representatives)
Torpedoes (House of Representatives)
Torpedoes--Batture at New Orleans (House of Representatives)
Trade and Navigation (House of Representatives)
Trade to the Baltic (House of Representatives)
Trade with Canada (House of Representatives)
Trade with Mexican Provinces (House of Representatives)
Trade with St. Domingo (House of Representatives)
Trade with St. Domingo (Senate)
Trade with St. Domingo--Defence of New York (Senate)
Trade with the British West Indies
Trade with the Indians
Trade with the Indians (House of Representatives)
Trade with the West Indies
Transactions at Pensacola (House of Representatives)
Transactions in Florida (House of Representatives)
Transactions in Florida--General Jackson
Transfer of Appropriations (House of Representatives)
Transfer of Public Securities (House of Representatives)
Transportation of Newspapers--Salaries of Officers (House of Representatives)
Transportation of Specie, &c., in Public Vessels (Senate)
Transportation of the Mail (Senate)
Treason and other Crimes (House of Representatives)
Treason and other Crimes (Senate)
Treasury and War Offices (House of Representatives)
Treasury Department (House of Representatives)
The Treasury Department, &c (House of Representatives)
Treasury Department--Thanks to the Speaker (House of Representatives)
Treasury Notes (House of Representatives)
Treasury Notes (Senate)
Treasury Notes--Sunday Mails (House of Representatives)
Treasury Report (House of Representatives)
Treaty of Ghent (House of Representatives)
Treaty of Ghent--Apportionment Bill (House of Representatives)
Treaty of Ghent--Boundaries
Treaty of Peace (Senate)
Treaty with Algiers (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Algiers--Sale of Prizes (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Great Britain
Treaty with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Great Britain (Senate)
Treaty with Indians (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Morocco (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Spain
Treaty with Spain (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Spain (Senate)
Treaty with Spain--Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Treaty with Spain--Marquis de Maison Rouge (Senate)
Treaty with Sweden and Norway
Treaty with the Cherokees (House of Representatives)
Trial of Aaron Burr (Senate)
Trial of Captain Creighton
Trial of General Hull
Trial of Judge Chase (Senate)
Trial of Judge Pickering (Senate)
Trial of Pennsylvania Insurgents
Tripoli--Hamel Caramalli
Turreau's Letter (House of Representatives)
Turreau's Letter--Extension of Enlistments (House of Representatives)

U (Back to top)

Unadjusted Balances (House of Representatives)
Unavailable Funds (House of Representatives)
Uncurrent Bank Notes (House of Representatives)
Unfinished Business (House of Representatives)
Uniform Bankrupt Law (House of Representatives)
Uniform Bankruptcy (House of Representatives)
Uniform Bankruptcy, &c (House of Representatives)
Uniform Militia (Senate)
Uniform System of Bankruptcy
Uniform System of Bankruptcy (House of Representatives)
Uniform System of Bankruptcy (Senate)
Uniformity of Elections--Commerce with Great Britain (House of Representatives)
Union Canal in the State of Pennsylvania
United States and Individual States (House of Representatives)
United States Army--Mississippi Territory (House of Representatives)
United States Courts in Louisiana (House of Representatives)
United States Law in Tennessee (House of Representatives)
United States' Bank--Secretary of the Treasury (House of Representatives)
United States' Branch Bank (Senate)
University of Vincennes (House of Representatives)
Unpaid Balances (House of Representatives)
Unsettled Accounts
Unsettled Accounts--National Bank (House of Representatives)
Unsettled Balances
Unsettled Balances (House of Representatives)
Useful Arts--Entry of Stills (House of Representatives)
Usurpation of Executive Authority (House of Representatives)

V (Back to top)

Vacancy in the Presidency (House of Representatives)
Vaccination (House of Representatives)
Vaccination--Admission of Indiana (House of Representatives)
Vaccine Institution (House of Representatives)
Vaccine Institution--Ohio and Erie Canal (Senate)
Valuation of Land and Dwelling-Houses
Valuation of Real Estate, &c (House of Representatives)
Vermont Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Vessel Lost in Flotilla Service--Admission of Indiana (House of Representatives)
Vessels Captured or Detained (House of Representatives)
Vessels Captured or Detained, &c (House of Representatives)
Vessels of War
Vessels of War (House of Representatives)
Vessels sunk for the Defence of Baltimore (House of Representatives)
Veto Message on Internal Improvement Bill (Senate)
Veto of the Internal Improvement Bill (House of Representatives)
Victory on Lake Champlain (Senate)
Violation of Neutral Rights (House of Representatives)
Virginia Claims (House of Representatives)
Virginia Contested Election (House of Representatives)
Virginia Contested Election--Judiciary (House of Representatives)
Virginia Contested Election--Loan Bill (House of Representatives)
Virginia Contested Election--The Ways and Means (House of Representatives)
Virginia Land Warrants (House of Representatives)
Virginia Land Warrants (Senate)
Virginia Military Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Virginia Military Land Warrants (House of Representatives)
Virginia Military Lands (Senate)
Virginia Military Warrants--Public Debt (House of Representatives)
Virginia Resolutions (Senate)
Virginia Yazoo Company (House of Representatives)
The Volunteer Bill (House of Representatives)
Volunteer Corps (House of Representatives)
Volunteer Corps (Senate)
Volunteer Corps--Battle on the Wabash (House of Representatives)
Volunteer Corps--District Judges (House of Representatives)
Volunteer Service (House of Representatives)
Vote of Approbation (House of Representatives)
Vote of Thanks (House of Representatives)

W (Back to top)

Wabash and Miami Canal (House of Representatives)
Wabash Indians (House of Representatives)
The War (House of Representatives)
War and Navy Departments--Adjournment (House of Representatives)
War Department (House of Representatives)
War Measures (House of Representatives)
War Taxes (House of Representatives)
Washington's Farewell Address
Ways and Means (House of Representatives)
The Ways and Means (House of Representatives)
Ways and Means--Army Supplies and Discipline (House of Representatives)
Weights and Measures (House of Representatives)
West Florida--Tennessee Lands--Fortifications (House of Representatives)
West India Trade (House of Representatives)
West India Trade (Senate)
West India Trade--Miranda's Expedition (House of Representatives)
West Point Academy (House of Representatives)
West Point--Detachment of Militia--Patent Rights (House of Representatives)
Western Armory (House of Representatives)
Western Depot, &c (House of Representatives)
Western District of Louisiana (Senate)
Western Land Offices (House of Representatives)
Western Land Titles (House of Representatives)
Western Lands (House of Representatives)
Western Road Fund (Senate)
Western Roads (House of Representatives)
Western Roads--Private Losses in Service (House of Representatives)
Western Waters--Defence of New York Harbor (House of Representatives)
Widow of Elbridge Gerry (House of Representatives)
Widow of General Greene (House of Representatives)
Widow of General Stirling (House of Representatives)
Widows and Orphans (House of Representatives)
Widows and Orphans, &c (House of Representatives)
William Henderson--Mr. Randolph and Gales & Seaton (House of Representatives)
William Hubbell (House of Representatives)
William P. Nimmo.--Daniel Carroll (House of Representatives)
William Short--Post Office (House of Representatives)
William Weymouth--Foreign Intercourse (House of Representatives)
Withdrawal of Resolutions (Senate)
Witnesses in the case of Judge Chase (House of Representatives)
Witnesses on Burr's Trial--Foreign Coins (House of Representatives)
Writ of Habeas Corpus (House of Representatives)
Writs of Error to the Supreme Court
Wyoming Controversy (House of Representatives)

Y (Back to top)

Yazoo Claims (House of Representatives)
Yazoo claims (House of Representatives)
Yazoo Claims--Amendment to the Constitution (Senate)
Yazoo Claims--Importation of Slaves (House of Representatives)
Yazoo Claims--Increase of the Army (House of Representatives)
The Yazoo Land Claims
Yazoo Land Claims (House of Representatives)
Yazoo Land Company (House of Representatives)
Yazoo Settlers (House of Representatives)
Yellow Stone Expedition (House of Representatives)

Z (Back to top)

Zachariah Coxe (House of Representatives)