
Roe Statement on Fiscal Cliff Legislation
January 1, 2013  - WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (TN) released the following statement on House-passed, Senate-amended tax legislation: “Washington cannot continue to tax, borrow and spend. When these negotiations began, the president promised a balanced approach, and that’s not what this legislation is...More

Looking Ahead
December 19, 2012  - This holiday season, as we enjoy time with our families and loved ones, let’s all take a moment to say a prayer for those in Newtown, Connecticut. In difficult times like these, it’s human nature to search for causation and look for someone or something to blame, but we may never be able to explain ...More

Roe Urges Speaker Boehner to Include IPAB Repeal in Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
December 17, 2012  - WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (TN) sent the following letter to Speaker Boehner urging him to repeal the IPAB as part of the fiscal cliff negotiations: “As you continue negotiations to avoid the fiscal cliff, I ask that you include repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPA...More

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