Pic of Week: Then and Now

This week we are featuring two photographs of the public entrance to the Science and Business Reading Room taken over thirty years apart.

Public entrance to Science Reading Room, 5th floor, Adams Building, circa 1970s

I found the Science Reading Room image (left), as I was browsing through an old pamphlet box of historical material about the Library. We believe it was taken sometime in the late 1970s. As you can tell by the sign that reads “Science Reading Room” above the doorway, business and science had not yet merged. We joined forces in the late 1990’s (See our post Origins of the Library’s ST&B division for more about our division’s history). You might also notice that the center room is full of book shelves.

Public entrance to Science and Business Reading Room, 5th floor, Adams Building, 2011.








The image on the right is a picture of the entrance of the Science and Business that you would see today. When a researcher enters the room, they are greeted by a security guard and the book service desk

One Comment

  1. Abbie
    April 22, 2011 at 9:29 am

    Glad those old doors are gone!

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