THOMAS House Committee Hearing Video Update

The following is a guest post by Megan Lulofs, a Legal Information Analyst in the Public Services Division.

It has been just over one month since THOMAS started linking to live streams of House Committee Hearings. In that month, we have started tweeting hearings as they happen using the #THOMASlive hashtag, and we are interacting with Congress to keep our viewers up to date on the latest hearing happenings. We recently added the beautiful orange icon seen in multiple places below.

Here are some of the things we have learned since our first guide to watching hearings on THOMAS:

For you modern, web-savvy legal scholars out there, don’t forget that you can do a parallel citation to an Internet resource when citing hearings with Bluebook Rule 13.3 + Rule 18.2.3. To get a permanent link to a Committee Hearing Video, use the Share/Save button as you would throughout THOMAS:

What do you think? How are you using House Committee Hearing video?


One Comment

  1. Micheal Hill
    April 20, 2012 at 12:33 am

    I would use the videos. But the watermark bug in the upper right-hand corner render them unusable.

    Will you ever get rid of those? They are so obtrusive and distracting.

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