Swan -- a MOBIUS Library Catalog (Missouri)

The Swan catalog includes the collections of the following libraries: Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Baptist Bible College, Cottey College, Crowder College, Drury University, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Missouri Southern State University, Missouri State University, Ozarks Technical Community College, Southwest Baptist University.

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KEYWORD -- keywords may appear in titles, contents notes, etc.
AUTHOR -- enter last name first (e.g, Asimov, Isaac) or name of an organization (beginning with the first word).
TITLE -- enter as much or as little of the title as you want (beginning with the first significant word).
SUBJECT -- enter as much or as little of the subject as you want.
Control Number -- enter MERLIN control number.
ISBN -- International Standard Book Number search (omit hyphens).
ISSN -- International Standard Serial Number search (include hyphen).
Call Number -- enter as much or as little of the call number as you want.

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