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About Us


BeTobaccoFree.gov provides information from various Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) operating and staff divisions. Topics covered include:


Content for this website is reviewed by the partners on the BeTobaccoFree.gov Editorial Board.

The BeTobaccoFree.gov Editorial Board coordinates closely with the Tobacco Control Steering Committee, an intra-agency effort of HHS that works to coordinate policy, research, and communications on tobacco topics.  The federal partners include representatives from:

Sharing Information

Unless otherwise noted, text, documents, and images on the BeTobaccoFree.gov website are in the public domain and may be copied and distributed. Please credit BeTobaccoFree.gov as the source of the material.

Some resources are available in PDF format so you can easily make copies. Please note, if you adapt or modify the materials in anyway, all BeTobaccoFree.gov citations and logos must be removed. If copyrighted content, documents, images, or other materials appear on BeTobaccoFree.gov, it will be noted, and you must contact the copyright holder before you can reproduce that material.

We encourage website managers to link to BeTobaccoFree.gov. Please identify the site as providing one-stop access to U.S. Government information on tobacco topics.